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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Tested the April 1st build from buildbot and the map loads fine.


    Even the April 22nd one does and the May 6th one does... but my win64 bit local build does not.


    Happens on a fresh x86 build and x86_64 on windows too.  But not on http://builds.openjk.org/openjk-2014-05-06-15939504-windows.zip  I can't see anything in the changelog that would even remotely be related though.


    It was already happening before I added 6302b86155f65383ea9fd7ba870409df1c28ae87 and 97b410bf53cacae4d63ca02352a2be9f46e0424c

  2. You'll need to be specific about some things so we can better understand and help:


    What OS are you running?

    What mods are you trying to install?  And are they actually mods with its own folder within GameData, or just some pk3 with replacement media of some kind?



    And AFAIK the Steam version shouldn't affect anything in general.  OpenJK can also work on CD or Steam version of assets.

  3. This map produces MAX_PATCH_PLANES error in OpenJK.  I know it happens at least as old as April 20th compiles (JAWA) servers use builds from then.


    RMG removal stuff maybe?


    from jawa server:



    That spammed CM_ message shows up when developer is 1.

  4. Why could better flight sim code not be incorporated into the engine much the same way Rend2 has?

    Movement is part of the game code, not part of the engine _at all_.

    eezstreet likes this
  5. rend2 isn't technically part of the roadmap, hence why it is not in the master branch.


    better vehicle and flight dynamics is up to you as a modder to improve since it would be non compatible and not the engine's responsibility.

  6. Sounds to me like you are expecting your hand to be held, with the visual server config generator and too babied by the defaults of JA+ being different from basejka to understand JA++ or lack of even reading documentation provided, which is also in his signature.  :unsure:

    MoonDog likes this
  7. Anything's possible.  But that doesn't mean Awesomium implements nicely with this engine.  Plus you'd need to make the loading stage asynchronous first if you wanted it to be anything but static.


    Why do you love comparing to other engines so much =p

    eezstreet likes this
  8. You can also simply copy jagame from the OpenJK mod folder to base.


    And the reason you get this error is why we stopped loading the original one in GameData unless you use a debug build.  Are you building yourself?  Should be selecting release if so.

  9. Unfortunately the problem then would likely be regular JA+ (modcode jampgame)


    lol dvar is so Call of Duty  :P


    timescale is cheat protected so im not sure.  Did you mean Linux Ded?

  10. Knowing what mod (jampgame) they use is helpful.




    @@Xycaleth probably could need sample map with scripts + source and a vid demonstration of intended windows behavior for the navgoal thing.


    As for timescale... I still don't know whats even wrong with it.  Its not even an OS specific thing.  And if it is what might be happening then its worse than I thought and won't really fix it until mrwonko is done with some major rewrite stuff.

  11. Also, will we be able to use more triangles/verts with rend2 without the game bogging down/crashing or giving errors? Not sure exactly what would happen to base JKA if you put in the amount of detail in a scene that you could do in UDK.

    Thought this was already addressed; not likely to be raised.  I really don't see the point in comparing UDK to q3 engine regardless of advanced rendering.  The engine itself is still crusty.

  12. - Weapon models don't show up on kyle in 3rd/enemies.  https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues/510

    - Some NPC models are broken. See https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues/510 for pictures.  (Also Galak Fyarr's head is missing when hes speaking before closing the armor up to fight)

    - Yavin swamp area looks really bad due to different rendering code for weather presumably caused by bad alpha blends.

    - Possiblly still having Q_rsqrt NaNs on Linux. https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues/448

    - UI code has lots of JKA stuff thats not really valid for JK2.  Thus causing https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues/512

  13. This is possible in a couple ways.


    1) When querying servers for their information, the server will return the number of actual human players vs total number of players. This means a client mod can tell you how many slots are taken up by humans vs bots. (Servers could fake this information if they're so poor that they need to do that)


    2) To actually hide the bots from the player list will require guesswork based on the players with 0 ping though. This could hide the server host from the list if the server is a home server.


    FYI: Servers running OpenJK dedicated will have a g_humanplayers entry in the infoResponse when sending a getinfo request to it.


    Best bet would be to add bots count too or abuse a serverinfo cvar that stores the number of bots in mod code.  Depending on type of filter you want specifically I guess.

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