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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. Rosh wasn't featured enough to annoy me, you know? Someone actually addressed this in some discussion.

    Jar Jar was...ok, maybe it's because I was a kid when watching Ep1 the first time, but frankly I found Obi-Wan's shenanigans (especially in the cg TCW) to be more annoying. And then there were Anakin, Senator Amidala, and those two damned droids...I HOPE THEY ALL BURN IN HELL!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Um, got carried away, sorry about that... :ph34r:

    Too bad the poll doesn't feature a third option, an open one. -_-

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  2. azloc 3 capital (as already mentioned);

    ord mandell rp (was it called like that? :huh:)

    some clan map in a rift setting, rift academy, i think it was called (you know, the huge cave where you had to close a jedi's grave before the disciples could drain it's force energy)

    korriban sith academy (one of, it also featured access to the valley of the dark lords, or at least partially)

    and of course a ton of sithjcul's maps :D

  3. Even more, when Luke appears in Jedi Outcast it seems to be implied that he's way much stronger than Kyle. He doesn't even have issues beating Desann and he has to relay on cheap tricks to get away from him. 

    I'm not sure I understood what you're saying, could you rephrase please?

  4. White font color on a white surface is a thing now? Really? (Yes, I also had to highlight it)


    Anyway, this seems to be an interesting request. It's just a guy in a suit with a ball on his head.

    We already have some models that have suits. So, all you need is someone to modify the texture and put a ball

    on his head.


    And besides, can it be that this is the first model request in ages that doesn't ask for ported material? That's pretty awesome!

    actually, I think the OP wants the "ball" to have a light\ glow shader too, at least judging by their avatar (and the first pic), though that should be fairly simple if you know the shader code

  5. I want to be hyped about the new trilogy, but I just can't - TFA is pretty much a rehash of ANH, with a few changes, and therefore, is rubbish.


    Edit: As I was saying, I mainly agree with the stuff in the video, but I do have to praise the movie for some of the new characters and the good (as opposed to the prequels all-CGI) visuals. Honestly, when I left the theatre, I was a bit confused. I didn't know whether or not to like the movie. I instantly began to nitpick, but not because I actually felt like it, but because I wanted to keep up the appearance of a critical person. I just wasn't sure how to feel. It just didn't feel right.

    I really hope Ep.8 is better, I REALLY do, but if it's not, then it'll be really sad, especially after re-watching Empire Strikes Back - which is a totally awesome film that could actually hold its own. Seriously, everything was good about it - the characters, the scenery, the atmosphere, the drama...no other movie in the franchise can compare, prequel, original, or sequel. But I just don't know how to feel about these new movies. I'm disappointed. I had already had low expectations of the new trilogy, since it was new, but hot damn!...

    Eh, anyway, it's all very disappointing. Even the new Trek movies turned out more or less decent.

    Jeff and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  6. 9765a7be0b1ad9ee451e6f04931114e0.jpg

    Aye, the variant in the first pic is hot! And yes, I know she's 'beat up', but that natural, kinda messy hair suits her way better.

    The second...well, the pants\ legs are sexy, but the cheekbones make her look like Abeloth or something, especially in the last rendition

  7. I thought I saw or heard of someone that made an enhanced Magnaguard for JK3 I think.

    I think I saw someone make one too, a TCW version at that. Since Jeff doesn't seem to link to it, apparently it wasn't him.

    Maybe checking out Moviebattles or KotF (or whatever that mod everyone's so positively crazy about) can yield something?

  8. The easiest solution: Ask someone of he or she can edit the cape out from the model. We have many members here who know

    how to do that.

    I think he knows how to do it too, but as Jeff noticed, the headscarf is part of the head model, and it's the headscarf that the OP wants to get rid of.

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