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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. I posted a link to the source for this mod here on jkhub months ago, Im sure a simple search would help people find it. However, if you cant find it here it is.



    everything I have is in here.

    Better to use source control in case you lose it again, and it should be provided or made available with at minimum every release, not just an older one.

  2. Just use latest 1.6.5 (or is it 1.6.6?) from a few weeks ago. Has a lot of newer stuff.


    Disabling desktop compositing is not possible after windows 7. This feature was disabled in Windows 8/8.1, any program that attempts to use such feature silently succeeds but doesn't actually do anything.

  3. We already made an attempt at compiling and using that code. I didn't work so well. I'm sure we are doing something wrong. That's why I'm asking for help, so we can be set on the right path and continue on our own. I do have the vainilla JA sourcecode to fall back to, but it would be nice if we could use one of the enhanced version instead.

    Perhaps you could talk about the issues you were having and maybe raise a topic in the ojk discussion with what was not working. The vanilla code is not recommended.
  4. If you're interested in knowing the number of entities in the game server, use the command /entitylist


    Target entities will usually not matter for pvs limit because they aren't sent to clients unless they do something, like a speaker and possibly a location. Though in OpenJK game code, locations don't count towards entity limit.


    Info null is a compiler only entity for light directions. Not null stays and is identical to Target position.

  5. This feature can be implemented in a mod, hence not really an OpenJK goal.


    Loading "head-torso-legs" type md3 models requires a fair amount of extra work. And I'm not sure you could get it working easily for a map entity.


    Mind you, when I attempted to bring ETF over to JKA, I was able to get the md3 player models working, however it uses some extra stuff besides animation.cfg , plus you have to do some funky shit with player model entities so that the game doesn't boom on missing a ghoul2 reference. I no longer have the code so I can't check.

    ChalklYne likes this
  6. I don't see how or why it wouldn't work with Target give. I suppose the changes with weapons in jk2/jka might be an issue (where they spawn with hologram, and still typically show when picked up)


    Is any weapon disabled on the server? g_weaponDisable? This disables them from spawning like this as well.


    Update: Found the reason it can't work in JKA.


    in Touch_Item function there exists:

    	if (ent->s.eFlags & EF_NODRAW)
    Which targetname'd items set to true on spawn since they would not be visible. Quake3 does not do this check against it.
    z3filus likes this
  7. My Jedi Outcast project used the ladder shader since in first person it doesn't really matter. However, I have to do some re-design of my project where the ladders are. Just figured I'd ask in case someone may have got it to work thus saving me the trouble to make changes.



    We are sure. :lol:

    Yeah we are. The shader parameter surface exists but that's it. In base game

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