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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Someone link me the source and I'll look at it later today for ya. Maybe if you're really lucky I'll create a CMake for it ;o


    Edit: Is this failing for people who built it on their machine or is it failing for someone who's using a prebuilt version given out by someone other than the official makermod release?  If someone else, then most likely you need proper VS C runtime installed too.

    Smoo and Stoiss like this
  2. Well I wouldn't say "better".  But it would be better if all the tricks and crazy mouse settings to get wiggles and pokes were removed, it would be better.  Because let's face it when I see the person's saber moving at mach 3 in a movie while they are spinning its ridiculous and not really fair imo.

    Cerez likes this
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