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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Somehow I find Free Radical's BattleFront III (canceled project) attempt on the OT Jedi Robes... way better to my taste.
  2. Just started to like MB2 2-nd day now. If someone from here is there thanks for the dueling tips today :)

    1. Tompa9
    2. dark_apprentice


      Thanks mate I am learning from one friend in the game :) Must say I pretty much like it


  3. Work still in progress, jacket, hair and skirt from Galaxy Of Heroes, head is custom
  4. Not if you have watched all 4 seasons of Rebels TV Show
  5. So proud that Enfys Nest theme uses folklore female choirs from Bulgaria the magic is now officially in the Galaxy.

    1. the_raven


      What's Enfys Nest?

    2. Newmodder


      Pre rebellion group

    3. the_raven
  6. Thanks on the feedback as I wasn't able to test them earlier, will take a look
  7. Yes but the original one - before the Solo Chewie update that has two belts and goggles
  8. Happy Star Wars day and happy Solo release to all. On those of you who saw it earlier like me here's something small. As I was quite a long time out of the saga, sorry if I miss somebody on credits just let me know and I'll edit the credits list. * Force Arena Team * Punisher * Scerendo * HapSlash Download link "Solo Pack"
  9. I really love the cheap, yet good design of Hasbro BS Vader helmet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. the_raven


      album? what album? any links?

    3. dark_apprentice


      Patience when it's out you will know for sure at the moment it's early to speak of any snippets, demos or anything else that might spoil it.

    4. the_raven
  10. Try maybe with Jbridge it can convert a x64 program (.dll) file into x86 (for 32 bit PCs) but 1. Not 100% stable and 2. Never tested this on any games.
  11. I might do so, however my current plans are far way from JKA / JKHub as I am working on some other projects, that actually make my living and currently struggling with a flue. I am still "active" over here, from time to time, as I am keeping an eye on something in particular, that might be in the process and eventually if it gets done maybe, just maybe I might agree to release a good amount.
  12. @@The Punisher did them with the concept Luke model and I with concept Vader from Fore Arena both
  13. Might ask @@The Punisher as he was faster than me and managed to port them if he is willing to share them. I'll just show how amazing they look in the game and modview, as full ports.
  14. The models are only R2, Snoke, Praetorian guards and Luke (Ach-To), the one you see as Crait Luke projection is the special ability inside Force Arena and that is hard coded inside the game, more like a cinematic character, not portable until they release him as playable one.
  15. I did not noticed that, I just received update on FA "Acho-To" Luke, Snoke from TLJ with golden robes, x2 Praetorians and R2-D2 not sure where is the Crait version of him.
  16. Crait Luke was already done few pages ago. There is also R2-D2 model and two Praetorians (yes, now officially Fore Arena released them!!) however they are posed in "action" mode from the person who extracted them and this will require for another extraction as they come still by default.
  17. Well what do you know, when you notice Force Arena released something new:
  18. Glad you have used the Rogue One / ANH Vader
  19. Damn I thought no one is familiar with those concepts yet. Redeemed Vader and some others might come sooner than you know.
  20. Glad if we could help you or at least made you smile a bit. Looking forward to see your project if you are willing to share.
  21. Nice work there and congrats on your first steps. Hope that you will continue to improve in time.
  22. Sadly because, the community have their own point of view for new content that keeps this game alive. More or less, as it is ported or kitbashed materials. Hopefully the rumors for JKHub 2.0 that was mentioned, eventually should be adding some dedicated download section for such content with 3-rd party links for clouds (dropbox, mediafire, meganz) etc. but only time will show. Until them you and many other members would have to literally dig page by page in every single forum (mostly WIP sections) for such content.
  23. Thoughts on the time travel, forces from the past and future including R1 and Sequel Trilogy presented in Rebels?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noodle


      It's a very interesting development. It all depends on how they manage the concept in the future if they ever decide to pick it up again.

    3. dark_apprentice


      That is sure a lot to talk about right there. Also makes me wonder what eventually they might put in the anthologies and/or IX

    4. IrocJeff


      I don't mind this stuff in Star Wars but I rather like it better in Star Trek.



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