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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. That guy running OpenJK in 1.00 is a programmer/does his own coding. Perhaps you could hang around his servers and talk to him.


    Also CTF3 was also changed.

    Why would we care to?  So he can change the protocol version and run a, `still buggy jampgame.so file` from 1.00 without the gamecode fixes.  Big whoop.


    And no it was not. assets3.pk3 only contains 1,2,4,5.

  2. You people are weirdos.  "Buggy" and "glitchy" in the same sentence as "fun".  I don't even...
    And no, you will not be running any sort of official OpenJK with 1.00 (Codebase is 1.01 forked with no history).  Kind of defeats the purpose of the project as it is.

    not possible and gameplay has not change at all from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1

    Actually it has a bit, but nothing saber core-gameplay wise.


    All of the ctf maps also got re-bsp'd also except for ctf3.

    Tempust85 likes this
  3. This is only possible because of the addition of light styles.  Its a bsp / engine extension from the main idtech3.  What it does is flips around pieces in the lightmap ("styles").  The lights themselves do not toggle as it just changes some configstrings around to tell clients which ones to render.


    And lights which have a targetname (toggleable), DO consume server side entity space unlike regular lights which are stripped from the bsp.

  4. Its more than that but that was the jist of the issue because nobody in said community actually wants to fix the issue, and would rather continue playing their pure base.


    (They aren't actually running OpenJK the engine anyway)

  5. is the rend2 available in the builds? or do i have to compile it? does the rend2 have support for widescreen resolution of 1366 x 768?

    You must build it yourself or have one provided by someone who can build it.


    Not sure what you are on about with widescreen resolution support?  You've been able to use any resolution since ever... Without any special renderer.


    Open console and enter these lines:

    r_mode -1
    r_customWidth 1366
    r_customHeight 768

    If you are using vanilla JAMP there is a bug which does not let you host a local server at custom resolutions though.  But you can still join servers.  And this bug is fixed in OpenJK.

  6. @@DT85 I don't know if I plan to get anywhere with it since I don't even know what Assimilate really does/looks like.  I'm not a modeler/animator so it would be hard to try to implement the rest of it.


    ShaderEd would be more my area, but I always have issues getting a GL widget working in QT and this is no different.


    Ultimately I think the tools code should have a shared codedbase with some of the basic stuff that is shared between all of them and cleaner/redone.  Like some engine/"quake" functions etc.  Dunno.

  7. Releasing mods is never going to be the same again now because the JKA/OPENJK code is always available to all .Meaning no more secrets / surprises.Or individuality.

    What's the problem with the source being released?  Your SP `mod` would never have existed if it wasn't.  Just because the source is released doesn't mean people can't do their own things with it.  Regardless of having the source made available or not.  FWIW you only have to release the source if you actually make a release or give it out to anyone.

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