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File Reviews posted by NumberWan

    Nina Anthology

       1,090    15

    I must say – this is something very unexpected, but very welcome! Nina mod might not be that famous like some of the larger mods, but nevertheless these stories about Nina Delenda, released in 2000s by Larry McBruce – are truly a masterpiece and part of the Jedi Knight Legacy. 

    I'm glad, that today Zahar combined all of the Nina's stories and created one single pack with all the adventures in one place, as well as so many options to try. Some of these, like customisable costumes or lightsaber hilts weren't always part of the originals. Now you can play the way you like it and start from the beginning on Korriban, where Nina tries to learn about (...spoiler!), or move forward and lead a task group to defeat evil forces on various worlds. Whatever you choose – all of the efforts of Larry McBruce are there, still in place and still shining as a marvellous example of both design and good gameplay.

    This Anthology is a remarkable modification to try. I'm glad, that Zahar introduced special menus of all missions to choose from. The renovated characters are also a nice addition – unique appearance of main and background characters give the game a very fresh look!

    While I played Nina mods years ago, I'm glad we have a chance to relieve something from the old days. Such a set of mods is also a good opportunity for new players, who haven't tried the originals.

    Definitely the Nina Anthology is worthy of recognition in the JK community.

    zahar likes this
  1. It's been some time since I played SP mods for Jedi Academy, but this one seemed to be worth a try. The mod adds 2 new missions to the second tier for Jaden, one takes place on Tatooine, where you travel to explore the Shuttle crash. It's not just shooting and dueling, even though you encounter Reborn warriors. It's good to see that we get an expansion of swoop missions with this mod, so you ride one until you come across Jawas and the destroyed ship. This mission is short, but gives a fresh look on missions of the New Jedi Order.

    A second assignment takes you to Okofo, a new planet, which looks a lot like a shadowy ecumenopolis full of thugs, who are led by an Imperial guy. His status is perhaps that of Rax Joris, but the city is an elaborate set of labyrinths, which you have to explore before you find your goal. In both missions the authors added cutscenes 👍 Also the Okofo missions gets a briefing from a Republic Soldier.

    Hopefully more authors would add new maps to the packs, so that we could choose from a variety of different worlds to explore. For now this is a very good addition to a familiar flow of the JA story.

    GamerRedNeck likes this
  2. Even though I'm not much into MP, I definitely had a lot of fun exploring this Jedi's Home III. I would say, that this pack is one of the most decent maps I've experienced. As I don't play JA online, I would review the map as a SP user, a fellow modder/mapper and a Star Wars fan.

    First of all – the whole location is really huge. There are several sections to explore, but I started it near the landing platform, which reminds of classic Star Wars cities. While it might be close visually to Cloud City and Jedi Outcast in many ways, I somehow felt great presence of Mysteries of the Sith there. When outside, you can't stop admiring the atmosphere – the light there is absolutely hilarious!

    Dozens of other places look very good and are interesting to explore, like cantina, the Senate hall and training areas. I tried an early version, when some doors were closed, but the major ones were open and fully functional. A large SwoopTrack can also be found here. I really enjoyed the references to various Star Wars places.

    My absolute favourite is the level of details, and as a keen fan of art and sculpture, I'm still amazed by the statues in Jedi's Home III – the Jedi-like Sages and Mysterious ladies. Not sure, how they were made, but the design is simple, yet very stylish. Shaders is something adds deepness to the level and makes the stones and other materials more realistic. The surfaces have a shiny look, but the texture of small scratches and abrasions gives it some backstory – that these floors saw a lot in many-many years.

    I can only assume, how much fun it would be to play on this map in MP, with so many open space areas. I would definitely like to see Jedi's Home III as part of some SP story, with NPC interactions, dog-fights and major duels against Force wielders. In any case AngelModder did a very good job! 

    GamerRedNeck and AngelModder like this
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