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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Thanks everyone, I appreciate it.


    @@ensiform, the tool I use to export the models is called Noesis.  It basically converts quake maps and md3 files to *.obj or *.FBX files - including their textures and material ID's.  Sure, that's all you would need for the most basic material shader in UE4 but just using that would be a total waste for an engine that uses physically based rendering.  It would not look good or "updated" at all.


    So, to answer your question, I try not to make any 3D asset from scratch - I just use the source models and maps.  I cannot avoid, however, re-texturing all of the assets.

    This is the tool that I have used: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?94470-HammUEr-a-Hammer-Worldcraft-map-importer-for-Unreal-Engine

  2. Pure doesn't exist in SP FYI.


    Using a config file to enforce rendering settings is a poor choice in my opinion. Most people's computers can handle dynamic glow these days and turning it off is simple and in the menus. I would avoid touching anything related to over bright bits. Leave as defaults unless you know what you are doing.


    There is no blood or Gore in jk2 or jka. Some effect mods add it but it's just an efx file afaik.


    Why do you have things in the configuration for for your mod that you have no idea why they are there in the first place. The % stuff is allowing people to add their own parameters when launching the batch file with it seems up to 9 extra parameters.

  3. Have you never used the console before ever in the 14 years that JKA has been out?


    Open console by pressing the key to left of the 1 on keyboard.  Type r_gamma press enter. It displays the current value.




    As for web speed issues, I would power cycle the Modem and Router. (Unplug off both if you have both, then wait 30s, plug in modem, wait for it to have internet connection, plug router back in, let it get the connection to modem and your pc)


    Otherwise without knowing what you use its hard to say what is issue. Simply upgrading to Windows 7 will not make your internet slower, there is other factors that are likely instead.

  4. So I see that in the savefields_x tables that no numeric types are directly saved, but generally only strings and pointers to structs like the client or gentity. I was wondering what the exact reason is for that? Are these values generally stored/saved under some larger structure? If so, it seems kind of hacky for me to just throw some integers in there, and I'm not sure exactly how to do that since there's no F_INT type (it's commented out in fields.h).

    Because those fields are the only ones that must be handled specially at least in the original code. Now the rest of the structures are handled by the new functions which were discussed above but I'm not really sure how they work. Not enough documentation was given. Look for the author of the changes maybe.

  5. I'm not just paranoid, I'm traumatised! :mellow: Instead of facing me, these bots keep running around me and attacking my behind! :ph34r:


    When playing JKA with a gamepad (with reduced/realistic turn sensitivity), as well as for a more natural feel FPS experience, a feature like this would come in mighty handy.


    What I'm thinking is something like what @@Xycaleth mentioned there is an unused animation for in JKA: a way for the player to realistically spin/turn back, as you would in real life, if you feel that an attack may be coming from behind.


    (No one likes to get spanked by strangers... :mellow:) ;)

    Perhaps you shouldn't be standing still :thinking:. Always moving. Avoid death.


    Adding the alleged extra animation won't happen in this project. If it's not in the table of animations currently, we definitely can't support it. This was found out by adding the missing animations for the hazard trooper crouching which breaks saves. And in multiplayer it just makes people be the T/Jesus pose.


    This feature isn't really necessary considering controller support doesn't really exist.

    eezstreet likes this
  6. @@MGummelt can you shed some light on why you guys decided to gut the core functionality of the Team Arena menu system for HUD usage so that it was no longer possible to create HUDs with allowing people to add their own items etc? The ownerdraw features and such were very powerful but seems to be mostly unused in JKA.  I imagine it should have been easily capable of having the "tic" code handled via an ownerdraw somehow while retaining full capability of modders and users to use the full painted menus for HUDs.


    My guess would be performance I suppose but many other tech3 variants utilized it.  Including RTCW, Wo:ET, Tremulous, etc.  Plus Quake Live now-a-days expanded it even further for their game.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  7. Would FPS take a hit if you used an .EFX file for the rain drops? Because you can set another .EFX to play from within the current .EFX file when the effect is "killed". Would be useful for making splashes, and you can also distance cull within the .EFX file as well.


    Big time.

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