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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. Tada!! I'll fix the hand placement in a few hours and send it over to you. I'm off to watch Independence Day Resurgence. Be back later.
  2. Yeah, I did that too but for some reason it doesn't actually rotate the model. @@AshuraDX do you know how to select the model properly so it actually rotates? Because in Blender using "A" doesn't work.
  3. I have the same problem. Are you using blender? If so what did you press to select the entire model?
  4. Okay, I must be doing something wrong when I select the entire model. I select the entire model with A, but for some reason the model does not rotate when I change the rotation. @@mrwonko please can you remind me of how it works?
  5. I managed to do everything, however when I attempt to export the new GLM file, it says "Error: No skeleton_root found!" If anyone can tell me how to fix this then I can complete the request. EDIT: Nevermind I have fixed it.
  6. Okay, I can try that but I'll need a download link of the exact model you want rotated. Then i'll have to try and figure out how to select the whole model.
  7. I knew I was going to be mentioned at some point. Honestly though, I would have replied to this sooner but shamefully it's been SO LONG since anybody requested me to flip a saber model that.. I actually forgot how to do it. LOL. Well not all of it, I just need a reminder on how to select the ENTIRE model in blender so that it is entirely outlined in that orange color. Then I just need to know again how I de-select the model after I've rotated it. I actually learned this from @@mrwonko but for some stupid reason I must have deleted his PM because I can't actually find it in my Message Center anymore. But yeah, if anyone can remind me of those two things, and also provide me a link to the model that needs to be rotated, then I'll get right on it.
  8. That looks great, didn't catch this before. Did you manage to fix the Hooded versions head up? I remember the bald patch it had.
  9. Nice! Could not help but think of this though:
  10. Yeah true, but I would much rather see something like " *name* disagrees with your post" rather than " *name* Dislikes your post". I don't know , Dislike sounds a lot stronger in negativity than Disagree does.
  11. Perhaps you could disagree with something that is not totally negative though. For example, one person could say something incorrect, such as "The NPC file contains the saber commands", to which one could "disagree" and then let them know that it is a .sab file that contains that information. It's not all entirely negative, it's subjective to the content of the post that is being liked/disliked. Alternatively, the wording could be altered to Agree/Disagree with this post, instead of Like/Dislike. It makes it less negative.
  12. If it works for Likes, I think it should work for Dislikes also. It is the users option to explain why they Disagree with it, and would be the same if they Agree with it. There shouldn't be any type of gang-up behavior though, but I think people should be ok to express their feelings, if someone gets too much, there's always a report button.
  13. But then you could say the same for Like. Someone likes what you say, but they don't actually expand on what exactly they like about it, as most just take 1 Like = 100% agreement.
  14. Can someone give this guy $10?
  15. I would like a feature to be able to dislike a post, rather than only having the ability to like a post. If someone disagrees with something, they have every right to express it. As @@eezstreet said, a similar thing to reddit would be fine, where you can upvote/downvote any post made by anyone.
  16. It would be nice to learn how he did it so we can replicate it.
  17. First you'd need to find out what type of file holds the models, there is usually always a program or script that can extract model files from archives.
  18. You MIGHT find it in here somewhere: https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1339877 If not then perhaps it can be found elsewhere on the internet.
  19. Here is a Download for a bunch of Kinect Star Wars models: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vsq51xo0nckr6fw/Star%20Wars%20Kinect.zip I do not know if Mavra Zane is one of the models or not, you'd have to check it.
  20. Sorry to bother again but I just noticed something about Arcann. Here's what he looks like in-game: And here's what he looks like in SWTOR: Is there any chance you could flip the model so the mechanical arm is on the other side? Like in SWTOR.
  21. Here's the full Dengar model from Battlefront if anyone wants to use parts of it for reference or anything. http://www.mediafire.com/download/5kdaz3z06e38z32/hero_gunslinger_dengar.rar
  22. In case anyone wanted it here is the Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes Tarkin model: https://mega.nz/#!qstBTABQ!hyhxkBxGH5paqnCDY_t8IXcR2YX4Bk_ElN1NacyWFgQ (Just copy/paste the link, for some reason it's glitched).
  23. Thanks! Hey.. does this have the face rig? Edit: I have found a small bug, nothing major but still @@Seven I get this every time the character "blinks" Also can confirm there is no face rig yet
  24. Request officially complete. https://jkhub.org/topic/5134-jeffs-never-ending-wips/?p=114293
  25. It took me an entire week to fully install it with updates etc. Perhaps some of the files are available online? Maybe I can take a look around.
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