You'll have to learn some of the basics S+ mouse buttons will navigate the view (look at the bottom right of the program window, you'll notice tips on lmb, mmb and rmb and what they do when a tool is active) X= scale C= rotate V= translate The best advice I can give though is to set it to the default Softimage layout, Mod View has it's own layout and it sucks IMO, they made it to make it easier for first timers but it's easier to follow the vast amount of Softimage tutorials in the standard layout since there aren't many Mod Tool specific tutorials mainly since it really isn't any different than the full version. You can do this by going on the top menu View>Layouts>Default. The Raven models are in dotXSI 3.5 format which is an ASCII format based on Softimage scenes, the code is pretty much open which is how @@Archangel35757 is able to code it for 3ds Max. You can either do File>Import>dotXSI or just simply drag and drop them into the viewport. Not sure why you'd want to look at the base animations, they will not have a character enveloped to them so they'll mainly be a bunch of nulls moving around but once you learn some things you can use them as reference and retarget the animations to the rig, I did that for the staff run in the tutorial video to have a starting point. Best advice I can give without typing up the longest post on jkhub would be to start here,