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Posts posted by Rooxon

  1. yeah, I was referring to Sentinel


    And Adjudicator looks almost spot on to the original iirc, nice work!

    Thank you very much! Though I'm gonna hit my head in the wall tonight quite a few times, 'cause now I have to start the most anoying saber of them all -.- The defender is a pain in the a** to model.

  2. Yeah thanks I figured it out :) Uhm I have another question though, I got some ideas for mods using effects... in the EXT_data helper files I don't see commands listed for custom effects. Where can I look this up? It's hard to find on Google. You know, I mean the .sab file commands you can give the sabers.. 


  3. @@Circa The first or second fix? :D I'm staying with the second, it's more like the original... tough this stupid gmax always messes with the map drawing on every edge...It reads the UV map wrong I think. as you can see especially well here on the top in the picture...

  4. You mean just the top? I'm making higher polys of them Circa :P They're my mod pack, because they're not some strict fix of the models, it's made to some degree to my liking. They're still meant to look LIKE the originals, allthough. :)

    EDIT: Ya know what? I'm actually too kind to oversee what you said... I would've edited it either way. I like it. @@Circa you?


    UPDATE: 6sscrnew2.jpg

    I updated the first fix... I looked again at the original... :) I hope this saber is a good replacement now @@Circa :)

    Bane_Ross, Bek and Circa like this
  5. Guy's, I'm gonna start posting in this topic a bit differently. First off, the sabers I presume are completed more or less (model and tex), will be posted in the FIRST POST ONLY. Secondly, I'll be posting pics normally on things I need your opinion... so please, read what interests me and try to give me some feedback, 'cause this mod's made for YOU, for the community. It's what I actually need the most and get very little.

  6. Yeah well I've done just the texture :D @@Omicron, well you're kinda right, I also don't like this look anymore... I have to look for some photoshop tuts for different metal texturing and I'll try some variations, the pictures will be up soon

    EDIT:  I like this texture actually a bit better myself. It looks a little bit dull, but with a nice shader, it could be pretty good ingame.



    Another possibility I had in mind:



    Which one do you like more? Please leave me a comment!

    The Sentinel 



    GPChannel, Ruxith, Omicron and 1 other like this
  7. I fixed up a bit the Adept, as I'm gonna make it have chrome-like reflections with an enviromental map... Not on all parts, but I'm satisfied as I can be on the look. Also downsized the texture on the Adept to 512x512.


    scradept.jpg - Fixed adept hiltscrpraetor.jpg- Ladies and Gentleman, I give you... The Praetor.




    Right now I'm in the process of reworking the consul, I'll add pics here soon... and I'll be well over half done with the single sabers for the pack, which means that after this, I'm only gonna have to write some shader files, modify the sab files a bit, @ is helping me testing my mods out and after that, it's release time. :3 just a few more days

    Bane_Ross, Circa, GPChannel and 2 others like this
  8. well yeah, sory, forget this model. Gonna do it tomorrow anew, made totaly in spite of the original. This model would need just too much fixing.

    Also, a big update awaits, the praetor model is done. :3 I think I'll have enough time to make and finish the consul and texture the praetor.

  9. @@Circa, what say you now? :P going the right way?

    conscr.jpg Update:conscr2.jpg

    I have to make the orange metal-like lines over those black ones, give them a good blending and a bit of filtering to flow into the texture under it... and voila. I also kinda like that I've made parts darker, if you disagree with me, I can still remove it.



    conscr3.jpg Now I've yet added those little button.like thingies and I'm gonna redraw this top brown part also... I hope it comes out better than it looks now, else I'm gonna do this model again.



    Maybe it's just me, but I think I lost the track of the original look somewhere in the making.

    GPChannel and Bane_Ross like this
  10. -.- to be honest, it's hard for me to keep track of all details, but... that's why I have you guys. :D opening photoshop back *goes drawing a dark purple tint* :P

    Actually you can see I copied that part from the original texture and made it blue, right? I'm gonna go do a leather texture, add some shadows and over that I'll try to redraw the same patterns from the original saber... and make them gold, not too much and over the whole thing, I'll apply a dark-purple/purple cloud render, blending set to hue and opacity to around 20-30%, which will make the purplish leather back and the lines more... cohesive, as you've tought me they schould be. How does this sound? Oh, I hope it's not gibberish to you and I was clear enough what I mean :D I could also show you in a few minutes.

    Circa likes this
  11. Well thanks @@Circa, though... yes, the design itself was also pretty hard to make... I mean the modeling of course. It's just... blueeeh.

    Here's one more thing I managed to make a bit better today on the Consul hilt, I plan on adding a button or two at the top of it, just for the sake of looks and detail.. somewhere around the locations the original hilt has it's buttons.




    Bane_Ross likes this
  12. Yeah thanks guys, you're giving me great motivation :) Don't worry, It's a work in progress. The released sabers won't have too many scratches like you say, they'll be top-of-the-class hilts, before that, I ain't gonna be satisfied. :P that's just how I work and in my opinion, the only one ready for release may be only the arbiter as of yet. I was busy the last days, today I'll have some pics of the adept and praetor models ready. ;)

    EDIT: I realized what you told me about the scratches, and first of all before finishing the other sabers, I'm gonna go fix the textures up a bit... and the consul needs a bit of model fixing anyway.

    The fixed-up consul. I'm gonna add two more buttons to the model to give it a bit of detail.


    next up: sketches of other sabers... I've also started sketching the single-versions of the dual sabers (I'm gonna feature also them as broken-sabers... if you know what I mean).



    Oh and worry not, I'm gonna re-do the consul... It's just not what I want for this pack.

    Circa and Boothand like this
  13. Your skins are quite good. I have to agree with @@eezstreet though, that palpatine could look as astounding as Hapslash's models. If you want, I can tell you a few basic things you could add, like a filtering routine that makes the image sharper and more realistic, how to make various materials in photoshop from scratch and so on. ;)

  14. Guys, has anyone played my reborn 2.0 and katarn 1.0? Toasty has messaged me about a bug with the saber blade length with the reborn one, I'm curious as to whether everything else is ok.. to me it seemed it is, but it seems it's... not :D

  15. well next time, I ask you to do this, please! :D I can be a fool sometimes, making small mistakes like this :D I don't want to end up like a noob or something :P

    EDIT: Circa, are you gonna take a shot at the textures also? I'd be happy to add your textures to my addon as optional skin choices. 

    Circa likes this
  16. hahaha :D k I started blushing as I read that... no. I wasn't doing that on purpose, I confess... I'm just gonna silently go delete a t :D Don't ask me, cause I don't know the answer... I just thought the whole time he was kattarn :P

    Circa likes this
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