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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. I think that's not good idea, since both heads are different and won't work that good. But maybe that's just me
  2. You should start checking WIP thread pages before posting such requests if the Search doesn't work for you. Also you can Ctrl+F (find it).
  3. Even some of you hate it, I still love the end result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMB2sLwz0Do

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kualan


      I don't think any of us can claim to know what Peter Cushing would have thought/felt about it.

    3. Cerez


      Exactly. Which is why the original video from Disney irritates me. >.<'

    4. Onysfx


      The CGI didn't bother me too much, just that rogue one was a bad movie (IMO) did.

  4. As just a skin perhaps yes, but animated with the way his 3D head is from all the current models we got?
  5. If you'd like I can provide you a port of Battlefront Free Radical Anakin instead with the Hapslash torso/arms/legs. Here's how it looks like:
  6. Try Old Ben Kenobi from Rebels, but animated version and not realistic head like the one from Free Radicals Battlefront that was used if that's not too much work.
    1. Numfast


      When I saw it I was laughing. Because what I saw was nothing to me, really. No, the video is good itself, but the information is in it on 99% was old for me.) This is just my opinion which descrides my emotions from this video. XD

    2. Onysfx


      They were saying so much while saying nothing. Didn't even watch the whole thing.

    3. Numfast


      Onysfx, I was supposed to because I saw it at EAPlay stream. Although it was worth it, after I saw how SnoopDog was playing BF1 while smoking weed I was waiting for similar surprises and that was one of them (I was laughing so hard at this video).

  7. The model is fixed, the error with the neck is fixed by assigning all head and neck parts (including hair and eyes) with both "cranium" & "thoracic" bones. The hair issue was because of 2 other textures and missing shader file. The missing rank was because it was turned "off" in the G2 Properties. UPDATE Link: Fixed Krennic to use: Npc spawn Krennic // Npc Spawn Krennic_Ors (for the imperial hat)
  8. Happy New Year to everyone :)

  9. Ok, I managed to fix the head and neck weight issues also the hair thanks to @@The Punisher however now I don't understand WHY inside the game the rank is not visible, while inside ModView and Blender it is visible. I also added a shader file that containts information for the rank, but still nothing changes. I even renamed the object to be all on "rank_0" and G2 properties on "rank", changed that inside the .skin file and still it's missing from the game. Any suggestions how to fix that?!
  10. The head parts are now fixed to the "cranium" only instead of "cervical" as they were, problem now is the neck going out. @@Tompa9 that is why I also included a pale version of his face so people can choose. "neck_0" & "necka_0" are weighted to "cranium" too and the result is the image below. When I add "thoracic" to the neck parts it fits well, but cuts off in the middle between the neck and head. I am really stuck now.
  11. You will have to separate the parts of his body on small parts, just as I did with Krennic's head. After that if you look the model's legs are far from the JKA skeleton they are need to overlap the bones for the legs/hips and weighted.
  12. I managed to bring Director Orson Krennic on a new level now. The model is playable for JKOutcast & JKAcademy. This is a pre-release version that I will share with you, because I can't figure out how to finish it the way I want to. The texture of his face is original as it is from EA Battlefront 2015: Rogue One DLC, in distant on Modview it looks a bit orange, but it's not. Due to difference in monitors I have also added another version of the face texture, whith a bit more pale skin after I adjust the levels and brightness of his main color. There are some minor issues that can be noticed, such as his left eye is just a bit out of place, the hair is not attached as perfect as it can be and the entire head (separated in few small parts) needs to be weighted again with proper weighting, because after couple of tutorials I still can't do it and when he moves the neck and head are going on a different direction than the eyes and hair. Maybe a good tutorial is needed for Blender 2.72 or idiots like me. Credits are as follow: Imperial model is by HapSlash, Cape is from HapSlash Dooku, Eyes are from Toshi's Luke with new textures on them, Hair mesh is from the guys behind "Pinball The Force Awakens" Poe Dameron, Head is provided by Corra_Ashu from Facepunch forums, original credits for the head of Krennic is only to the developers of EA Battlefront 2015 and no one else. I do not claim those parts and models as mine in any means, I am providing them for my favorite game Jedi Knight Academy with Single Player support. Inside the game Krennic will appear with popping out eyes, neck, somehow cut off hair with missing parts (don't know why) and missing rank. Images below are from ModView.
  13. May the Force be with you Carrie Fisher :'(

  14. Personally from the 2 times I saw this movie I think they made amazing work with the CGI recreations I don't agree with people who don't like this, because first of all most of you I guess can't make even 80% of the CGI. Also if they picked up the option with a real actor to play him (even let's say Guy Henry with a very good make up), it won't be the same. Maybe juuust a little bit better than 2005's version on ROTS, but something unique performed by one of the greatest old classy actors, such as Peter Cushing, Cristopher Lee, Sebastian Shaw, Alec Guiness those are classic actors that are really BIG and the roles they take can't be replaced by anyone with makeup. I mean if Rogue One didn't used CGI and only actor with makeup we would end up with another hate fandom just like Anakin from 1983 played by Sebastian Shaw and after that cut him off while he's few meters under the ground and replace him with a young actor that make a prequel version. That's my own point of view. There might be some issues with the CGI recreation of a classic actor, but still much better. Plus you all see how the CGI evolves with time. Perhaps in just 5 or 10 years later it will be good enough to recreate an actor who's like 22 years dead and it will feel like he have a real blood and skin clone.
  15. Yes this is from EA SW Battlefront Rogue One DLC. I searched all over his hair for the lowest possible LOD and couldn't find anything that can work. Also the original eyes will be replaced with lower vert eyes from another model. I was sick this days and out of town, so I'll return to Krennic later today or tomorrow.
  16. Thanks to facepunch and Cora for providing the model, body is not reskined yet and has no cape, eyes are not applied because currently I work on the head and wonder how to get his original hair (which is around 18K verts).
  17. Would love to ride around JKA with those monsters
  18. Nice one again. Well those are not 100% mine, but i am ok if you want to release them or anything else as long as you contact the other authors for the parts I used (if you use the same parts of course). Like the Wii TFU head of Luke, it is from Jeff with his Yavin 4 outfit, I just made a small pack with the head after that because back at that time there was no other head for him.
  19. Well, i also have to learn how to weight proper ways. I found this yesterday and tried it, but still doesn't work for me http://www.knights-reborn.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=10419
  20. Stop acting like a little teenage boy, it is not failed attempt! You are doing great stuff and you should keep up the good work and improve with every next model / kitbash / frankenstein.
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