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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Okay so I have permission with map source file to port the Q3A Custom CTF map, "Moonstone".  And I have started some work on getting it into JKA but I'm not really an expert mapper by any stretch.  Particularly in the lighting and item balance placement.  Currently I think some items are placed just as 1:1 from Q3 to JKA semi-equivalent.


    The map was designed for Q3 so, it takes liberties in the lighting because Q3 uses the overbrightbits and map overbright bits options which makes maps brighter overall and JKA doesn't.  I would say just brighter enough that people can see well while playing.  So it doesn't have to be perfectly same as the Q3 version.


    I can give out what I have in PM or something if anyone is interested.

    Stoiss, Omicron and Asgarath83 like this
  2. Imagine how much of a pain it would be to integrate and it would not work with a vanilla OpenJK, you'd be making your own engine+mod at that point.


    Please return to rd-rend2 discussion.

    AshuraDX likes this
  3. Tweaked the setForce* cmds so they display correct limits for all and descriptions for the JKA added powers.
    setForceAll <no args> looks like this:

    Current forceHeal level is 3
    Usage: setForceHeal <level> (0 - 3)
    Current forceJump level is 3
    Usage: setForceJump <level> (0 - 3)
    Current forceSpeed level is 3
    Usage: setForceSpeed <level> (0 - 3)
    Current forcePush level is 3
    Usage: setForcePush <level> (0 - 3)
    Current forcePull level is 3
    Usage: setForcePull <level> (0 - 3)
    Current forceMindTrick level is 4
    Usage: setForceMindTrick <level> (0 - 4)
    Current forceGrip level is 3
    Usage: setForceGrip <level> (0 - 3)
    Current forceLightning level is 3
    Usage: setForceLightning <level> (0 - 3)
    Current saberThrow level is 3
    Usage: setSaberThrow <level> (0 - 3)
    Current saberDefense level is 3
    Usage: setSaberDefense <level> (0 - 3)
    Current saberOffense level is 7
    Usage: setSaberOffense <level> (0 - 7)
    Current forceRage level is 3
    Usage: setForceRage <level> (0 - 3)
    Current forceProtect level is 3
    Usage: setForceProtect <level> (0 - 3)
    Current forceAbsorb level is 3
    Usage: setForceAbsorb <level> (0 - 3)
    Current forceDrain level is 3
    Usage: setForceDrain <level> (0 - 3)
    Current forceSight level is 3
    Usage: setForceSight <level> (0 - 3)


    Futuza likes this
  4. I don't know what the bugs still are if many off hand.  We were just not really focusing on Jedi Outcast for the longest time it was kinda "Use at your own risk".  Now that we separated it to its own exe/renderer (openjo_sp/rdjosp-vanilla) and fixed some of the visual problems I think its mostly better.  Possibly some issues on the other platforms still, but I'm not positive on that.


    I do know there are some things plaguing both games such as random NaN assert issues pertaining to impact marks among other things.  Saves don't work cross 64/32.  Memory leaking in save/load IIRC, can't reproduce it right now though.

    Also, the UI code in SP is essentially all JASP's code.  So there are definitely some issues when running on JO game.  And things like UI includes the JASP weapon headers, but the jk2game uses its own etc.


    We'd love to have it done, we just weren't intending to include it in the first release hence why it does not get built with buildbot.  Feel free to chat with some of the regular maintainers on the IRC channel and maybe we can give you write access ;)

  5. Victoria 2, Crusader Kings 2

    Yea these are totally graphics intensive  :lol:




    Without knowing whats going on on your PC its going to be hard to determine if it's even the game or something wrong on your system at this point.  :/

  6. @@Didz

    I don't really notice much of a difference with the OJK gamecode and at my resolution settings. (r_mode -1, r_customWidth 1440, r_customHeight 900, r_fullscreen 0)  Monitor is 1680x1050.


    Spacing looks a bit better I guess.

  7. com_maxfps?


    Can you share the config files you have for jamp and openjk?  Some settings were increased to accommodate being 2013/2014 rather than 2003.  So the requirements are actually higher.  You're looking for jampconfig.cfg in your game folder.  And the openjk.cfg would be located in one of the mod folders within C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\OpenJK\


    Please post them on a paste site like http://dpaste.de and link to them here.


    Also, how are you "setting" one core, the OJK exe already does this on its own by default afaik.

    • fx_wind entity now works (t1_rail)
    • fx_rain entity now actually can be customized same as SP.  The count variable did nothing.  (Everything should work except for lightning/thunder storm)  Acid rain is visible only same as doing it via /r_we or an fx_runner
    • NPCs with customRGBA now supports all the values ie random1, jedi_hf, jedi_kdm etc (random1 is used with weequay and rodians etc)
    • forcesight surfaces now work with supporting cgame (OpenJK cgame is the only one so far)
    • NPC_human_merc NPCs have a spawn entry now.  Since they are pretty common, I thought it odd they weren't spawning in MP (via entity)
    • Extra jedi NPC types (master, random students)

    Just some quick little fixes for SP related content in MP.  These all require new jampgame (the one included with OpenJK) (server side mod) with the changes except forcesight change requires new cgame + renderer.

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