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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. no, I'm saying that I wouldn't like text on the right to be deleted, but I would like to add something in the middle without removing any text.


    What you would like is what happens by default in all of OpenJK unless you're using base or some old mod is what I was trying to say so I don't know how your stuff is configured.



    The | means INSERT the _ means OVERWRITE text to the left as you type (removing text)  Our default has not changed, I fixed a bug that erroneously turns the overwrite mode ON at times though so I don't know what the issue here is.  It's not based on some keyboard Windows state at all, its an internal value which is off by default ( with | no overwriting )  I've tested several times now and can't see how you get it with overwrite turned on by default without having to press the insert key yourself.

  2. You mean that overstrike mode is on by default or is off by default?  It's not that the insert button is active its that the Insert vs Overstrike mode is not changed anymore unless you explicitly set it.


    Because im 99% sure overstrike is off by default and stays that way (allowing you to insert where-ever rather than overwrite characters) and this was a fix because its annoying to have all textboxes put overstrike mode on when you unfocus them.  There was a bug which would cause it to always set overstrike mode globally in the game when you left a UI textbox.


    Insert mode: (Doesn't delete characters if you aren't at the end of the string)  (Fixed default behavior)





    What happens when you turn overstrike mode on: (Not very helpful most of the time)






    Which of these are you seeing that you believe to be broken?

  3. New gamemodes would be an epic way to give the community a boost. The mode you're referring to is one of my favorite modes to play in games (CS, COD, etc). In FPS games, it requires a lot more strategy.


    Could be paired with this Search and Destroy map/concept:


    How to play and host Search and Destroy


    If the map actually worked, that is.

    Let's not forget quake/cpm clan arena mode.

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