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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. It was bad enough with the clone wars series but now this club penguin crap.
  2. I thought they he was trying to get the MD3 solution figured out?
  3. ^A good coder should be able to overcome the problems during conversion. I wish we did have the carcass code, looking at the differences in 2 files that I exported, one being dotXSI 3.x and the other being Crosswalk (dotXSI 6.0) and the only difference I could find just by skimming through was the file version in the header. Making a new version of carcass that could accept dotXSI 5.x and 6.x would be the best since those file types transfer almost flawlessly other than IK but that's why I build shadow rigs now where the stuff that the mesh is weighed to is a simple null skeleton.
  4. Yeah the one in your sig was the best by far, only needed very slight adjustment, mostly the ears that are very anatomically incorrect.
  5. Well if the head is off limits... Looks down at your feet wearing shoes and tell me if they come to a point that is dead in the center.
  6. Increase screen resolution, other than that there really isn't a better way unless code is changed to write screenshots in the PNG format. Your screen resolution seems low, mine isn't even big but at 1600*900 I can fit yours on screen with almost enough room to tile 4.
  7. Workflow (my best guess) would be, import JA base animations, weigh simple model to skeleton, make cloth pieces, add cloth properties (in Softimage it's under Simulate) then plot the animation to the vertex's. I see that you mentioned bones DT, doubt Psyk0 used bones and it's going to be because to have a decent result you'd need like a grid of 20+ nulls where as applying a cloth physics modifier directly to the vertex is much faster and easier.
  8. I think it's a safe bet that Anyone who isn't using Softimage is going to want it, even Softimage people will want it if you can do GLM->FBX while bringing tags, bones and weights back.
  9. Huge interest, it's actually very similar to the dotXSI format which had an SDK out forever but since the 3 programs by Autodesk were in competition back in the day they didn't have good support for the format. I didn't think of this option, thought that if the carcass code was released it could probably just be modified to include the newer dotXSI formats that crosswalk uses(5.x/6.x). The best part would be letting Maya users join the community and having a way to bring models back into all software's with envelope data. Softimage Mod Tool users should still stick to dotXSI for export since I believe UV info isn't preserved.
  10. That sucks, probably didn't get released because of the other Raven games that aren't open sourced that use it. JA isn't the only game that uses the Ghoul2 format.
  11. Just don't expect to get any bones or weights from that GLM importer, I remember you mentioning that in an earlier post. So far only Mr. Wonko's blender plugin can do that, it really only serves those who want to chop up existing models with the least amount of knowledge needed though. To run a character/npc/vehicle model through Assimilate it needs to be in the dotXSI 3.x format, someone should update carcass to accept crosswalk files, that way Maya users could get in on the action.
  12. Oh those are those 2 ported models that the person who put them in game claimed that he made them although you can download them from this site. http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/savage-opress-39959.html The NPC files are there but they're messed up, funny how someone can claim to make these models but couldn't make a simple NPC file.
  13. Pretty sure it's some sort of C and it supports Python. A GLM importer would be nice for those who want it, I wouldn't use it but I can see how some would want it. MD3 support would be awesome. @@CaptainCrazy, only Max got an importer mainly because back in the day it was the most popular software, from there it probably was easy for people to just edit the plugin to work with newer versions. Oh MS3D has one too, it was a very popular Q3 engine modeling tool.
  14. 1 high resolution PNG>multiple mediocre JPEG's.
  15. If you are having errors with a model chalk then you did something wrong. I've put high poly models in game (Iny's geth being one) with no errors. You need to quadruple check everything since you do have a tendency to move too fast and overlook the small details.
  16. Yeah the most recent looks like his skin is all stretched out or he went nuts with botox injections.
  17. Even if so people would just make patches, for old Win98 games like Rogue Squadron I found patches to get the 16bit installer to run on my 64bit OS.
  18. ^That would be a tough decision when it comes to altering the game. Are there any areas in particular that should be improved upon other than the graphics? I definitely wouldn't want to recreate the old combat system that DF2 uses, would be best to keep the saber combat as it is in base JA. The real work would be some of the unique bosses like, Gorc, Pic and Maw when it comes to models and animations.
  19. Well duh but anyone here make any sort of biped based on the JA skeleton for it yet? Most people also still seem to have trouble even importing/exporting models from it since there is a lack of documentation on the plugin where as the tired and true method of using carcass has loads of info.
  20. I hated how they started the game out with Gran throwing thermal detonators at you, IMO they can be the most annoying enemies. Looks just like the start of the first level.
  21. Pretty sure it was DarkStarMojo who was in charge of it all, try contacting him.
  22. I bought DF for steam a while back and beat it, pretty fun, dark troopers and boba fett had your heart beating fast, intense battles. The first DF mod definitely needs to be finished, there are tons of registered users on this site, people just have to want it enough to take the challenge.
  23. Flight in JA is absolutely god aweful, would be much better suited to another engine, check out Fate of the Galaxy mod. I might be interested, I love DF2. The most help you'll need is talented mappers who can recreate the levels and good texture artists. Only a small amount of coding, modeling and animation need to be done.
  24. It isn't Jaden that I don't like about the JA story, it's actually Kyle. His personality is nothing like the Kyle we all grew up with in previous Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games and where the F is Jan? So the cannon version of Jaden is him with the short brown hair, caucasian male wearing the somewhat old Jedi looking outfit? That's good since I used Jaden in MP since I don't want to be seen as Kyle and people rarely use Jaden but I use the one with blonde hair and the black outfit that is last in the selection.
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