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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. The game is a big download but it is free to play. I don't remember if the files were unity assets or not, but they were not easy to get into at all.
  2. Restrictions have been lifted on TFU models slightly. So from the model, the only thing different from this and a regular Stormtrooper is the helmet, which I am certain someone could easily frankenstein onto a regular Stormtrooper body and reskin it for a Hub upload. You can also get the official sounds with it as both Seven and Swagmaster have obtained the audio.
  3. @@Seven any chance you both could look into The Old Republic? Those files are hard to crack for audio, I barely got out of it alive with the Malgus Soundpack.
  4. Found it, it's nice! I had to add my own NPC to it though. You know the EULA has altered slightly so you might get away with uploading it onto the hub if you added NPC Support, BOT Support and Team Skins, SP Menu Support etc. Still love it for what it is. Thanks!
  5. Any chances of Thexan and Arcann? I need this in my life.
  6. I understand that this mod when finished will be scripted as a mission, but the map is going to be so good that it would be cool to have a non-scripted version for MP/SP.
  7. Huzzah! British Independence! *Parties hard*

  8. This is an odd request as the source is fairly unusual. I would like a version of Starkiller that looks like the Days Gone character. Admittedly this character from Days Gone looks like a PS4 version of Starkiller from The Force Unleashed.
  9. Well I don't think he is contactable anymore. However judging from that image, it looks like a heavily modified Count Dooku head put onto an imperial body. Perhaps there are some nice models of Tarkin in old Lucasarts games that could be ported? Edit: I know Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes has a more "animated" version of Tarkin: Probably not the best model but you could probably edit the head to look more realistic.
  10. https://jkhub.org/topic/4930-kualans-kitbash-workshop/?p=95315
  11. I think these robes are really good quality and it would be awesome to have a "TFU Robe Customization Pack" so you could select whichever robe you want on your starting character. I know you have a lot to do but I think people would take inspiration from it and attempt this if you didn't end up doing this yourself.
  12. In addition, these sounds will not work with an NPC if they are not called for in the NPC file. There are different Groups, named as the following: snd sndcombat sndextra (There are probably more but these are from the top of my head). These are enabled specifically for certain NPCs, for example, the base Stormtrooper will use sndextra, which contains all of the flank sounds, suspicious sounds if they hear footsteps. A regular Jedi NPC or Sith NPC would not use these sounds, since the sndextra sounds are commonly used with gun wielding NPCs only. I am certain it would be added to the Wikia for everyone to access at some point. It's a pretty major part of modding. It will need A LOT of detail though and would need to be very in-depth.
  13. I have slept and I can now see that clearly.
  14. That's why I mentioned @@Kualan as he may release it with the hair.
  15. https://jkhub.org/topic/4930-kualans-kitbash-workshop/?p=93127 Open the spoiler for "old favorite".
  16. Yep, looks good. I think @@Kualan edited together an awesome Mace Windu that looked super realistic, perhaps this hair could be frankensteined onto the character then have the skin edited to make the hair darker, then just add some new robes to him.
  17. But seriously, this might be the look you're looking for: That is from the movie called "Jackie Brown". There he looks like a younger Mace Windu with the hair style from the character you want.
  18. Whenever this model ever does get an official Hub release, the hand skin will need altering to match the lightness of the head skin. I believe Seven will release it with the official TFU robes.
  19. That face is far from accurate.
  20. This means his voice will need to be extracted from Battlefront. I don't own the game but I am certain someone will upload the audio resources once it's released.
  21. @@AshuraDX Wasn't you needing a Clone Trooper soundpack? Here's your sounds.
  22. That Battlefront Lando model looks sweet too. So does the entire Bespin map.
  23. I don't have the game anymore. And @@Seven is right, the voice acting is pretty terrible, the only good ones worth getting are the TFA ones and Darth Maul.
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