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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. The dynamic lighting toggle isn't actually disabling anything related to the glow from lights or the saber. It affects whether the game produces lights from your sabers, guns, explosions on the ground etc.


    Also, you didn't list and nvidia or amd gpu so most likely using onboard video which may not actually support dynamic glow at all due to lack of hardware features and GL extensions.

  2. I should point out that you aren't forbidden from making a community effort on GitHub with UE4.  You just can't technically allow freely access with a copyleft license.  You're still bound by the terms of the Unreal Engine License regardless. Also, allowing modding is possible too but you do have to do a lot of work to get that in place.


    Also, the ShooterGame is bad. No decent physics, no gun code prototypes besides the crappy blueprinted ones.  For a project like this you definitely want to be heavily Unreal C++ based and only Blueprints for later design/spinoff code changes.


    I have yet to find a good quality maintained C++ in the forums or store that has a bit better base for building fast paced shooters.


    FWIW if you are interested in bringing some custom maps from JKA either built by you or with permission, you can look at using HammUEr for getting the maps over to UE4 as a start.

  3. Oh wow. Just looked at that map very similar to the look we are aiming for with worlds. You definately could could use wzmap to enhance it a lot - we even have some nice pine tree assets to use. :)




    I believe it is possible to export parts of a map from radiant to model files? Some of the components of that map would be very handy for procedural geometry system (mushrooms, ruins, etc) if they can be exported. in fact, instead of improving the current map, you might be better off exporting these components, and making a giant map with wzmap using some of the original assets and some of ours. FYI: The pic above is just a basic large terrain with everything else added being procedural by wzmap, you can literally make multiple maps in an hour if you just want basic wilderness.

    Yes you can turn geometry into ase models.
  4. ALL entities count as entities as such by the compiler, including lights when being parsed and processed. Once they are stripped and no longer looked at in process of map->bsp they no longer count. (MAX_MAP_ENTITIES in gtkr/q3map2)


    The only place they don't count is by the gamecode even if you keep them. (MAX_GENTITIES)


    Pressing the "m" key in radiant will show you a count and breakdown of what's what.

  5. Hi,


    You don't know about it ? Just put a trigger_once in the same area of your cinematic trigger, or anywhere you want your music to change. In the values your enter "target music1" for exemple. You can also edit a NPC to give him the value "NPC_target music1", so when he will die it will do the target.


    And you place anywhere (position don't affect anything) a target_play_music, editing it with "targetname music1" and "music music/nameofthemusic.mp3 or wav".


    NOTE: A wave file always display a yellow line in the corner of the game everytime it loops, so I recommand, if you use wave, to have in your config files "cl_noprint 1" to avoid stupid yellow lines during the game.

    cl_noprint is not recommended! It prevents output from cvar printing to find values, command output etc as well.  Fix the file so that it doesn't have the issue is probably best bet.

  6. I know it worked sorta well by default, it was implemented badly by comparison.  User perspective vs badly programmed are two different things. That old build is not recommended but if you insist.


    I have working better stuff locally but its not ready and even if i commit it, there won't be a windows build for you to grab.  You'd need to find someone to build a generic copy.

  7. Ok, I see, thanks.


    Actually my xbox360 gamepad is detected, cause I can bind some buttons to some actions, but the problem is the right stick (which should control the camera). I can bind it via in-game setting to "look up", "look down", "strafe left" and "strafe right", but the result is weird, with no sensitivity, like if I was using xpadder or Pinnacle.


    There should be a way to set the joystick the same way it worked before the SDL.dll implamentantion, where we just needed to plug in the joystick, and the right stick controls the camera automatically, with no need to edit any file or settings.


    Let's see if anybody knows how this new joystick input system works, cause I can't see it.


    Well, the axes aren't implemented and that old method wasn't very correct either.  You won't be able to play with a pad right now and its not very effective to do so especially in Multiplayer where you will get steamrolled anyway.

    Aidor likes this
  8. I believe @@Caelum has brought this up before because some customers are having it too. Afaik it's like 16 then it happens.


    Contrary to popular belief, the game wasn't really designed for people to stuff hundreds of packs of NPCs etc and try to load as many as possible lol. But fixing it so more work I don't foresee being something easily changeable at this point when it's not really being worked on.

  9. OpenJK can't implement properly scaled HUD and remain compatible with mods or rewrite a new separate API code path.


    JKA and OpenJK have supported any resolution since forever actually.


    The only problem was you couldn't host a local server with jamp.exe and have a non 4:3 resolution without crashing which was fixed shortly after the source dump release. Playing on a server without also being a host worked fine at any though. Just the HUD isn't scaled, nor was the fov adjusted.


    The fov is adjusted with OpenJK SP and OpenJK mod code for mp + ja++ with several options to customize to ones liking.


    Hopefully this clears up some confusion over what people mean by resolution support.

    Smoo likes this
  10. VS 2013 or newer is required to build OpenJK. 2015 or 2017 are preferred at this point.


    The different editions of each one don't change whether you'll get MAX_PATCH_PLANES or not. The bug was already fixed anyway long time ago.

    Smoo likes this
  11. well, i was kinda hoping that a vulkan render could make a good thing for openJK project. I mean that with vulkan maintening a render based on it could ease (despise being more complicated to implement than openGL based render) and also you would code one render for windows and linux. For the MacOS version we could still use  the openGL one for now...


    This is my two cents idea...

    This is already the case anyway.  Because we use the SDL2 window management creation system.


    Nobody here or in any idTech3 community has stepped forward for Vulkan support so it has nothing to do with multi platform code.


    You will still obviously need to compile it for each platform as you currently do.

    Setlec likes this
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