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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. 1) Are you set for Debug or Release in the toolbar Dropdown?  You obviously want Debug for Debug support.

    2) Right Click the project you want to debug and select properties, (IE SP Client)

    3) Under Configuration Properties there is Debugging worksheet, select that.

    4) Add +set fs_basepath "put the full path to gamedata here",   example: +set fs_basepath "D:\Games\SWJKA\GameData"

    5) Put the same path in the Working Directory option., D:\Games\SWJKA\GameData  NOTE: there should be no ending \ or / or quotes in this one

    6) Apply/Okay

    7) Right Click the same project and select "Set as Startup Project"

    8) Hit F5 or Debug Menu -> Start Debugging

  2. English......


    The question I asked is valid because if you are trying to convert a bsp from any of the Quake 3 Engine games ( Q3, RTCW, RTCW:ET, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, etc) you can use q3map2 to do it.


    Either way, the outcome is not really playable/looking good in most cases.  Compiling a map loses lots of the information that cannot be recovered back to map file from the bsp.


    Why can't you just download that file from there yourself anyway?

  3. It should be supported now, keep in mind that each entry must follow the stage definition for that stage.


    ie: if its normalmap it expects every animmap image in that stage to be normalmap or normalParallaxMap, same thing.

  4. Adding toggleallowvote cmd similar to toggleuserinfovalidation added by @@Raz0r.


    Output of all votes enabled when just doing \toggleallowvote :


    0-9 being possible values to enter for toggling. [X] means its enabled [ ] means disabled.

     0 [X] capturelimit
     1 [X] clientkick
     2 [X] fraglimit
     3 [X] g_doWarmup
     4 [X] g_gametype
     5 [X] kick
     6 [X] map
     7 [X] map_restart
     8 [X] nextmap
     9 [X] timelimit

    Note that if you have been using OpenJK's mod code, that your g_allowVote should not be set to just 1 as it was before to allow voting generally unless you only want capturelimit.  -1 or 1023 will be all values now. (-1 is new default)

  5. I disagree. It serves the important function of making my balls explode with excitement since it's the closest thing to JK4 we'll ever get looks-wise.

    You must be joking yourself if you think rend2 is going to magically make the game modern looking.  It needs new art and assets to actually take advantage of most of the stuff.

    eezstreet likes this
  6. What I really hate about Jedi Academy is the lack of animations. The majority of NPC's are using the same animations,

    which looks a little bit monotonous. I mean, it's looks weird when the Stormtroopers (and other NPC's) are running with a blaster rifle as

    if it was a blaster pistol. Concerning animations in general, this game needs to be enhanced.


    With some adjustments to the source code, everything is possible ;) .

    Of course that's true.  I never denied that.  You'd most likely lose out on compatibility in some way or another though.

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