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  1. Version 1.0


    Mod Name: Classic Jedi Project Dark Lord Customization Author: Omega1 Models and Textures: Omega1, Toshi, NeoMarz1, Hapslash, Spanki Description: A lore friendly dark lord customization pack, that suits the original trilogy design philosophy. LODs: No Known Bugs: - Minor clipping in certain animations due to the way the JKA skeleton is setup. Installation: Copy the contents of the zip file over to your "Jedi Academy\GameData\base" Folder. Note: I recommend using OpenJK or Jedi Academy Enhanced when using my mods to avoid limit crashing.
  2. That I have made sure about too, but it still zooms in too close when resetting to 80, it's a weird issue for sure.
  3. Thank you for the kind and helpful response. Unfortunately it still places the camera too close when using that command, strange. I wonder if it has anything to do with the resolution settings I am using (1920x1080). Weird thing is that this issue doesn't happen in multiplayer. For now I am just to manually find a close to comfort zone in the CamSP settings, if I have to live with that then so be it. Just wish I knew why the 3rd person view range is so close compared to how it used to be when playing.
  4. I have recently started playing and modding JKJA after a long hiatus. I have been using CamSP (used it before in the past also), for some reason however when I use the reset option on range (value 80 which it has always been) it zooms in like 20 to 40 more value points than it should (even though it says 80), where only the top part of the upper torso and head is visible, as opposed to the entire torso upper torso and some of the legs. I know I could adjust the value manually to get close to what it should be, but I'd rather just have it back to precisely what it should be in Vanilla. Does anyone know where CamSP stores its settings, so that I can truly reset it to the vanilla settings. I am really not sure why this is happening, but it has really been bugging me.
  5. Love this mod, great job guys. Any chance you could add an option to holster the lightsaber on the left side of the player model as opposed to how it is now on the right side. Lightsabers were almost always holstered on the left side of the user's belt, not the right.
  6. I am having an issue with my model customization. Basically the cape is displaying as it should in Blender as double sided (texture showing on both sides), but when in-game it only shows on one side. Does anyone know how to solve this? I have attached images below showing the issue.
  7. Thank you, the missing icons was the culprit, I cannot believe I missed those! Everything shows up now in the main menu. Again, thanks for your help.
  8. Hello there, It's been a while, I have been working on a new character customization mod (something I have done a few times in the past), however I have ran into the issue of it not showing up in the in-game menu. I have the strings all set up, I have the playerchoice text file present in the model folder, icons, skin files etc. I would appreciate it if a fellow modder would take a look and tell me what it is I am missing or done wrong, I know it has been a few years since I last created a mod like this, but I'd really appreciate the help fixing the issue. Here is a download link to the WIP .pk3: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0irtcuovq34cnty/CJP_DarklordMale_01.pk3
  9. Omega1


  10. Absolutely, and thank you! It makes it all the more worth it seeing people enjoying these mods. I have made some long overdue updates now to some of the main CJP mods, and if I can get the support I have some great new CJP mods in the works that I'd really like to see through and eventually release.
  11. Thank you for this, sorry it took so long but the mod has now been updated to include this fix!
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