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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. @ aramil248


    Sounds like its sheer luck that it works in base.  The limit was not decreased in OpenJK nor was any of the code surrounding it altered.  Are you by any chance using the x86_64 bit version or the 32 bit?


    If you are using a new enough build it should give more specific details of which function. (CM_FindPlane2 vs CM_FindPlane)


    As for OP, I assume you are using jamp on windows?

  2. Nope.


    Rendering on the screen ie 2d/hud is hardcoded to be 640x480 virtual coordinates.


    Plus neither of those are power of two.  And enforcing power of two textures is faster than scaling to closest power of two.

  3. I don't see avi happening because of codecs to play all the general formats that are possible within an avi container.


    ROQ just works for what it is, you shouldn't be trying to play actual movies you downloaded off the internets within JA ;p

  4. You can't really count the number of ping 0 players and assume they are 100% going to be bots.  Besides, you can't get the player information from the plain server list.  That's only available when you click view server info which makes an extra request to the server IP.  Hence why you need the servers to be running OpenJK because it stores human count in the main request response.  Which can be subtracted from the total to infer the bot count.

  5. Been lurking for awhile.. finally decided to register and post.


    No, I don't use it.


    I don't use it simply because I barely play on basejka maps, and the maps I play on like Ord Mantell, Taris RP etc all have broken textures when I use it. I've read about the issue and it doesn't look like it's going to be fixed, but if it is, I'll be sure to give it a go since while it doesn't suit me because of said issue, I would recommend it to people who use basejka maps as it's a big improvement on regular JAMP in terms of features, performance and so on.

    Mind chiming in on this in a separate post or possibly on the issue that you read about on?  Presumably related to https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues/271 ?

  6. Is there no backup/history at point of the currently released version which could be re-released with hacks removed/detection added?

  7. 1. Singleplayer gamecode aka (cgame/game but in this case its cgame folder) added cvar cg_smoothCamera and it defaults to 1.  MP camera smoothing option added to SP as an option as well is what this is for

    2. Singleplayer gamecode aka (cgame/game but in this case its cgame folder) added cvar cg_dynamicCrosshair and it defaults to 1.  MP crosshair dynamic feature where it adjusts to what you are looking at (it uses traces)  if this is 0 it stays static at the center of screen.

    3. Don't think so.

    katanamaru likes this
  8. The build install option now also copies the SP game dll (jagameARCH.EXT) to base folder.  (This is reflected also in most recent buildbot packages too).


    Should fix issue of people trying to load OJK SP without running +set fs_game OpenJK or not copying it to base themselves since we do not allow loading the original jagame for reasons that it is no longer compatible.

  9. I guess thats a better option because you can guarantee that its not jamp, and is actually jampded/linuxjampded

  10. There was probably something on the forums or hacked at some point and it got flagged and has been ever since.  AFAIK they won't listen to users telling them its false unless there's someone on the site ownership's end to confirm.  Strange that its still blocked though if you said something.

  11. You don't need to open source it to make it compatible with OJK. All of the stuff I was shown for hooks used is irrelevant with OJK engine.
    I only see you being the ones complaining instead of making 1 cvar to turn if statements off (That cvar can be the version string of the engine for runtime detection even).  Wouldn't even have taken you 5 minutes a year ago.
    The alternative method would be to take a little more time and use the newer API.  But then you are semi in the grey area of using GPL code in general.
    Note: Fix your shitty ass site so that it doesn't get blocked by NOD32.
    This will also detect jamp.exe on windows so you might need to get more creative.

    char version[MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING] = { 0 };
    trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("version", version, sizeof(version));
    if ( strstr( version, "2003" ) ) {
    	// do JAMP stuff here
    else {
    	// OJK or other non jamp compat engine
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