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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. Adding a DF2 Beta Demo to my dropbox. Will post the share link when done.

  2. This is Bob spam might actually work. Some videos have the old comment system back...

  3. JKHub Secret Santa 2013?

  4. This is Bob spam might actually work. Some videos have the old comment system back...

  5. I never thought that they would decide to revive a game like Age of Empires 2... If only that happened with this game...

  6. I never thought that they would decide to revive a game like Age of Empires 2... If only that happened with this game...

  7. I'm a Général Scarles

  8. honoured to be Featured download :)

  9. honoured to be Featured download :)

  10. god I hate being distacted so much

  11. Slowly but surely, narshaddaa is getting done. Just finished up an exploding walk way to force you to use an alternate route. :)

  12. Twilek Male base skins complete.

  13. god I hate being distacted so much

  14. god I hate being distacted so much

  15. 8 hours straight on Terraria. Today was a good day

  16. Getting things completed!

  17. 8 hours straight on Terraria. Today was a good day

  18. Working on Bothan model...

  19. Getting things completed!

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