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Darth Sion

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Posts posted by Darth Sion

  1. Question is - what's the purpose? Just some house decoration? Wouldn't it be cooler to buy two life-sized Vader statues and put them at the sides of your room door as though they're guarding it? :D

    The model does look cool though :rolleyes:

    But whatever makes you happy, I think. Long as you have the money ;)

    Yeah, it wouldn't be bought as a toy or something to play with. Primarily used as an ornament/decoration/statue. No way would I even have the money to by a life-size replica model (as much as I'd love to have one). Like something out of Madame Tussauds waxwork museum or something lol.

  2. To be honest, Serenity has brought this all on himself.. And he's only got himself to blame, nobody else. Even if someone else other than MattFiler was dealing with the stolen content or whatever, it wouldn't have hurt for Serenity, himself to have gone back over said content and checked to make sure. I know you shouldn't have to, when it's left in the hands of people you would normally trust. But if Serenity has done this himself, then I've got no sympathy for him.

    If he's come onto JKHub or Moddb to become a modder, then he must know and realise all the rules and regulations he's got to obey (Just like everyone else would) and if he can't comply with those regulations, then his mods shouldn't even be allowed public access. I'm sorry you've had to go through this experience, @@MattFiler. At least you're trying to put things right and make an effort. What I can see, from what you've heard from Serenity.. It's like he's now crying in the corner and throwing a temper tantrum, because he can't get his own way. If he was aware of the sort of fucked up situation that the KoTF mod was in and didn't want a repeat of that with his own mod, then he should know better. And he must've realised that there would be a public out-cry of some sort (hence this forum thread) about the content used in the mod. So I don't really see why he's taking this so personally and threatening to retire from modding, altogether. Again, it's his fault and his alone. If he's had problems at home, what with flooding and bad weather, like we've had here in the UK, the last few months.. I can understand that, but in no way, shape or form is that a viable reason to not credit other users for their work or have their permission to use their mods. What's the point of smartphones?! Practically everyone has one, these days and he could've easily requested other user's permission via e-mail or logged into this site, via the webapp (i.e Safari on iOS, Google Chrome on Android. etc.)

    Again, I feel sorry you've had this experience in dealing with him and what's been thrown your way, by means of Moddb and JKHub. But hopefully, this isn't the last we'll see of Evolution of Combat. And once you're given the source files you need, we trust that you will continue to develop it, in the correct way, because it does have a lot of potential and we all here, want to see it succeed.

    Hels, Futuza and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  3. I've modelled some of the TFA vehicles as map objects for some maps I'm working on, if somebody knew how and wanted to convert them into vehicles I'd send the files over.



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  4. No, I'll tell you what Jedi Academy is in SERIOUS need of.. New Single Player mods. It takes more work and probably resources, but I'm not just talking about the odd little improvements here and there to graphics/cosmetics or weapons. etc. I'm talking about Single Player mission mods. @@Langerd's *upcoming* Bespin mod is a good example and other mods like this:


    Maybe even new, updated and more "lore accurate" maps to replace the base game versions. etc. Something to really immerse you into those worlds. Excusing the fact of how old Jedi Academy is, now. The base missions could certainly use updating or replacing. But still keeping in-line with what the game's story.

    Langerd and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  5. 1ebd47daa20d90660459d00677cf7b8d.jpg


    Got permission for A280 :) 


    Well... I must say. I am planing to upload this map... TOMMOROW!!! 83










    Will this map just be the city part, itself or are you planning on including the Carbonite Chamber, too?

    There are some cutscenes that i want to add but i didnt make objectives.. Well You must turn on something , go there , destroy this but there is no datapad that Tells You what to do. I dont know how to do them

    Can someone help Langerd out, with this.. If anyone knows how??

    But, to quote Darth Vader "Revenge is not the jedi way"! 

    That was still Anakin. He wasn't Darth Vader, by that point yet.

    Langerd likes this
  6. This "Troop transport arriving at pad 23-A, lord Vader" "We are awaiting your orders." can be in this cutscene with hologram. I will think about this. ;)


    Edit: Well here is one thing. Do You remember Guys this imperial officer? :




    This character vanished... after Tanvive IV assault.. And it is a shame.. Why?? Because this is the ONLY one imperial officer that was tlaking with Vader like work mates.

    He was talking with him normally , without shitting his pants, without fear, just like mates. And that .. confused me O_O All officers later were scared and always look out what they saying. Not this guy! And he was COMMANDER!




    This guy has some balls XD


    Maybe i will add him to the mix. Who knows.. i am always the guy that have many ideas but when i want to accomplish them... I find there is too much work X)

    I'll tell you the exact lines spoken here, between this "Commander" and Vader;


    Commander: "Holding her (Leia) is dangerous. Word of this gets out, it could generate sympathy for the Rebellion, in the Senate."

    Lord Vader: "I have traced the Rebel spies to her, now she is my only link to finding their secret base."

    Commander: "She'll die before she'll tell you anything."

    Lord Vader: "Leave that to me. Send a distress signal and then inform the Senate, that all aboard were killed."

    Langerd likes this
  7. That's a good point about the credits. And... "mistakes"? Come on, he's been blatantly ignoring all the problems that were pointed out to him with the mod, and even tried to play the victim of all "unjustified hate". Let's face it, those can't be "mistakes".

    You know what.. It actually makes me wonder why he's decided to switch over to moddb.com, to post post mod updates, instead of on here.. Maybe because MattFiler has told him about the "drama" throughout this post.. So instead of coming on here, "clearing the air" and resolving the lingering issues, he prefers to steer clear of it, thinking that he avoids the problem altogether.


    I'm not taking any sides here, but ultimately (and realistically) he is stealing other people's work (whether that be models or otherwise) and isn't providing credits to the original authors. I don't know much about the whole KoTF situation, but I do smell a rotten root, here.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  8. Also why do people even like this stupid post. What does having your house being full of water to do with not crediting people? His house is flooded so he doesn't have time to credit people but he still got time to update his mod and post news on moddb. Where is the logic there? And eezstreet is supposed to do a mod with serenity cause of what? Cause you don't like MBII? Seriously?

    The whole post lacks any kind of logical arguments. I'm not hating on serenity but people really need to start taking responsibility for their actions and justifying them doesn't help at all. Ignorance is no excuse. If these "mistakes" get corrected everything is fine but until then the facts speak for themselves

    Here, here!



    .. Not to mention a basic understanding of the English language.

    TheWhitePhoenix, Ramikad and afi like this
  9. Well, you can understand why I wanted to ask you guys anyways just to be safe.

    To be honest, years ago when I used to have disc copies of both Jedi Outcast and Academy (this was before Steam came out, mind you.. Or certainly before Steam "rose to power"). But once I installed the game discs' data and updated to the latest version, I used to go to www.gamecopyworld.com and downloaded "No-CD" patches to run the games. I used to do that a lot, for my PC games back in the day. That was before Steam became a thing, like it is today. But in the UK (or dare I even say Europe), piracy and such isn't really looked at, so dimly. Well, it is to a degree. But it's not monitored or anything like it is in the US. To be perfectly honest (unless you're absolute saint), I think everyone's done and maybe still does a bit of illegal downloading. Otherwise, you wouldn't still have sites like thepiratebay, running.. Not to mention the numerous torrent programs like uTorrent and BitComet. etc.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  10. I'm a BIG Darth Vader fan.. One of the most powerful Sith Lords in Star Wars lore or the Star Wars universe. Not to mention as bad-ass as they come..

    I've been giving some thought, today.. To picking up this bad-boy, as a statue/collectors item. What do you think?



    As you can see, he retails at £36.99 (That's around $52.25 US) and stands 78cm tall.
    I need second opinions, people... What d'you think?

  11. @@Darth Sion. i'm glad you had mailed the developer. you need to stay patiente and wait his answer.

    If we got all okay and with source map file on the hand, sure i can help too.

    On ent modding is possible to script the entire level, but not the bridge destruction or the raktor security lock into metal wall (when spawn assassin droids) these entities are brushes. ent modding cannot allow to convert a solid brush of the map into a func_brekable brush, for destroying the bridge of the padmé's landpad. this is the problem. if there is some func_brekable bridge in the map, maybe is possible to work with it. however now i play the map. I am curious.

    To be honest, I'm not even bothered or worried about the bridge explosion at all. That can be left out (unless it's absolutely essential that it needs to be put in, as a requirement)


    I was thinking that the mission would start off, by Racto seeing you (Jaden) approaching him, at which point he's at the door already and then says the line; "Did you think you could just barge in here and take me into custody, Jedi?!", then he steps behind the door and the door closes, to which you chase after him, going through the door, obviously and the mission properly begins.


    That was my initial starting thoughts, anyway.. Unless someone comes up with something better. As stated above, there doesn't necessarily have to be an exploding bridge sequence. Obviously, the mission itself wants to be as close to the original as possible, but in a "custom" way. So you basically, achieve the same goal/objective, but just in a customized way.

    I don't think James (SJC) has been around here since his first few return posts. Give it some time, he's busy.


    It will be interesting to see what he thinks of this project, and if he still has the source files for this map work.


    Let's wait it out.

    Agreed! Fingers crossed on both of those parts.. That he gives it the go ahead and still has the source files. It's a shame he can't be tagged in here, for some reason.. The forum doesn't seem to want to tag his username in, even when typed correctly :huh:. But yeah, I guess it's just a case of playing the waiting game, right now.

    Asgarath83 and Cerez like this
  12. I like this project. for me too coruscant on JKA is really odd. seems more another planet... more a good version of nar shaddaa that a corcuscant style.

    but there are two problems:

    is possible to edit it with entmodding, but it's hard to do because ent modding not allows to put trigger and func and other brush entities.

    example... the intro cinematic when racto destroyed the bridge? how is possible to do without a trigger that touch the info_player_start entity? :\

    there is a lot of technical problem,

    i think for make really nice work  the unique way is to edit the map. and converting Bsp to map is not an easy way for the lights losting, the uvmapping corrupted and also the brush leaking.

    if the author give permission and map project, i can help, too, but without map file, i cannot manage that. :\

    Well, the bridge explosion at the beginning of the base level/map, as you stated could be withheld. I don't know if you've had chance to try the map out, yourself. But there is a landing platform with Queen Amidala's ship, from Naboo, This would be the starting off area, in the same way that it is with Jaden and his X-Wing in the base game (Only the Queen's ship would be replaced with Jaden's X-Wing.. If that's possible). There's a walkway from the landing platform to a sort of "automatic blast door", that leads into the city complex. This is where, upon starting the mission, Jaden would walk from his ship (either via cut-scene or user-controlled, in-game) and the first cut-scene would trigger, where Racto (for ease of creation and easily accessible files) could use the same lines and animations he uses in the base game. I've found those sound files, which are in;


    "assets0.pk3 > sound > chars > racto"


    To which then, he would run away to his "hiding spot"area (somewhere in the complex. I know where, I just can't pinpoint it without actually looking on the map, itself.). The door would shut behind him (but NOT lock), allowing you through, as you chase after him. To which then, the mission could continue and proceed further.


    That's my general introduction to the level. But I am open to suggestions.


    I'm not sure if there's a .roq cutscene file before this mission takes place, to show Jaden in his X-Wing n space, flying to the planet (Coruscant). If there isn't and that can be added, that'd also be an interesting idea, but isn't essential.

    Cerez likes this
  13. The pk3 file not contain the map source file, and is not possible to edit a map of a developer without his permission.

    So, for making this project without stolen work, or without become crazy to rebuild light and uvmapping of the new coruscant map,

    you and the peoples that desire to help you need to contact directly @@JCulley3D  , and ask his permission for use his map, and also ask his original .MAP file for rebuild the map after you place the triggers and entitites.

    Well, I've been trying to contact @JCulley3D, in regards to this. I've left him a message in his JKHub inbox and also via his Facebook page, but currently to no avail, which was little over a week ago. He was the first person I went to, about this whole project, as it's his map.

    Cerez and Asgarath83 like this
  14. Ok, people..

     I'm currently looking for someone who's got experience and knows what they're doing, when it comes to making/creating custom missions. What I'm proposing, is a custom mission for one of the base game missions in the Single Player of JKA, as trying to use a new map on a current base game mission would just be too difficult and likely to cause too many problems.

    Now, I'm a BIG sucker for accuracy and one of the biggest things in the campaign of JKA, that I've always found off-putting is the "t2_rogue" map. This is the mission where you are on Coruscant and have to Capture the Crimelord and defeat around 3 or 4 of his Assassin Droids, in the process. Now, for me.. The map used for that mission (which is supposed to represent Coruscant) is VERY dated (and for some unfortunate reason) not very accurate to the look of the Coruscant world, considering there were actually 2 Star Wars prequel movies released prior, that gave us a good feel and look of what Coruscant looked like, before JKA was released.

    I have a map I plan on using for this mod.. As quite frankly, it's currently the best and well-made map, looks-wise. That map can be found here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/162-sjc-coruscant-adventures-pack-night-and-day/ (which is actually by creator @JCulley3D)

    NEW Coruscant map

    Base Coruscant map

    What I'm looking for, is a recreation of the mission (as close as possible) from "t2_rogue" (Coruscant - Capture the Crimelord) on that new map but obviously, in a custom way. I understand how much time and effort this would take, which is why (as stated in the thread title) that I'd be willing to pay a small fee for the hard-work, time and effort put into the project. As I know things like this don't come cheap or easy.

    If you're interested in this project and would perhaps like to discuss ideas, as I have a pretty good grasp of the interesting way the mission could be done, then feel free to discuss, below..

    NumberWan and Cerez like this
  15. Why is that, Sion?

    Well, ideally you'd want Kylo Ren to have that lightsaber. It's unique to him. You go up against him, in the mod.. Duelling with him, using the same lightsaber he is, it's gonna look odd and somewhat "out of place". Not to mention, it also gives a certain intimidation factor to the whole idea/point of Kylo being the one with that saber, to begin with. Especially if you apply Star Wars lore and movie accuracy to the equation.

    MrHeisenberg likes this
  16. UPDATE:




    Tavion (Kylo Ren) have his own saber from the movie :D


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    It's a shame you can't take that scepter away from Tavion/Kylo Ren, but I have a bad feeling it would mess everything up pretty badly, if you did.. Unless there's a way, to safely stop the .npc from using/holding it.


    Whilst on the topic of .npc's, you may want to change Tavion/Kylo Ren's .npc file, so that it better resembles the character's ability/powers. etc.

    I believe you could use these 2 links, if needed:





  17. Oh okay

    I Will fix the bottom part but to tell the truth i dont really want to change the blue blade :)

    No, don't change the blue blade. You've done a good job replicating the colour. etc. It's just that thickness at the bottom (near the hilt) that makes it look buggy/glitchy and non-proportional.

    I really wanna hear the NEW ignition sound, you've done for it.. As you mentioned, after I posted the video:

    (Sound is at 0:22)



    Just need to get that Finn animation in, where he holds up the hilt, then ignites   :P Seeing that in-game would be so orgasmic!! :woot:


    Could you upload the sound to http://vocaroo.com/?upload, so we can get a taste of it?

    GPChannel likes this
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