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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. I vote for Jyn, she had a good acting and I think she played her role the way it must be. I am not going to fall into details about her play. She's cute and lovely and I would like to see more from her. Well can't also ignore Krennic and of course my lovely Darth Vader.
  2. Good pack, I would like to see Anakin ESB (Luke episode 5) lightsaber hilt and Luke Episode 4 ANH as well
  3. Well i did not upload any links for this model of Han Solo, simply because there is a small issue with his neck it's not weighted properly I tried different methods from few tutorials here and there, but without any good luck. So if you or someone you know can fix this issue I'll be able to provide you the link
  4. Will be happy to see if you can improve it, at least with the face textures. Thumbs up
  5. Well first of all, thanks to @@Jeff for his Tarkin that I used since it's for JKA, perhaps I guess also credits goes to HapSlash or at least the base JKA imperial officers and the guys who created this head at Galaxy of Heroes. I only provide it for the game. There is one issue I noticed while in game: When you select the character as player model or to spawn the npc it's textures are missing (but in ModView are ok) and also when you select him in Single Player character menu it's also ok. Grand Moff Tarkin
  6. While we are waiting for a nice model to be build from scratch for Grand Moff Tarkin, here is something from an older request, where I found the model from Galaxy Of Heroes. However this head is too low poly even for JKA, since it's a mobile game app (around 120-130 verts only). Also his head is a lot like cartoon-ish style which bothers me a lot.
  7. I still prefer to see a better more modern version of Tarkin, because this character also in the face of the amazing Peter Cushing deserves it!! So I would love to see Psyk0 making this model.
  8. No one is working on it as far as I know, if someone can make the body i can provide the head from my older post's screenshot with iClone. Also lately I learned about another software by the same company that made iClone, it's called CrazyTalk 8 it's for animating 2D images and making funny cartoons with even real photos, but with version 8 of the "CrazyTalk" software you can also make from 2D photo a 3D head (just like with iClone) and what's better in CrazyTalk compared to iClone (even the iClone 6 which is the latest), you can make a good front and side of the 3D head. You can download demo for free, but i am not sure if it's limited. So i couldn't make it at the end and I cannot buy this software for now...
  9. Obi Wan Kenobi (Battlefront 3 - free radical): Wedge: ... and thanks to Langerd for using the alternated cape he made for the Vader statue map, The Punisher for some tweaks and BackFlip1 for taking my personal request with EA BF Vader plus using Toshi's base Vader. ROGUE ONE Darth Vader (A New Hope):
  10. Just cover up his shoulderpad with some robes and remove the red button from the box, make all of them dark grey and the first one from his right to his left in white, to be more Rogue One / A New Hope design as classics. Btw I personally loved this moment and here are some amazing artworks I found (perhaps from the behind the scenes), no idea who released them found over Bing.
  11. I was just about to start such topic, because I tried couple of time with iClone 6, iClone 5 and even CrazyTalk 8 but nothing was good enough. I also found this 3D model made on ZBrush from a person on internet, he even agreed when I contacted him to work together to bring this model for JKA, but sadly he is too busy with professional projects and can't make a lower poly version of his model, which I just share as a inspiration to the OT images (of course his nose is a bit bigger than original actor). I would like to see Pysk0 to make Tarkin a reality for JKA.
  12. Personally I loved watching Rogue One 2 times on the big screen, the pre premier I saw it on 3D and the second time specially with my father on IMAX 4DX, which was actually much better to watch. I loved the movie since the first few minutes. Of course I would like to see the real war movie without the reshoots, but thanks to those reshoots I think they managed to bring it more emotional and closer to what we expected as SW fans. About the CGI work *WARNING SPOILERS Go watch the movie before you read this!!*
  13. I know and i stated that in my opinion above, i just wondered because you were not accepting the first one he made for you and insisted for the full port model on facepunch, so he can use parts from it. Anyway I may have misread your posts or his statement.
  14. I am impressed that actually Jeff came back and made something by request, which is lovely. But I don't think, that we should keep this stuff going on here for two reasons. First of all it's Jeff's WIP Thread not his "request thread". Second a while ago he stated his personal point of view about models that are ported and his position for the kitbashes and frankensteins. I don't want to take sides, but @ I believe that it's time for you to get the model on your own now with Blender, it's easy to use and very easy to make kitbashes/frankensteins with it, just check the tutorial section. My point is, Jeff provided you with let's say 95% of the work for this character, you can ask for permission and just use the ported model to add whatever parts you want to make it answer your personal taste. To make a frankenstein or kitbash is not as hard as modelling something from scrap.
  15. Just saw for 2nd time Rogue One, but this time with my father as a first one for him and he LOVED it, he told me that it's a first time since 1977 that he feels this way for a new Star Wars movie.

    1. Daedra


      It is my new favorite Star Wars movie. It tops every other SW movie.

    2. eezstreet


      It's easily one of the best. Probably better than Ep6.

    3. GPChannel


      I saw the second today w my father. I realised, that it was better than ep7 but not better than the originals, BUT it is an important sw movie. It really tells what happened before ep4.




      I was really sad about jyn and cassian and the others, but yeah it was a good film. And the end with leias last line was epic.

      And vader at the end. Now we really realised why the alliance really feared. That scene was soo cool, you know what im talking about :)

  16. CGI was only with Tarkin, while the one at the very end is
  17. WTF is going with the Hub?! Now my signature picture is gone, but when I open my profile and go to the Signature section it's there. I reuploaded it, still nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ramikad


      How will Langerd ever show his Halloween Contest 1st place badge?!

    3. swegmaster


      I can't show my newest meme without signatures.

    4. Cerez


      It was too swag, @dankswagmaster, so it got censkewered... XD

  18. Is it possible to rig C-3 Delta-Class shuttle for JKA even if it's high poly 3D model, or it would be better to build one? Hope someone can make it soon

    1. Tempust85


      Build one, or have someone decimate its poly count

    2. dark_apprentice


      So I guess that a 3D model around 9656 verts is too high poly just like with the characters? Too sad I cannot build it from scratch on my own.

  19. This is how you watch Rogue One (my girlfriend got me on her phone)
  20. Just came back from Rogue One, AMAZEBALLS! Disney should keep this atmosphere of SW Movies.

    1. Daedra


      I'd love to get a map of where Darth Vader lives.

    2. dark_apprentice


      Shush, don't spoil it for the others. But I agree the design used in the film is forcing you in star warsgasms :D Plus the end of the movies was a mindblow ending, love the norwegian girl they picked up.

  21. Indeed there was a live stream with the red carpet on 10th in LA here in Bulgaria the premier is on 16-th December the 15-th you can watch it as a pre premiere.
  22. @@KyloREkt I think he might already released the model in this topic, just go around the WIPs and search it because I am not sure for the page number. It might be on the first one with all the models/packs in there.
  23. Another custom project, after I saw a spoiler video on YouTube, from the Star Wars Rogue One: Creature Featurette I thought why not making this for myself. Torso, arms and legs: Kyle Katarn, body textures from Oobah's "SP Monk Robe pack" Head is from my version of 1983 Anakin Skywalker Jedi Master (Sebastian Shaw), made with iClone. Not quite happy with the face, because it's from Anakin's light side (a little bit smiling). Scars are from original photos of Sebastian Shaw and Darth Vader's unmasked bust. Also the model will not include the robotic limbs for now.
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