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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Yeah you don't have any drivers. You'll notice it only is loading Microsoft basic OpenGL which isn't really a hardware accelerated version at all. And I'm pretty sure software renderer isn't allowed either.


    I would suggest looking into Intel's newest Graphics Media Accelerator driver which may have a real OpenGL driver even if only for 1.4 that's still better than the basic MS one.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  2. I have one map called "helmsdeep" that has this problem with OpenJK. The map is most likely on this site somewhere, and there is also a version for JK2, though the one I'm using is for JKA... Obviously. So far this is the only map that I have this problem with, other than one map that I tried that was in the "SW Jedi Knight KotOR 2 Duels Multiplayer Map Pack". I'm pretty sure the map was "DxunSithTombsDuelMultiplayer". There may have been other maps in this mod that wouldn't have worked either but I never tried them in OpenJK after that one.


    Must be a strange coincidence then.


    You've obviously been stuck using way old builds.  Like we said, it was fixed quite a while ago and I just tested helmsdeep, loads fine.  As does DxunSithTombsDuelMultiplayer

  3. Well currently I have both VS2010 and VS2013 and in CMake they both are on the list of other generators, while CMake obviously recognizes VS2013 it won't recognize VS2010, as if I hadn't installed it at all. And I know for sure OpenJK has been compiled with VS2010 before as I have seen it mentioned on the builds page that they are built from VS2010. Now of course if that's not at all true then I will always go for the other alternative and try to install and use VS2015.


    I have seen on other topics that the MAX PATCH PLANES errors don't happen in OpenJK when compiled with VS2010, but I definitely know for sure it happens when compiled with VS2013.


    P.S. I don't even understand the errors that CMake throws up when I try to configure the project so I have no way of actually fixing them.


    2010 has been unsupported by OpenJK for I think at least 6 months now and the batch file for it was removed from the repository not to long ago to ensure people aren't trying to use it.  2010 still had the error, so this was a misconceived notion from whomever told you this.


    For what it's worth the "error" didn't happen in original JAMP because the game is so old and compiled with ancient and possibly crappy floating point precision back then.  It was fixed by altering the floating point epsilon numbers to a more accurate value for newer compilers.  The code itself hadn't been changed from the original JAMP even prior to the fix was made.

  4. That's unfortunate.. But as far as I know Movie Battles II mod uses OpenJK and they use RGB lightsabers as well. Do you know if they use some custom version of OpenJK, modified directly under the mod?

    Even if they do, they don't have most of the updates in their UI code that you require. OpenJK is two separate things. An engine replacement and a base mod replacement with fixes like the UI mod improvements.

  5. Well I find it still happens with | in OJK too so im not sure why.  This doesn't happen in the console unless the insert flag has been flipped.


    Turns out there's another code thing that chops the string regardless of the insert/overstrike state.  Blame rww from Raven :D

  6. I'm telling you it is unchanged from insert mode.


    Was set, no longer set:




    I literally just tested in jamp and it defaults to what you say you don't want to happen with overwrite mode with the _ and adding any letters in jamp removes the rest of the text in JAMP.  It does not do this in OpenJK, because it uses insert mode to allow you to add text wherever in the string always instead of turning on overwrite mode upon entering any field.


    This is what happens in jedi academy and every other mod you describe as working fine:










    So I'm not sure why you think this should be intended behavior when you said its not what you want it to do...  Because in this case the insert "button" (insert/overstrike mode) is not active at all.

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