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Darth Sion

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Posts posted by Darth Sion

  1. That's good, but be patient. James is very busy, I'm sure, and he'll need to dig up the old files (if he's willing to share).


    Regardless of whether he is willing to share the source or not, if he approves of this project, I think we should attempt it regardless -- even if only with ent modding and scripting at our disposal.

    I agree. From what I gather from his overall response and attitude, I think he seems willing to let this go ahead. Hopefully, I'll have more contact with him over the weekend and can discuss things with him, further. I've discussed meeting with him in town (as we live in the same area) and will leave him to get back to me when he's free.


    But like I've said before.. The whole bridge explosion at the start doesn't even necessarily have to be in the map at all. In fact, from what I can see from my exploration of the map, it'd make sense not to have the bridge explosion in, at all. But the same dialogue from the base version, can still remain intact. Although, on the landing platform where Queen Amidala's ship is found, I would like to replace that with Jaden's X-Wing. Just for continuation reasons and so it doesn't look out of place and as if Jaden was just thrown into the map, if you catch my drift..

    Cerez likes this
  2. If he pass you the spurce file, i can do something, but in this condition... nope. because if i decompile the map i need to re-align all textures and put again all light entities. sure the map at the end will be compromized. i am not good as Langerd or Szico on mapping, so i cannot do miracle. the final result can be really different by the map you wanna use, because i not know the correct color parameter or spawnflags of every light entity of the map. if you can get the map file by this man, okay, if not, the only things possible is that Cerez help you with ent modding. :( i cannot work into a decompiled map for a project so huge. the coruscant map is pretty large. i NEED the original map file for make something. :( without it, i cannot do nothing. should be an hellish work and you will get a bad result >.<

    Well, I've spoken to him again, this morning via Facebook (He replied and contacted me, actually) and he says he's been busy, currently working on some sort of VR project or something. But he said he'd be able to talk more, over the weekend. So I'll speak with him this weekend and discuss the plans. etc.


    I really wanna see this through and get this done. Whatever obstacle lies ahead..

    Cerez and Asgarath83 like this
  3. Ok, @@Asgarath83 @@Cerez.. It looks like we may have to take the "long way" 'round, here and go it alone. And also probably gonna have to do it the hard way.. Unless there's no way that something can be done, without certain aspects of elements.

    I'm not sure if James is busy with outside things, but I'm sure he would let me know, in some way if that's the case. So we may have to go ahead and do this on our own.

  4. @@Circa These are the one's I like the look of..







    The first and third images being by far the best one's..

    *Personal note*
    Does my fucking head in, when it comes up and says "An error occurred. You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." What sort of horse-shit is this?!

    Bek likes this
  5. I can kitbash this stuff together. Easy peasy. Give me until tonight and I'll see what I can do

    I am considering releasing all the crap I've made in one big "AuriusPheonix's Random Crap.pk3"

    I might make a more in-depth customization to using them gorgeous Haplash heads. So we aren't only in Jedi robes, or base JKA clothes.

    Are you talking about both Rosh and Jaden.. or just Jaden?

  6. I've always loved this Jaden. I'm pretty sure it's fan art, but man is it awesome.


    This Jaden DOES look good! It'd be interesting to see it in-game and also to see what Rosh would look like, too. Always hated Rosh's look (especially his dumb hairstyle) and Jaden's hair looking gingery-red and not brown, as it should be.


    Both characters could really do with a major update.



    I came across this image of Rosh Penin and thought it might be a fresh, interesting take on him. It'd give his look a much needed update and get rid of those awful looking "Jedi'esque" robes he's wearing.




    (Source: http://star-wars-canon-extended.wikia.com/wiki/Rosh_Penin)

    Mert-K likes this
  7. I'm sure if you are a Star Wars fan, you know who these characters are already. 


    For those who need a reminder:








    I really think these characters would be great for JKA.


    I'll put up references of both characters below.





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    Other references:
















    Emperor Palpatine!!! The Old Republic & Knights of the Fallen Empire had so much potential to be a great game, if it wasn't such a knock-off, crappy MMO with cartoon'ish graphics, published by the WORST company in the world; EA.. And BioWare clearly were not the ones to develop the game, either.

  8. Here you go Ben Solo (as Jedi: fan concept), SP support, NPC Support, Credits to HapSlash for Dooku, Spanki & Me for the head, Adobe Photoshop for textures/effects, Darth Martyr for the lightsaber hilt. To spawn/play with:  npc spawn BenSolo_Jedi


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    That's quite a nice HUD! Where'd you get that?

  9. So seeing as how the Jedi Knight series (and I guess STAR WARS, in general) is about 2 factions; The Jedi and Sith (The Light Side and The Dark Side of the Force), I thought it might be an idea to throw in each faction's moral codes, as wallpapers. Obviously, all of these files are pulled from the web. But at least it gives you a general idea of what to work with. And of course, I'm sure you'll have your own ways of creating wallpapers of your own with them..













  10. @@Pande since reworking the "gold pack" into JK: Enhanced, this is mostly a SP project, but we will possibly include some MP maps like this. I'm curious though, could we use this map as an additional SP mission? I was thinking of possibly reworking the t1_sour mission to start on this map, and then move to the original after Kyle and Jaden "check out the cantina" like he says in the original.


    And also any other maps you have that we could use would be appreciated as well. :) Could rework and add to them a bit to turn into a SP level.

    In fairness, this sounds like an excellent idea! But also, not that different than my response. To be perfectly honest, it would be great to have larger levels.. Or should I say more "lore accurate", updated and more in-depth maps. It'd certainly give JKA a fresh outlook. Ultimately, you could keep the missions and their objectives the same or even rework them in a custom way, but it would greatly improve the overall quality of the game.

  11. So seeing as how the Jedi Knight series (and I guess STAR WARS, in general) is about 2 factions; The Jedi and Sith (The Light Side and The Dark Side of the Force), I thought it might be an idea to throw in each faction's moral codes, as wallpapers. Obviously, all of these files are pulled from the web. But at least it gives you a general idea of what to work with. And of course, I'm sure you'll have your own ways of creating wallpapers of your own with them..












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