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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Yes, but that means all programs run within the context have admin privledges, including malware a dumb user tries to run, which means it can do whatever it wants without asking you first. It's a bit of the same reasoning as to why usually people don't recommend running every command under linux under the root user, and instead use sudo when it's needed.


    Unless he copies all his assets from jka to openjk's directory, he would still need admin privileges to edit the game's assets if JKA stays in the program file directory.

    You can keep the base assets in there and changed assets or new pk3s in the my games directory.

  2. http://opengameart.org/content/free-keyboard-and-controllers-prompts-pack  :o


    My thought would be it might be cool if we could eventually hook the menus.str entries for the joystick buttons to some specific character which represents a joy button kinda like how emojis work with unicode but we don't support unicode per-se.  And map those characters to a special font with the button glyphs depending on which controller is being used in font rendering.

    minilogoguy18 likes this
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