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Posts posted by Noodle

  1. I'm surprised you guys haven't won the lottery with your apparent ability to predict the future. Instead of jumping to baseless speculation, you should wait for it to be released so you can actually state a fact-based opinion. 


    I'm interested in seeing how they will end the series and if they'll take it as an opportunity to connect with other SW-related projects, like Battlefront II. 

    Pickles256, the_raven and Wasa like this
  2. Yeah, exactly. Personally, I think the same. But with YouTubers uploading footage of our work and what we've been doing, for their subscribers and in general.. There's still people out there that're questioning our methods (Probably those that are just looking for unnecessary conflict and to try and cause unrest), but this is to hopefully shut-down all the negativity and put it to rest. 


    Modding is a hobby. Unless people have the power to shut down what you're doing, ignore whatever drama they might spout because their opinion is meaningless. You don't seem like one of those sensitive people that stop doing stuff because an autist on the web threw a fit, so don't empower them by paying attention to them. 


    So thats enough for me. I can't fight with windmills. 


    Fame and acknowledgement on a JK modding forum is as relevant as the first prize in Mongolia's national throat singing contest. 


    If I may @ & @@Tompa9, this entire statement the guy made comes off as projection IMO cause he didn't get the notoriety that you guys are getting. The thing is you guys don't let it get to your heads. He obviously would have. Too bad for him.


    Are we talking about a youtuber or something? 


    Also, whenever there's Internet Drama, remember the wise words of Tyler the creator:



  3. The female Nautolan is dope as hell. Leesha from SWTOR, correct? :D


    Indeed friend, I've never played SWTOR but I saw the model Jeff ported and loved the head mesh. I love adding diversity to the aliens we can play as in this game, so I thought it was a perfect experience to try head rigging. 

  4. Hi Noodle


    Sorry for asking as I am mot sure how the menu part would work but (maybe that’s the reason), why not use your own separate humanoid folder (like _humanoid_noodle/_humanoid.gla)?


    I'm not sure it'd work as intended if it was it's own .gla file.



    Low rez? Let me check my assets as I think it uses two 1024x1024 textures


    That'd be nice since the ones I've got are 512x512



    Ohhh! The more vehicles the merrier, that's really awesome looking even with the older textures! Vehicles are always important in movie making! Is that just a flat hoth terrain map?


    It's a Battle of hoth map that I haven't been able to find online yet. But it's nothing special. I love vehicles, so perhaps I'll port some more old star wars games vehicles into the game. 

  5. I'm one of the few people in this universe that greatly enjoys playing with vehicles in this game. I used the ported AAC-3 tank from the abandoned Battlefront III as a way to learn more about model rigging and custom skeletons. 








    It's a pity that the textures are so low-res though. Is this kind of stuff interesting for anybody? I could finish some UI stuff and release it as for testing. 

  6. If you don't know already how to do it, i strongly suggest you learn how to create AO bakes from a low poly model using Xnormal. It will make your life easier and give you a non destructive workflow that is closer to reality since the shadows won't be random.


    Source preparation:

    You can use the heal brush to get rid of unwanted details and some highlights, use image>adjustments>shadow highlights with default settings to neutralize the shading, it will look weird but that's exactly what you want, a flat colored source for the color pass. Another way to get rid of highlights is selecting the bright areas and using an adjustment curve to control the spec intensity (sometimes changing the overlay mode to whatever works best), you can also use the content-aware fill.



    When you are done with the fixes and put down the color pass on the texture sheet, add the AO on top (multiply or whatever works best) and adjust the hue of the AO based on mat type. For example, skin shadows are dark red in hue, never black so that's one instance where you could change hue to yellow-ish red, until you get the desired look. You now have coherent base to expand on, you can start adding highlights as well as other details where they belong. Paint areas that need to blend together better, always work at low opacity on separate layers, the idea here is to add to the base and not make it too aggressive.


    Dodge n burn:

    You have to be careful with the dodge and burn tools, some apps will do a pretty crappy job with the default settings (photoshop is guilty of this) you can change the behavior by switching the tool's mode (near the strength slider at the top). For highlights i prefer to fill a layer with pure black and set it to color dodge...anything you paint in white in that layer will give you colored highlights, this is where having a tablet is useful because you can vary intensity with pressure (but smudge is still useful here to fade away strong highlights). The other benefit over dodge n burn is that it's non destructive, if something looks off, you just paint over the area in black and start over.

    Last step is usually adding a levels adjustment to make your texture as bright as possible, if you don't take time to do this your textures won't be balanced properly and display poorly in game.


    Thanks a lot! I'll keep this as a guide for all my future texture work.

    Psyk0Sith likes this
  7. In a nutshell, texturing is a layering process. Absolute beginners will usually "paint" pure colors and call it done, which is actually only the first step. Others will use unaltered photos with some level of success but never really tie everything together (tone mismatch between areas, lack of shadows where they should be and highlights that have no business being there).


    Always get real life references of what you want to texture. Pretty much everything has specularity (with different intensity depending on the material) so try and understand how light would affect the look of the object in a default lighting source (usually from the top down). For JA it makes sense to use photo sourcing but when you do, you have to remove the conflicting highlights / shadows from your sources. i.e.: when you want to texture a face without a proper 3/4 view you'll get a dirty looking skin if you don't alter/paint the source material. The goal is to blend everything together without it being noticeable. Preview your texture on the model in 100% diffuse because you want to make it look as it should without a game engine's lighting and shading.


    Don't use black color to shade organic materials, always go for a darker tone of an actual color, pure white can be used in some situations but it needs to contrast with the surrounding areas, if you are painting metal edges, a subtle pure white area can be useful but the rest of the highlighted sharp edge has to be contrasting.


    Many thanks! So it'd be wise to use "flat" sources when doing the texturing and then use the burn/dodge tool to add shadows and highlights, right? 

  8. This old engine requires old school approach to texturing so don't forget to do some final tweaking in 100% diffuse state (and don't just throw a black / dark blue AO on top and call your shading done). If it looks like cement in zbrush, it will also look like cement in retro game engines.


    Any advice for a newb at texturing that really wants to learn how to do good stuff in this game? What are the important things most people miss when texturing? 

  9. It'd seem that the weapon size issue is related to the fact that the model is much smaller than the usual JA humanoid character. Maybe re-scalling it will fix it. Also, can't wait to see a Ziro skin of this, the animations are top work (they can obviously be improved, but I love the emotional range!)

    ChalklYne and Jeff like this
  10. I'm going to try to get a new patch out by Saturday (hopefully Friday at the earliest), those of you who are available are welcome to join us on the test server (which I'll try and have @@Smooさん leave up for a while so other people can try throughout the following week etc).  Lots of bug fixes and new features to try out so I'm looking forward to it.  I would like to host an informal match that Saturday evening starting at 6:30pm GMT (00:30am July 1st UTC - here's an event calendar which will show UTC and your local time).  We'll probably end up organizing a more formal 4th scrimmage after that point and after a few more features have been completed, but let me tide everyone over with that.  I'll post links to patch update here on JKHub and on the Discord the day before the event if I'm ahead of schedule, but I'll have them up before the event at the latest.


    I'm always up to any test match we can organize. This is my favorite mod in existence. 

    Futuza and Smoo like this
  11. Looked over every tutorial on this website and others, and not once have I even begun to figure out how to do any of it, not even the tiniest bit of it. Hell I have trouble even OPENING UP a model in blender, and this is after studying multiple tutorials over and over and over, I have no idea how to do it, and I doubt I'll ever figure it out, whether in 10 years or 20 years, I still am adamant I'll have absolutely no idea how to use blender to even PORT let-alone model. You guys think I haven't tried? Haven't tried as HARD as I could to figure out these programs? I just can't... I have tried and tried and tried, I've looked up video tutorials and all the tutorials on here and I just can-not figure it out.


    Perhaps the problem is that you're trying to start with something that's not as easy as it would seem. All the knowledge I've gotten with blender so far has been through watching very basic youtube tutorials, like how to make a barrel or how to make a low-poly model. Noone should try to port or model without knowing the very basics.

    Tompa9, TheWhitePhoenix and Xioth like this
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