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Everything posted by Tauns

  1. Another request fulfilled! Nice one!
  2. Yeah that's what I wanted this skin for. In RP, I already have clothes suitable for different situations, like more formal robe, or winter coat (hoth mission, sp) and so on. A option without mask, or only in underwear would give more opportunities for great RP. Title was a clickbait, perverts
  3. This is for RP purposes!
  4. Hi! As a Kel Dor fan #1, I'd love to see some more models/frankensteins of this race. Now, thanks to @@Kualan and ahutor of the old rosh penin reskin and my friend from rp clan, i have this beauty below as my main skin. However, there are two things more, before I could die happily. One is a reskin (I can frankenstein, but my texture-edtiting skills are really low): Kel Dor wearing panties - The problem for me would be changing colour of existing some model of someone (if exists) beeing topless, and adding these kel dor wrinkles. Second request is Kel Dor without a mask. Of course, it's the head that matters to me. This would require some experience in frankensteining, so maybe @@Jeff or @@Kualan, or someone else who could be called Master of Blender would be so kind to do it for me. If anyone is willing to do this awesome work, I could send them the head from model on the spoiler screens below This is Kel Dor without a mask -> http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/4b/PloKoonUnmasked-STD.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110209165648
  5. Awesome! Somewhere there is my request also xD
  6. @@Rooxon, you're making those sabers from the request thread?
  7. Could you do something like @@Jeff, and post a link to all your works on dropbox in the first post? :>
  8. I know it's kind of a big request, but could you edit the first post so there are all download links from this thread? I know it's lazy, but I think it would save a bit of time for those who are not reviewing this topic regularly, and show everything you got at the beggining of the thread instead of some randomly posted links ^^'' Dun't h8t pls
  9. Hi there! For rp purposes, I'd like to make say, a Kyle vehicle ^^ I think it's possible, but I'm not sure what should I do. I'm using blender for it. It should have some tags, or something... right? I tried to to something with vehicle tutorial, but it didn't really help... Help me [you], you are my only hope!
  10. No problem xD No one would probably vote for them except me
  11. We need moar kel dors! <3
  12. I hope I can help you, but not sure if dragon can open other skeletons than _humanoid ^^ Edit: kinda nothing-saying answer. I suppose you could send me the model
  13. Everything with Kel Dors makes me feel warm inside. xD
  14. Reskins count? For example, reskin of e-11?
  15. Dragon is very easy and it saves your file in .gla format, so you don't have to play with it much. Altough it's not really a professional tool, it's enough to make some animating Btw, I don't know how to animate in blender, are there some tutorials?
  16. Or, you can use Dragon! It's quite a tool, you can use it to create your own animations
  17. Well.. depending of what you want to do, I may be able to help you. PM me
  18. Yes, it does and it can work with newest versions of Max, and some older ones. Check it out
  19. But there is a glm importer to 3dsMax, isn't it?
  20. ooo... Modelroot który był w importowanym szkielecie miał nazwę B:Modelroot. Może o to chodzi. Jak wróce z wakacji to się tym zajmę
  21. @Langerd, dam ci całe .pk3, bo ten model ma własne .gla. https://www.dropbox.com/s/diqu3jtn408w3cz/throwable_sfutt.pk3?dl=0
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