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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Its not broken, Cat's buildbot MSVC slave is just running VS2010 which does not have a native inttypes.h (C99 header).  And the custom one seems to not work for him yet.

  2. They aren't removed so much as not implemented, its what still has issues with the lightmap code afaik.



    I've disabled the surface sprite dumb rendering in rend2 for now.  As in it pretends like r_surfaceSprites is set to 0.  So you don't end up with grass strands just flat on the ground an such.

  3. There's no such thing...  At best they're dlights which don't technically affect the lightmap :P  And said lightstyle stuff is the reason for why lightmap crap is fubared still anyway.

  4. <Kaldor> if someone here is the owner of the zathu.com openJK duel server, remove bots because nobody will actually join or return if bots exist at all :o

    <Kaldor> otherwise good settings
  5. We don't have enough motivated manpower to support jk2mp just yet.  And I'm thinking when we do, it will not come with binary compatibility out of the box.  Mostly because we have no qvm support at all.


    If someone is willing to contribute in it in such a way that it works like we currently have josp set up, we would certainly not be against it.  Will probably hold off until after a release.

  6. We've added a record feature to the server which literally records a demo for specified client or (all non-bots).  Which means you get a demo from that clients perspective which is basically identical to the one they would generate locally with /record except you don't have to rely on them providing it.



    /svrecord <filename> (optional client index)  only works if auto demos are off.

    /svstoprecord (optional client index)


    USE WITH CAUTION: (Need lots of storage and probably upload to keep them off the main server itself)


    sv_autoDemo - 0/1 Toggle (default off) auto demo recording of human players.

    sv_autoDemoBots - 0/1 If above is turned on, also record bots

    sv_autoDemoMaxMaps - Adjust how many maps, demos will be kept (default 0, probably should set if turning auto record on)


    Credits to teh 1337

    h643 likes this
  7. Which way looks better, misc_model or misc_model_static?


    The reason they look different is because misc_models are actually baked into the map itself. When you create a misc_model, the geometry from the MD3 are taken from the file and inserted into the map file. They become part of the map geometry. With misc_model_static, they are essentially the same as regular game-entities. The advantage of this is you reduce the map filesize - the downside is it can potentially increase loading times as you now have to load the map and the model that you wanted to show.

    And with misc_model ents you don't have to ship the md3 file with your pk3, with misc_model_static, you do.

  8. May have to decompile and retexture each level that there's no map source for.


    For best results, you should disable the minimum lighting that ensiform dragged over from vanilla. I know I'll be doing that for DF2, it really mucks with misc_model_static lighting.

    Sounds like a dumb thing to do instead of waiting for the actual rest of it to be fixed.  JK2 has different options for this anyway.

  9. On the topic of OpenJK, I can't actually get it to work. Just tried the latest build, used the SP version and set_com jk2 1 or whatever the command was and Jedi Outcast's menu doesn't have any text.

    You have to build it yourself turning BuildJK2Support on otherwise com_jk2 is not even a thing.


    It should say in the console pretty early "Running Jedi Academy Mode" or "Running Jedi Outcast Mode"


    And you must make sure it doesn't try to load the jk2game that comes with jk2, you have to use the one that gets built.

  10. @@DT85, you'd know if surface sprites were implemented thats an entire feature ;p


    Fixing lightmaps fully and dynamic glow are on xyc's todo list I think for now...


    Surface sprites and weather require major rewrite because of how raven implemented them crappily with their own GL pipeline instead of the game's rendering.

  11. Works just fine here, don't know what mod you are running.


    EDIT: It happens if you have weapons disabled on the server.. And considering its a cheat command which shouldn't be used on live servers its not a huge issue.


    If someone gets time to look at it, then we will.


    /give weaponnum <x> should work for specific weapons though.

  12. Grass is not implemented (surface sprites) at all, can you not read? :P


    Which shader anims.  Things that cause flags to wave such as in q3, do not work on md3's because its mixed between cpu and gpu.

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