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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Sam Witwer IS Galen Merek, he played the voice and the game model was made in his image.
  2. Don't see how it's that hard to transition, Corto and I both did it. Softimage's interface is so easy people almost overlook how simple it is, everything is in plain english rather than cartoony, colorful icons that you have to hover your mouse over to find out what the button does.
  3. I only made his head as modeling practice as he has some very defined facial features that are almost exaggerated in some ways. It's pretty unlikely that I'll make a model of him as I'll be obligated to pick up where K0bra left off and make all those dumb outfits. Maybe if I could enslave my own texturing whore to lock up in my closet and force them to paint all my models while living on raw hot dogs and rain water.
  4. Buy a PC, then you can do proper game modding.
  5. This head doesn't look like him at all, the one in your sig was closer. You also still don't seem to like the Textured Decal mode even though that mode shows what it'll look like in game, if your textures look funny in that mode then they'll look just as washed out in game. I made this same mistake like 5+ years ago.
  6. ^1000, not 2, also UV boundaries get disconnected at the seams making more vertex's.
  7. Best solution I have found to this is to just make a custom setting config file, in the console use the command... /writeconfig *name* /exec *name I do this for MP since changing between different servers running different mods can sometimes change a bunch of settings, sometimes I would make different ones per server since some servers I had admin and some I did not, login info for Lugormod servers would vary too and I didn't like having to login manually, I'd bind "L" to /login *name* *pass*.
  8. There is no real limit, I always just aim as low as possible while still having detail where it counts, I tend to go a little higher than base models but not by a whole lot, I also make LOD's which helps with performance A LOT.
  9. Just got 2 fillings done, rad.

  10. http://jkhub.org/topic/1904-wip-fixing-the-dotxsi-exporter-for-3ds-max-6-7-8-9/
  11. ^That was by the original artist for the game, if you search on polycount you can find the thread. Softimage ftw, game models were done for TFU with it.
  12. I was thinking it and now someone said it, how about adding another section to the modding area for coding?
  13. It's the console command, there are multiple settings for dynamic glow, try enabling it through the console by typing what I showed, if you're playing SP take off the forward slash.
  14. To me the DF mod was probably the closest anyone got to a SP total conversion, playing those levels FELT like a new game. With the source code release it really needs to be picked back up, I'd lend them a hand since if picked up by people who were even close to as dedicated as the original team the success rate would be high.
  15. You sure you have it set to /r_dynamicglow 3? I can stay at 90fps with it on, I set my fps limit to 90 so it'll probably go higher. I'm playing on mildly populated MP servers btw.
  16. I can live with that, if someone isn't willing to buy the assets (game discs) then they're one tight m-f'er with their money.
  17. So what if someone made something that uses the assets but doesn't release any of them with their game in turn requiring them to own JA to play it would that be ok? I guess it would be more like a mod than a stand alone though.
  18. What about export selected? Maybe have a custom skeleton and rig for a walker type vehicle and export the bones that are constrained. Not sure if his feature has a animation plotting feature which would be helpful so you wont have to key the bones before export.
  19. Some tutorials have been made recently to help more learn, some modelers are coming back (I've talked to a couple) but it still wont be enough to where you'll see requests being taken as often as they used to be. The only way to really strengthen the community further is if the people of the community take things into their own hands and start doing more than just some of the simple modding that I see a lot lately. People who model, animate, map and code aren't just going to appear, one might here or there but there's more than enough people here to get some serious content made.
  20. Updated the Softimage JA biped yet again, still more in the future but felt this update was worth uploading. Once I get it close to perfect I'll constrain the JK2 skeleton to it and release that as well.

  21. This could easily be done, not sure how you would get the top gun to swivel like it should. Could have sworn someone already made this a very long time ago, probably was lost when jk3files started being gay and losing files. About the UV mapping comment eez, it's either up to the modeler or to the person making the textures but best left for the person making the textures as they can adjust it the way they want so the textures come out their best. Problem is that people who reskin models are so afraid of opening up a 3d program and learning.
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