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Posts posted by CrimsonStrife

  1. Sounds like a software bug. Make sure you have the latest version of whatever-OS-your-phone-can-run installed. Might be a problem with some app you have installed, too.

    Not an OS update, already checked that before posting.


    The app thing sorta matches my theory, as I said, I have a Facebook app that syncs my contacts, and that was where I first saw the broken number. I disabled the sync function except for contacts that already exist in my phone, deleted her contact, and recreated it.

    This process seems to have worked, however I did a number of other things right about the same time, so I really don't know what it was that finally resolved the issue.

  2. Sorry to be about as useful as 'try turning it off and on again' but have you tried deleting and re-adding the number?

    Indeed, several times, in fact I have even tried adding it under other names, and tried adding a +1 at the beginning, which sometimes you need to do here in the U.S.


    The only conclusion I have drawn so far is that it may have something to do with her Facebook info.  I have a smartphone which syncs any Facebook friends that have contact info, to my contacts.  She says the number is right on her profile, but on both my phone and computer it displays in the weird 916916XXXX fashion...though it also has random ass spacing.  Odd thing was, prior to her actually giving me her number, that was what had synced to my phone, and it still ID'd her properly when she called me for the first time.


    I have tried deleting the Facebook info off my phone, and that didn't seem to fix it...but that is still my theory, especially since they display the same incorrect number.


    However, it doesn't make sense why it should break the number even if it has no way to connect to the Facebook profile.  This is also the only time I have had this happen, and I have several friends with 919 916 numbers.

  3. So I've had my phone for a long time now, and have never encountered this before.  I recently made a new friend at an event I went to, and we were planning to keep in touch.  But my phone is persistently messing up her number in my contacts.  I know I have the right number, I can call her, she can call me, and it displays in my contact info just fine...but when I try to text, instead of going to a 919 916 XXXX it goes to a 916 916 XXXX.


    It's weird and I can't find anything about it online.

  4. You must be a very unhappy man. Unless you do drugs, that surely does help.



    Oh, you do.





    Time to stop applying your morals and logic to others, even if statistically they can be considered universal.

    @@Szico VII really can't help but advise people, he is a doctor now after all.

    Szico VII likes this
  5. Well I would like to make this offer. I would very much like to join the JKHub staff if possible! I can design, moderate etc (6 years as admin on many forums etc IPB yada yada) and would love to help you guys out in any way I can. Let me know!


    UPDATE: I just noticed this is indeed IPB. I would love to be able to get you guys a few custom hooks I have aside. I think I can really take this forum to the next level if ya'll hear me out. It is fantastic as is, I have a few hooks and addons that you guys might like! Lemme know asap via PM maybe? Idk! I'm stoned but yea I would love this.

    @@Caelum is specifically who you should talk to, though I don't think he is looking to expand the staff again just yet (we just added two more) I suppose it wouldn't hurt you to talk to him. As for helping with the site, Caelum has this thing about letting other people touch his code lol.

  6. ...Actually, it was working fine for me until you just fixed it. Now it's broken. xD



    ^Whatever you did I can't see it.


    Web browser, firefox, home PC so images are not blocked of course.



    @@minilogoguy18 Wasn't me, I swear. Blame the guy above me. Just took the liberty of fixing it, though.


    ...What seems to have happened was that image host seems to randomize part of images' URLs so images only work when you link to their page containing the image, rather than linking to the image directly, thus breaking any embeds after a while. We employ a similar technique with file downloads ourselves, just less obnoxiously.


    I swear it was broken before I got here, I just failed to fix it.

  7. You say you aren't getting anything on the monitor sometimes, does it use output from the motherboard, or a video card?

    If it's connected to the motherboard, then that is likely where the problem lies, if not and your card uses it's own power from the power supply then that leads me to think that is the problem.

    I am going to assume you probably have other devices going faulty that you may not have listed, check and see how many of the devices that mess up get their power from it as well...if all or the majority do, then either your cords are faulty or the supply is.

  8. You sure you made that yourself?


    I smell bullshit, if nothing else the texture seems a little fishy.


    We have less of a problem here with someone who ports, and more of one with someone who lies that something is their work.


    So anything you want to tell us?




    Also the fact that you have a 26,000 poly count is part of the problem, and the way that mesh is built, I'm calling a port.

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