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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. @@Seven is this hilt one that you build or from another source such as BF 2015 or TFU? If it's the second case, I would like to see the ANH Luke saber from BF 2015 that is shared over the Facepunch forums.
  2. Is it possible to use animation made with Cryengine or Unreal Engine and a movie scene that is shot with green screen
  3. @@Jeff Btw if you have restored the link for your models at DropBox, I want to request permission on using your updated version of my first attempt on Ezra Bridger. I want to make second version.
  4. I don't have any account in there and I always state that I am from Bulgaria I had only 2 registrations/accounts related with JKA the one in JK3 FileFront --> unleashed_dark_force and the one i use in here is "dark_apprentice" I was not familiar with the stuff you are talking about, however I just noticed now that over this website there are also content that I have created and no 1 have asked me to use them, not that I will not give my permission and most of my stuff are open for use but a simple "thank you to" would be enough. For example i saw few mods there using my TFU-2 HUD I created and shared over here
  5. Update for the fans of Rebels TV show. Most of the credit goes to Jeff, the head i believe is from SW Rebels Pinball, not sure. I have only weighted and attached it to the body.
  6. After you make the character's head inside iClone you can export it as .OBJ file open the .OBJ inside another program such as Blender 3D, 3D Studio Max or whatever you prefer to use similar to them. Just "cut off" or duplicate only the head and attach it on a JKA character. Attach the head to the correct bones and to the "torso_0" resize again to be proper JKA size and if you are using Blender you might get an error message before the exporting step, that you need to split UV meshes. If so and if using Blender go to the Modding assistance page, there is a thread for that from me and Kualan have made the best answer there do the steps he shares with me on that thread over there. Export the entire JKA model with the iClone head as "model.GLM" file make a working "model.SKIN" file and NPC file make a new .PK3 for this model. Open your JKA game start new one or just load your last level type in console "npc spawn (name-of-your-model) and hit enter - if you made all the steps correct you will have the model inside JKA working. Also before exporting make sure that you smooth the head or separate on diffrent parts to lower the polys cuz maximum for JKA is around 900 for each part of the head.
  7. Hello to everyone, I hope that i didn't go to the wrong topics sorry if so. As some of you around here may already know since April 2016 I am working on a new kind of project, that is not related with music/bands/recording other bands etc. and it's about a Fan movie of my own personal Star Wars story. The story takes places after Return Of The Jedi and before The Force Awakens you can read more right here. However due to my new job I managed to start couple of months ago and the minimum time I have after that for the music projects or anything else I still make a small progress, that is not yet to show (I have few teaser WIPs, but still figuring out what to include and what not, since most of the stuff I am doing on my own as I wanted to). Problem is that I will need assistance from times to times from someone who is more experienced than me in animations and VFX. Speaking of this the animations that I can use so far are with Blender, 3Ds Max, Cinema 4D. Lately and mostly around my girlfriend I have learned for some other amazing "magic boxes", such as the Unlreal Enginge, CryEngine, Unity3D. My thoughts at this moment are: * If possible, could a certain animation from Unlreal Enginge (for example) can be used for another scene in the movie, of course by using a green screen. - A space flight with the Falcon flying by near some planet. - Adding vehicles/ships that are not in the original filmed scene. Like the actor is walking in a forest during winter and it's needed to see few AT-AT's following him with TIE Fighters above? * Or creating a certain element of a building/room/ that can be used for realistic background during a raw footage of the actor/actors standing/walking on the green screen.
  8. Wow that makes me download it and i need to play on this map (can I download it hundred times)?! 1.000.000 out of 10 !
  9. Check the first page, i shared the details of the laptop there with a link for it's original details and the stuff i have updated on the laptop. Tried to install the 64 bit version update for Intel similar to the one that @@ensiform suggested, however when I started to install it and it was not successful because it is not supported for this laptop model. Maybe with an older update.
  10. Well you might give a look to my WIP thread I have made the Rebels Season 2 Maul not the one from Season 3, because the image of him you shared is Season 2. If you like it feel free to enjoy it. About Kanan I might be able to provide a small update of Jeff's Kanan sooner or later, but for now I am considering it.
  11. Sorry if I get out of the topic a little, my girlfriend just started playing lately a game that is around 2003 / 2005 I believe the name is Syberia. If the developers of SW JK:JKA have used this engine instead of the one from Quake 3, maybe just maybe the game would have been more successful and loved. This graphics are amazing for the year that Syberia was released. There is a topic for a new engine in progress in here you can check it and also there are people much more experienced than me and will explain it better
  12. Ok here is my simple personal point of view. I agree with the opinions of the people in here and not with all on 100% because everyone of us have own opinion and this is the cool part. Yes it is true the lately there are too much full ports that were not re-textured and modified, but it is because of missing characters that other people want to play with in the JKA. Personally I would like to port something I am not even capable to do it myself and if other people don't have the time to make it for my request, because they are not forced to do so. Of course when the certain policy allows such things I think it's not to be a problem. For example with the new EULA for some of the games, personally I am not familiar with the licence for EA Battlefront 2015 because I don't have the time to buy the game and never did a research. And from the point of view that I personally have as a musician and artist that is making own songs, after long years in the school and high-school with tribute bands making covers of bands I like, now I make my own stuff in one way or another, so they are both "simple - catchy" and yet "hard/advanced" to copy. That's why I will be interested to see if someone is capable to make good cover of my own art if there are such people I would go to their shows and give them all my congrats, because I inspired them and it will mean for me, that they admire the amazing art that I am creating. However if the band/artist just takes my song without any permission and steal the song/lyrics or video material without my knowledge for this, but I have secured with record labels and other things my work I will make them regret the day they were born on this universe. This is my personal point hopefully I don't insult anyone of you guys because there are people in here who i really admire as artists but I am not taking anyone's back we are all free to say/think what we want to and may the Force be with you always!!
  13. I play only Single Player, just clean up your Base folder from .pk3 files that you are not using or simply install OpenJK and you will be ok without this error
  14. That starkiller pack is mine, however it was re-released as a fix from @@The Punisher you can check either his pack or mine that is 2.0
  15. Also it seems that in this page there are few other photos of this toy, looks like it is legit enough. Perhaps could be good referense. http://www.cosmicbooknews.com/content/luke-skywalker-star-wars-force-awakens-hot-toys-action-figure-revealed
  16. Just received finally my Kylo Ren BS helmet from USA. Feeling like a 5 y/o kid with a lollipop. Gothic Kylo Ren is now complete.

    1. Cerez


      lol Ready to talk to Darth Vader and go cut up some wannabe Jedi. :D

    2. dark_apprentice


      Yes and when my girlfriend asks me to go back home after the party and slap me because I resist I will cry a lot xD

    3. Cerez
  17. Guys, the laptop doesn't have Nvidia but it only worked once with such drivers no idea how. Laptop is running on a 64 bit Windows 7 Professional SP1
  18. Well I remember that once I used to have some Nvidia drivers installed on the same laptop and JKA was running like new and i can't remember what drivers were and not sure how it was working with them, since it's only Intel But I will try with Intel now and after that I will write here what happens.
  19. My old laptop that I use mostly for JKA is ACER Extensa 5620-6635 it has almost the same specs as this one described here however since the last time I have made any upgrades on the laptop that are not jut reinstalling the OS are: * 500 GB HDD * 4 GB RAM * Windows 7 Professional 64bit Since the Window 7 was released for first time ever until today this laptop had only 4 times of reinstalling the windows with clear installation. Everything else from the laptop specifics are the same as in the link. Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T5450 @ 1.66GHz 1.67GHz
  20. Well, when I start from "openjk_sp.x86" it loads the game without the console. Just imagine how you start a new SP or MP game and everything lags from graphics to sound.
  21. Yes I removed it before launching the OpenJk, strange is that the laptop is old for sure but it's the first time refusing to play this game. clear JKA without OpenJK installed: And with OpenJK installed it's just normal game starting with a huge lag and a missing video on the start menu (the one before a player selects either new game or saved one).
  22. Ok, so now I have tried also with the OpenJK as you suggested, still doesn't work. There are two issues at the moment: 1. If I open the clear JKA single player - crashes with the same error message about the OpenGL. 2. When I start the OpenJKSP - game starts but with a huge lag and it's very hard to use it.
  23. Well I tried with this one: https://sourceforge.net/projects/gldirect/files/latest/download?source=typ_redirect but I didn't tried with OpenJK usually it works fine without the OpenJK and it's the first time I have this issue. Once few years ago I had same problem, but when I downloaded and extracted the same OpenGL32.dll file it worked and now it doesn't strange.
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