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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. I don't know if it's related to rendering, but I want better working toggable and movable lights. Most of the time when I'm trying to do toggable lights I get errors one way or the other that produce black texture on the surrounding areas. Really unhelpful when trying to create an immersive atmosphere in some maps.
  2. I agree, even in the films lightsabers only dismember in crucial parts (mostly duels), when you see Luke striking Jabba's thugs you don't see limbs flying around, nor in TCW when the separatists are slashing through clones.
  3. Right now we're derailing Jeff's thread, so I advise you to create a thread in Modding Assistance (https://jkhub.org/forum/14-modding-assistance/) and make sure to post screenshots of what you did and the crash you're getting. What you're saying so far makes me thing you didn't properly export the .glm model and thus you're crashing, but more info will help see the error with ease.
  4. You've got to be more specific with what you're doing so we can spot any mistake.
  5. I use it as study material for my own modelling work
  6. This is one of the most stunning maps I've ever seen, it's even more incredible to see it ingame with the ambience music in the background. Can't wait for this to be released, it'll be great!
  7. Does your NPC have the same class as Galak's mech? Maybe there's some line of code that expects the model to only work with guns. Also, is the skeleton named _humanoid at the beginning? That seems to make a big difference for some reason.
  8. Yeah,but it's an unnecessary task since I think someone already fixed it, so you might see a release in the near future.
  9. Wouldn't the same apply to real life riot police and their use of batons instead of long range non-lethal weapons? My guess is that those stormtroopers are to quell any civilian uprising instead of to fight against terrorists.
  10. That's awesome. Your Jabba the hutt model inspired me to start trying to do stuff with custom skeletons in JA
  11. Is there any place in which I could see your work? I love studying other people's art.
  12. I'm glad you decided to take matters into your own hands. Good job for someone just starting!
  13. gunners > jedi/sith
  14. Hey, thanks for the model! I did some fixes to your model. It should take a lesser impact on FPS now that I've deleted all the unused meshes and dismemberment should work much better now. Tried to fix a bit the hands but the mesh seems to have been heavily altered and it's a bit tough due to that. If I have more time I'll work on proper face animations. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kel9fdkzx7jhz92/Darth%20Desolous.pk3?dl=0
  15. All I've ever done is very simple stuff that's ended up being too buggy to be used. Most of what I do is with scripting but it's impossible to play around lightsaber options with that. What I can say is that what Fredwick wants to achieve will be impossible if he doesn't have a deeper understanding of coding and the math used to configure the lightsaber settings. The program that I use to mess with the code is Visual Studio, and Eez did a tutorial about how to set it up for JA here: https://jkhub.org/topic/9947-compiling-openjk-win32-must-read-for-new-coders/. I also recommend reading this and understanding it at its fullest https://jkhub.org/topic/9949-c-and-c-primer/ If you're truly commited to understanding code, read this before doing anything and don't try to rush through it. 99% of the issues I see with modding is because people jump right through the tools without trying to understand how they work.
  16. That's good, you've taken your first step into a larger world.
  17. The reason you're getting more than 1000 vertices when loading the model in modview even though in blender it says it has less is because when exporting the model to .glm the new exporter automatically splits the seams in two, so even if you delete the duplicates it'll re-create them. That means that a model that has 800 vertices could easily end up having more than a 1000.
  18. I wish you success in your endeavor!
  19. I love this! Droids don't get enough love in this game!
  20. So far it's a nice recreation! Just a couple more details and it's a 10/10!
  21. Could it be that you're projecting your own feelings unto the rest, nobody can argue that Disney has destroyed your passion for Star Wars, but that doesn't mean it's been the general rule. I think Circa might be right when he states that perhaps the reason why you think there's zero buzz about the film is because the circles that you frequent have no hype for it and also because the way the Internet works now must reinforce this feeling in you (if you watched 1 anti-TLJ video, you'll be swarmed by videos with the same content thanks to Youtube's algorithm and hence you'll be led to think that's the way the majority thinks, when in reality it's the web feeding you the content it thinks you'll like). The way I see it, there's a generation gap that has been created by the new movies, the same way it happened with the prequels and the beginning of TCW, maybe we aren't the target audience of the new movies, but that doesn't retroactively destroy the things we used to like. Personally, I don't care about the new movies that much, but I've been enjoying the new stuff that has come in anthology films, videogames and comics, so I can't complain much!
  22. The site might indeed be dying, but the community does seem to keep on going. If anything, the great change I've noticed is that everybody seems to have abandoned forums and moved on to discord.
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