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File Comments posted by Daedra

  1. This mod by default uses the black story mode hilt for every color. If you wish to add the color you want to a different hilt, you must go into the .sab file and find the saber number color you wish to use. Then you simply change the hilt model name to the hilt you want (to find the name you can go to the .sab file of the hilt you want).


    Here is an example:


    I want "saber_1000" blue color as Darth Mauls Staff. I go into the .sab file of Darth Mauls saber, and copy the hilt model name, for example "dmsab1". I then edit the .sab file of this 28 Colors mod, and find "saber_1000" and paste the model name "dmsab1" and save it. Now when I use "saber_1000" in-game, it will be a blue Darth Maul staff saber.

  2. Guys it's just a kitbash/ frankenstein. No reason to rate so low.


    This is my reasoning:



    If my low rating is disliked, then so be it. I rated based on the amount of editing/adding the uploader put into the file, and has stated above he has done nothing other than combine other peoples' work.


    If he had, lets say, edited the skin, gave it more color/brought out more detail on the skin/made audio edits to improve quality, then sure, my rating would probably go up to 3 or 4. As it currently stands it is what it is.


    Again, as I stated before, I do appreciate the effort of him finding the separate mods and putting them together, combined with obtaining permission from the original authors, I applaud this, I just don't see any content coming from the uploader himself within this file.

    Tavion Extreme Makeover

       1,079    11

    The television program "Extreme Makeover" takes average people and gives them thousands of dollars worth

    of aesthetic (plastic) and surgery, professional hair and makeup styling, and a new wardrobe, to make them

    as attractive as possible.


    I decided to give my favorite bad-BOY LUKE an "Extreme Makeover" with laser tattoo removal,

    hair and makeup changes, and some wardrobe "improvements" to make HIM as attractive as possible.






    bigphil2695 and GamerRedNeck like this


       128    9

    Did you get the reference? :)


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    From the image, yes.

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this


       128    9

    R-3PO type was often seen in Tatooine levels of The Phantom Menace video game. In the film the droid is seen in the background. I think it should be less reflective, the droid spends much time in the sun, sandy winds and in harsh environment. But good work nonetheless. :)


    Like I said, this version is based on the HASBRO version, not the version seen in TPM Game. The image of the HASBRO toy is included in the screenshot. :D


       347    8

    Like what you've done with the shine. If you were to update the model, I would make the body parts on him more "refined/defined". Not so that they stick out like a sore thumb, but to make them somewhat more visible.


    Like I said, you won't get a better version without a new model, I think it's a little bit nitpicky, I mean, it's the first realistic Chrome in the Game ever. Let me know when there's a new model that pertrudes the details more than the flat protocol model in the base folder then I will skin it. :)

    TR_8R (FN-2187)

       495    18

    Thanks for the note @Kylo Ren :)  I have used "TR_8R" for Finn (FN-2187) because he was the Stormtrooper, who have dropped out from the First Order and betrayed the other stormtroopers by joining the Resistance. That makes him the tr_8r and his code name by fn-2187 is no more in the lines of the First Order.

    About the blood line on his helmet, I used as a good reference the model showed in Facepunch forums, FleetAdmiral1's topic that was rigged since I do not like piracy and I am waiting for April, so that I can buy the Force Awakens DVD/BlueRay with the extended movie. Yes this is a re-skin of DT's episode 7 Stormtrooper perhaps it should be on the Skins section, but I thought of putting in Player Models, since he is one of the main characters in the new saga. Also there was no version of bloody and dirty Finn on the movie, but I decided to add it as well.


    And no offense taken, just try using the search option a little bit more next time, you will perhaps notice there is already what you want (frankenstein of Finn's head onto the Stormtrooper) made by other users "Salvoo" check it here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2643-fn-2187/


    TR-8R is the Stormtrooper with the electric Baton. If you did some research you would know here:



    TR-8R is also known as FN-2199. That's not Finn, but a totally different character, and that's on the official Star Wars website. Since it's only a Skin, it would have been better to incluse a version with Finn's head on the Stormtrooper so it could stay in the "Player Models" section of the downloads. (You could have made your own or asked Salvoo for permission etc). It would have made this download a bit more enticing.


    But for a 2.0, those things could be done in the future to improve it. Good work though!

    Darth Sion and KyleKatarn1995 like this

    TR_8R (FN-2187)

       495    18

    I think someone is getting mixed up here. First, TR-8R is not FN-2187, they are different people, not the same person. Second, FN-2187 had only 3 blood lines on his helmet, not 4. And third, if you was going to post this it would have been good to include a version of Finn in the Stormtrooper suit (Frankenstein Finn's head onto the Stormtrooper to replace the helmet).


    No offense here but it just looks like a re-skin of DT85's Stormtrooper, so it should be in the Skins category of downloads, not Player Models.

    EG-5 Jedi Hunter Droid

       3,118    19

    Odd, i did not have any problems with the NPC's. I'll check out the missing shaders. Just tested it again using JA Plus and there are no console errors, no missing shaders and no crashes. A big amount of NPC files can cause problems if you're not using some kind of mod.


    I didn't test it in JA Plus, just regular JKA in Single Player, and it gives the Error in Transform Space for Ghoul2 Models. But yeah apart from that it's totally fine.

    EG-5 Jedi Hunter Droid

       3,118    19

    Great stuff, wanted to make a few points though.


    - When spawning an NPC, as you are about to battle the character, you get an Error of transform space in ghoul2 models which takes you back to the menu of the game.

    - for some reason there are some missing image shaders (yellow text in the console) when spawning NPC for the first time.


    That's the only problems I've had, and that was in regular JKA Single Player. 5 stars all the same though!

    R2-B1 Skins

       146    3

    Looks good!! Just for the curiosity, can you also show me a screenshot of your R2-B1 that looks more clean?


    I had that skin but I had to restore my computer so I lost that.

  3. Hey Im having an issue where when I use the kylo ren skin imperials wont attack me. Any help?


    You either have a mod that automatically activates the notarget cheat, or a mod where it changes your playerteam. Just try enabling/disabling notarget cheat, and also the playerteam player / enemy

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