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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Still sounds like a problem with your edits and mod.  If you cannot figure out the location of where it's crashing with debug or such I cannot help you from forum chat.


    As for it crashing in base, well I have never reproduced it in base or OpenJK.

  2. If you are running debug and it crashes it will let you find the location ._.

    Noghri stick when used by player crashes basejka too

    You can't even obtain it without cheating let alone, it does not crash under normal circumstances for getting it with the eweaps cheat here anyway so I'm not sure what special circumstances you are running to also cause it to crash.

  3. So you mean that, if this is gonna work, I will have to - for example - set the image setting to 1024x1024?

    No, the power of two rules apply to all textures.  But they don't have to be square.  1024x256 (as an example).  You'll want to scale canvas size bigger than your intended size if you absolutely must use a non power of two size.  But then you will have to deal with blending/alpha for the outer.

  4. Shame, it's more useful in SP to the community. I only wish I could help somehow.

    I'm sure that's how you all feel of course but in reality its not going to be very easy to support the SP community.  SP still has way too much shit different, hence why supporting just MP for now was the correct route to take.


    SP is also less modifiable in a generic sense than MP is which is another reason to steer towards MP first.  (A lot of things are more attached between server/client, and the game dll and engine/renderer).

  5. I don't have the time to really help out but I can provide some insight on how to make image based progress bars work.


    You'll want the background empty image.  And then an overlay of just the progress portion at 100% with the rest transparent.  Then with the code you can draw the progress portion with the necessary texture coords via the draw stretch pic trap call to cut off an amount when you don't have 100% etc.


    You'll need some major changes from the JKA hud code/menu files in order for this to work.  As JKA doesn't really support custom HUDs as nicely as it could.

    Angel Soul likes this
  6. Playerstate variables are networked (MP)  And usable by the local player and stored within their snapshot.  (Concept still applies to SP even though there is no networking)  But raven does abuse this by being able to access the gentity in cgame since it is all 1 module.


    I still don't see the point of just throwing out any old variables at me like NPC->health.  Its just a variable stored in a struct.  The ones that are off limits are ones which are shared between the engine and mod, as entitystate and playerstate are.


    gentity_t and gclient_t are also semi save changers in SP as well.  But only if certain variables within them are being told to be read/written in g_savegame.cpp.  Should be lists at the top.

  7. So there are some siege related/or just gamecode in general but seems to affect siege more type bugs that have been fixed already.  But there are still some that have not.  Siege glitches seem to mostly have been left out as of lately in terms of fixes.


    Trying to think off hand what has been fixed either directly by OJK or through the modbase merge would be (please feel free to add to this list if I forgot any or isn't actually fixed):

    • Detpacks near objectives and switching/disconnecting
    • Ghost player due to reconnect in walker
    • Trip mines doing incorrect damage on explosion (slot 0 vs rest of players)
    • Door unlocking
    • Glowing lights on players/bodies/siege specs
    • Shooting self with disruptor
    • Slot 0 "+use bugs", and really almost all slot 0 bugs in general are fixed now iirc. Some NPC ones may still be left though.
    • Fast teamswitch
    • Fixed memory corruption in the advanced log code when an NPC fires a weapon or picks up an item
    • Fast disconnect-reconnect causing items to disappear into the ether shouldn't happen anymore
    • Show siege dead spectators with dead information on the teamoverlay
    • Siege spectators cannot be followed anymore
    • cgame prediction for flying through certain entities like the big turrets on hoth while siege dead
    • Portable sentries that die because of nodrop volumes (big lifts on hoth) will now properly clear sentrydeployed flag.
    • Some double doors had problems where real spectators could not teleport through them.  A few angled / height difference on both side ones are still broken (probably wontfix).
    • Dying in lava should no longer cause the lava sounds to stick while siege dead.
    • More consistent tempspectate checks.
    • Don't allow /kill when siege dead.
    • Prevent crash when NPCs are knocked down.
    • Siege voice chats didn't play per character sounds even if they existed.  ( See: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2051-fixed-vchat/ for the pk3 of fixed sounds )

    Some that are possibly known already but not fixed (please feel free to add to this list):

    • Hoth bridge exploit and similar.  (There's a fix from the old LF community but we aren't using it)
    • Floating eweb on disconnecting players ( have fix, untested )
    • Non detpack projectiles can still probably damage objects on teamswitch/disconnect.
    • Glitches with the codes not spawning at a reasonable location after destroying the droid on hoth.  IE: flying up into the ceiling and beyond.  ( OJP has fix, but not used iirc )
    • Siege file(s), siege team and class files buffer issues.  Probably won't really do a fix here because to fully have the effect wanted you want the server and client to be fixed.  And dynamic memory allocation isn't always the best option.

    I had others in my old mod which were optional or things like anti taking the codes backwards etc.  Or cutting through the wall holes on desert before the wall was destroyed was fixed via a level fixes with solid brush until wall was destroyed.  Don't really feel like digging through that mess at the moment :)

    Grab and Mysterious Stranger like this
  8. Those files are only for MP.


    Having to edit ps/es basically means you are no longer making a mod fwiw.  The game crashes because you've changed the size of structures that are save-load affected.  So you would only be able to load new saves created with the change.  If at all.  I could not find any specific areas that actually load the ps/es directly though.  So they must only be written/read during the entity / client portions of save code.


    No we will not be adding support for those files or similar files to OpenJK at this time so don't request it please.  The structs are non-POD too which makes it even more complicating to attempt it anyway.

  9. The gameplay IS different, and even though many people are trying to; it have JA+ servers/mods which completely ruin the game. (e.g. Fairytale admins).

    So play on the servers which do not have mods installed at all.  ;)

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