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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. You could take a look at the Alorea mod - spinning the mouse wheel allowed you to change lightsaber entirely. You could probably modify it so that pressing a key or spinning the mouse wheel the flashlight turns on and off. The original KotF also had a submod that allowed you to light up a torch in a similar manner. Not sure if that would work in MP just as well though.
  2. Holy crap. The Great Pumpkin just had a baby, and seeing a bunch of them creeping around and trying to hunt me down is really spooky.

    1. Circa


      nightmare fuel

    2. Bek


      stay with us rami

  3. It's a base game feature, just hold the Use key and A or D.
  4. Would deserve a proper download in the files section IMO, although Langerd wasn't really of that opinion back then.
  5. It doesn't work because that model doesn't have any specific head, torso and legs .skin files. Try instead playermodel cloud model_default or playermodel cloud model_default model_default model_default.
  6. What nickname? I started with Milkshape, it was the only thing back then which had limited .glm support and didn't require a PhD to download and install. Admittedly it also had a couple of decent heightmap generators.
  7. Let your imagination go wild! You can do anything
  8. Yay! Good luck everyone!
  9. It's nothing much really, I merely created a func_usable, ticked the always_on and player_use options, a wait value of 3, linked it to the func_rotating, with the start_on button ticked. Also make sure that your func_rotating has an origin brush at its center of rotation (system/origin) - I'm not sure if that could be the cause, but other than that I don't know.
  10. I don't know what you could be doing wrong, but I just tried with a func_rotating and a func_usable and it stopped / started without problems. To be more precise it stops and gets back to the original angles. Perhaps that's a hint.
  11. I love this, it gives me a Deus Ex 2 vibe.
  12. I seem to remember eezstreet has an older versions of the MB2 code, although it's not in a good state. He quickly checked that code once on IRC and ended up with a list of bugs and flaws, one of which he reported right away on their forums.
  13. Nope, it's his style. His original DF2 in-game appearance also shows that detail.
  14. It's his style.
  15. In case you guys and gals are interested, Abe's Oddysee is free on GOG for the next day.

    1. SomaZ


      One of the greatest games ever made imo. The remaster (New and tasty) is also great and worth its price.

    2. Onysfx


      Never heard of it, I'll check it out.

  16. You could try switching to Metric units (Scene -> Units -> Metric) and use the Ruler (Greaser Pencil -> Ruler / Protractor). Here's a tutorial about Ruler and Protractor.
  17. Hm. If Mustafar is a volcanic planet, with 35% of the surface covered by lava, how is there enough oxygen for humans to be able to breathe at all?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ramikad


      Somehow I was expecting an answer more like this:


      But yeah, you have a point.

    3. Wasa


      Apparently the DVD commentary explains that detail; Rick McCallum : This blue light around the bottom of the light and the platforms was added later on, in Production. George felt that at one point, that we needed to feel that there was some cooling effect, some kind of shield...a reason why our actors aren't burning up being around this intense heat so Roger Guyett and his team added these shields, this shield generator into this shots as another pass after they'd completed a lot of...

    4. Wasa


      these shots...to help tell that story of the cooling.


  18. So who's gonna get kidnapped and carbonite-frozen to be rescued in Episode IX?
  19. In the end anyone with a minimum of perception will see, clicking on the link to the mod, that it's not made or uploaded by him. Though it could do without the typo, intentional or not. The advice of the other members stands.
  20. What? A deathscript runs when the target health reaches 1? That's technically still alive in my book If that is the case, then it should be enough to set the player undying, set the player's deathscript as the end duel commands and then clear it out once the duel finishes.
  21. You could set up a script like this one: //(BHVD) affect ( "Player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_UNDYING", "DEFAULT" ); if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_HEALTH")$, $=$, $1$ ) { run ( "end_duel" ); } } as that NPC attackscript, so it is called with a certain constancy. Basically it will check on the player's health every time the NPC attacks, and when the player's health hits 1, all the scripts needed for the duel to end are executed.
  22. Actually it does have a .md3 importer and exporter, I seem to remember from mrwonko. However I think it's on some other site and not uploaded up here on the Hub, and not included in the Blender JA tools here.
  23. Sorta reminds me of the Skaal village in northern Solstheim. Very atmospheric.
  24. Been cut off for a while, did I miss anything relevant or curious?

    1. Noodle


      We got a bunch of high quality maps out of nowhere!

    2. IrocJeff


      I'm converting my project to Jedi Academy. FINALLY

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