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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. The SP was unfortunately not designed to be as modder friendly as we might have hoped.  Even having custom models can break saves or tie saves to those models.


    @@Dusty, chances are your save code is probably ancient by now.  There was some patches recently through a pull request to overhaul the save system (for cross platform compatibility etc) but it may have created some other issues in the process.


    Access violation doesn't mean you need to allocate more memory.  It means you have a location in the code that is trying to access invalid memory.  IE: reading a pointer which is null or garbage or going out of bounds reading an array (which is basically the same as a bad access to a pointer since somearray[index] is the same as doing *(somearray + index) I believe?  May not need the *

  2. But it's also a common misconception that the games themselves are perfect untouched. We already have witnessed throughout the years how terribly the code has caused a negative shift in people's viewpoints over saber mechanics simply from recompiling the SDK or full source makes something feel different to some people. The simple fact that it's as flakey as it appears to be makes it hard to make a case as to what the true intentions are/were or if they just shipped calling it good enough.

  3. @@ensiform - I disagree... GtKRadiant is being developed, improved and maintained. Many gamedev tools have been, or are being, updated. We also have all SoF2/JKO/JKA asset exporters for 3ds Max and Blender. So creating new content is easier than ever.


    Prove to me there are actual radical improvements going into the slow as molasses development into GTK Radiant that are actually helping bring people to older tech3.  Most people today do not build with BSP hence they won't use it anyway.

  4. My favorite games in the world are Jedi Outcast and Mount and Blade, neither have good graphics. What would we win by doing the game again in a new  engine, if we can keep working on the old one?


    There is somewhat of a motivation requirement to actually continue wanting to work on the "old one" too.  And with the poor state of tools (and how time consuming it is to build new ones), there is little incentive for new developers or modders to come to an old out of date idTech3 based engine.  Rend2 or not, there is still very little reason to continue efforts at making major new content because it is very tedious IMO

  5. Because your server isn't configured for "saber only".  You've got melee and turrets/emplaced turned on too most likely.  Which it still counts as not full saber only.


    You'll have to also disable the items manually by adding

    set disable_<item classname> 1

    The above to your server config.  Replacing <item classname> with each of the ammo pickup classnames.

  6. You'll need to do some coding to actually change weapon behaviors like removing the bouncing effect of the missiles.


    And in general no it's not okay to just rip and port modded content especially without permission from the original authors of the content you've taken/used.

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