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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. It does, you'll just have to name your icon file appropriately and it has to be 256x256 if I remember right. The cultist for example has the file model_brown.skin so all you'd need to do is make an icon image called icon_brown.jpg, that's it. Simple observations will pretty much show you what all you need to do.
  2. That's the problem, NPC's don't work in MP, the game has 2 separate engines, what works in 1 doesn't always work in the other.
  3. I already told you how to do it, you just make icon images, build the pk3 file properly and they'll be in the menu.
  4. NPC's are terrible with saber in SP as well, you guys are wasting your time trying to make a AI character that can fight even semi decently.
  5. All you have to do is add icons for the menu in the appropriate folder, that's it.
  6. It's also best to just remove the geometry underneath as much as possible to reduce clipping and poly count.
  7. Well it's fully rend2 functional as far as shaders and displacement maps...
  8. ^I do this as well, weigh first, segment later, I also make the caps after segmenting buy drawing polygons over the holes in the mesh then extracting those polygons, that way they inherit the weights of the mesh they go to. You can move tags, just not bones, put them wherever you want honestly.
  9. Yes, you want them to stretch naturally, not having too much influence in any one place, only the edge should say have 100% influence with the eye bone, from there it's blended with the cranium bone. This applies for any joint. It's not the same software but you could probably watch some of my videos where I'm going through the process, I don't do the face because the character doesn't line up well but it's really the same concept with any joint in the body.
  10. Pretty sure any base model that is seen in DF2 wont be used, we're making our own stuff, like the TIE bomber for instance... I get the ran out of transform space error when using this on Artus Topside, only happens when I try to shoot it for some reason, otherwise it works, walks around and tries to kill you. I need to install OpenJK for JK2 to get rid of this error. As of now though it overwrites the base AT-ST, using the original NPC and VEH files, everything else is custom. I even exported a map object of it that overwrites the base one so in the hangar for Artus Topside the new AT-ST is in there perfectly lined up in all of the bays without needing of altering the map. @@Xycaleth, I see downloads for OpenJK for JA but what about JK2? I really wanna play through the Artus Topside level and make sure this thing works fine since in DF2 it's used a few times as an NPC.
  11. That's another area, you just gotta know how to blend the textures well at the UV map seams. If you're using blender aren't you able to import a model and just look at the weights?
  12. It's all about the weights, you also don't have to set your models up exactly like they did as far as naming of the meshes. Anything with the extension _eff isn't used, those are left over objects from Softimage's chain effectors, they should be deleted as whoever imported the original skeleton to 3DS Max a super long time ago didn't do it. The eyelids are parts of the face or head or however you have it segmented, not separate objects, the bones l_eye and r_eye are what control the blinking, the eyeballs themselves don't move, it's a common misconception.
  13. I had to do quite a bit of troubleshooting as somehow somewhere the data was stored saying that the right leg chain was a mirrored clone of the left. While that worked fine and dandy it skewed everything once it was in dotXSI 3.5 so I had to rebuild that chain to get it working. As you can see, if it works in ModView, it pretty much means it works in game, just need to make some of the little files like shaders and such. It still needs turning animations but it should work as a test without them, I wanna run the Artus Topside map to check if it properly overwrites the base assets.
  14. Newer games are WAY TOO EASY, they aren't even worth buying unless they have good multiplayer.
  15. Ugh, I HATE it so much when someone uses the vaguest name for a thread, try naming a thread actually after the content it contains. The music that was used in Vjun_3 would have been a better choice IMO.
  16. Sounds like you never took the time to learn even the basics of the software and just tried to straight jump into importing an already made model and modifying it.
  17. Yeah, any 3d software can make an image outta a UV map.
  18. Nice, I'm probably one of the few long time JA modders that hasn't installed openJK as a stand alone outside of the DF2 mod build. I'll probably download and install though once this is available since I'm too lazy to do a visual studio build + manual install.
  19. I started on these for people who either didn't know how to get their own model in game or wanted to port a model from a game THEY ALREADY OWN to Jedi Academy, not finished but all the hard stuff is outlined. From there hierarchy and compiling are the only things left to do which are easy and can be figured out through google or another programs short tutorial. Maybe one day I'll get back to these but there hasn't been any interest in them in a long time it seems.
  20. It hasn't been approved yet, the model is on the site, admins and the author can view it but until it's approved normal members will get an error. Be patient.
  21. That's the problem, tags are messed up, like I said, ported by an amateur. It'll have to be imported, fixed and recompiled.
  22. You could easily look at the hierarchy structure in a 3d modeling program and compare it to the base rancor to see what the problem is. Like all ports it's done by amateurs.
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