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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. It's not possible. You'd need to make a saber that's a sword instead.


    MP doesn't use a weapons.dat file therefore it doesn't need an invisible model entry. The player model is of course still used in SP. The invisible model just isn't rendered, thus you only see the player.


    Also, no weapon in SP is not the same as melee in MP.

  2. I can't really take the OP seriously when your metric is based around sabers being the only feature of the game.



    "but then game will depart from its features - amazing and unique mechanic of saber combat (none of sword fighting can show anything like that) "


    Simply put, it's average at best, and even then, it's not the only component of the game. CTF arguably is the most wide variety since it offers powers, weapons and saber as opposed to just saber plus capturing the flag is the main goal.

    Grab and TheWhitePhoenix like this
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