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Posts posted by CrimsonStrife

  1. Please tell me that this is an April Fool's joke that people've just been late finding out about.

    Sorry, no such luck.  The announcement was made official earlier today.  Although the rest of the industry kind of saw it coming back around the time of the purchase.

  2. Source: http://kotaku.com

    Disney Shuts Down LucasArts, Cancels Star Wars 1313 And Star Wars: First Assault


    Disney has laid off the staff of LucasArts and cancelled all current projects.

    Staff were informed of the shutdown this morning, according to a reliable Kotaku source. Some 150 people were laid off, and both of the studio's current projects--Star Wars: First Assault andStar Wars 1313--were cancelled.

    This comes after weeks and months of rumors involving the studio, which was acquired by Disney last fall. In September, LucasArts put a freeze on all hiring and product announcements, which many staff saw as the beginning of the end. Today, it's official: the longrunning studio is no more.



  3. Sheesh, this is going to make me think back...technically I got into modding for the JK games back in like, 2004 I think, but I only ever released a handful of files...I was also modding for KOTOR, which is part of why nothing ever got done.  But before any of that I was making content for Quake 2, and breaking things in other old games.


    I took to modeling and animation like a duck to water, and went to school to pursue it.


    Now I am getting into the Indiegame field, so...that is my story in a nutshell.

  4. This is what the Jedi Academy recommended system requirements are (the minimum requirements are even lower): 


    CPU: Pentium III or Athlon Class 450 MHz or faster CPU required

    RAM: 256MB

    VGA: 32 MB OpenGL compatable PCI or AGP Hardware Accelerator required

    DX: 100% DirectX 9.0a compatable computer required

    OS: Windows 98 or higher

    Sound: 16 bit DirectX 9.0a compatable sound card required.


    from http://gamesystemrequirements.com/games.php?id=514


    I'd like to point out that iPad mini has 512 MB of RAM (twice the amount recommended) as well as the A5 processor which is dual core and runs at 1Ghz on iPad mini (800 Mhz on iPhone) and a 450 Mhz processor is recommended. I realize moar Mhz doesn't necessarily mean faster but in general it is a good gauge of how fast a processor is, plus the mini's processor is dual core. 


    Also, I actually have an iPod Touch 3rd Gen and I've found my mini to be a lot more stable than that thing.


    I really don't think running the game will be a problem. I think the biggest problem with a tablet port would be the issue of controls.

    The processing speed doesn't necessarily translate to GPU processing ability however, and this is where I think your primary issues are going to arise.

  5. Again, I don't know that much about game graphics, but I think you are underestimating the power of some of the tablets out there. They aren't PCs obviously, but a version of Unreal Engine 3 was ported to iPad. 


    Check out this video of Infinity Blade II. I assume there are more than 9000 tris in there...


    The difference is, Infinity Blade only ever has a few characters (I think 2?) on screen at a time, so they can use high counts in their models, because fewer of them are being drawn. You would be looking at only being able to have a few models (both animated and static) on screen at a time and keep a playable framerate.

  6. But look like utter dog poop. Also take into account that a LOT of modelers (a lot of the old ones anyway) didn't put LODs in their models. It's quite bad in Moviebattles and in Movie Duels especially, if I remember right.

    And no, there's still Ghoul2 to worry about, and EFX, the latter of which can't be controlled in how detailed it is. Have fun playing in a lugor server, lel.




    And you still add in the fact that if you go ahead and take the average draw count for most of these devices, they can only handle between 6k and 9k tris per frame to reach 15 to 30 fps.  I'm not sure the LOD's could drop the count that low.


    JK2/JKA models have different levels of detail, right? What if you just lowered the model quality setting to very low in-game? I remember setting the polycount really low in JK2 and the player models almost looked like N64 models. I still think a high framerate could at least be achieved if the graphics settings were set to very low quality.  


    From what I have seen most iOS games, and Android games, run around 7,000 tris per frame to get around 15-30fps...most single models in these games exceed that easily.





    I stated above that the assets would not be distributed with the engine.



    Which I acknowledged,

    you would still need to copy the assets (be that something the end-user does from their own copy or not) it is still porting of copyrighted material,  and therefore is not something I think that JKHub can support as a cause.


    Even if you rely on the end-user to copy the material, you are still talking about porting copyrighted content, which is not something we can support or even suggest.  That is just my opinion, feel free to get the other staff in here. @@Fighter @@Azatha @@MagSul @SzicoVII @@Milamber we can even drag @@Caelum out of retirement, see what his take is on the legality, he is always lurking here anyway.

  8.  This is probably the strongest part of your argument and the weakest part of mine. Yes, you can just play JA on the PC with a bigger screen with a Wiimote and keyboard. The iPad does have portability though. Also, the screen size in my opinion is OK on the iPad. On my mini, Quake 3 runs at 1024 x 768 which is the resolution I play Jedi Academy on my PC. Plus, if you played it on an iPad 4 with retina display (which has a resolution of 2000 something by 1500 something) screen size would not be an issue at all. It might even look better on iPad with that crisp, sexy retina display.



    I'm sure you know a lot more about JK2's engine than I do, but you say the polygon limit has been doubled from Q3 to JK2. Does that mean JK2 and all of its models and geometry have twice as many polygons? The limit may be higher, but that doesn't necessarily mean there's twice as much geometry in JK2. Even if performance is slow on iPad, things could be optimized to increase FPS, right? Even if it was too slow to run on iPad, like you said, it could probably run on Android well enough. 

    As a former modeler for the JK community, and at one point for Quake...and a current game developer, I can speak pretty well for this.

    The quake engine in general has always, always had polycounts on the lower-end of the spectrum.  The counts in JK2 and JKA respectively, increased not just the limit, but used higher poly models, some higher than others.  In order to optimize it, you are looking at having to go in manually and reduce the counts on ALL of the models, which first of all, is basically a lost cause, because you aren't going to be able to do it cleanly.  And if you do that, you have to re-rig every single one to their skeletons.  With how few modelers and riggers there are left around here, I can't see you getting that done.  Then you have to have the maps optimized, which I couldn't begin to tell you what that would involve.  And presuming you get all that done, you still have to make it work on the device, and given that the JK games run on a MODIFIED Quake engine, there is no telling what speed-bumps lie there.





    If Quake 3 for iPad didn't reinvigorate the community, (I don't know if it did for sure or not, I don't know where you read that), it was probably because it required a jailbreak to install. If iojamp was released on Google Play, no one should have to hack anything. Google Play sells emulators on it's store. I'm sure it would allow a ported open source engine. It would be completely open to people. Plus, since the source of iojamp is available, JA could be reworked to add community elements to it. It could even be linked to JKHub somehow. An easy way of downloading mods right to the tablet from JKHub would definitely give the JKCommunity that spike it deserves.


    Now speaking as a (former) staff member, I feel obligated to point out, that while the MP-code is now open source, the game assets still have a copyright on them.  As such, regardless of IF you could do this and get it accepted to the Apple store or Google's Android Market, or whatever else you had planned...you would still need to copy the assets (be that something the end-user does from their own copy or not) it is still porting of copyrighted material,  and therefore is not something I think that JKHub can support as a cause.

  9. That does not include file uploads -- that's forum software, wiki software, etc. The file uploads are stored on Dropbox, not JKH itself. The file uploads total around 36 GB.



    I thought it would be bigger tbh.


    It's getting there gradually...I am the lucky bastard that gets to maintain an local backup of that monster, as I have the largest amount of space + bandwidth of the current staff....clocking in at roughly 4TB and on average a 30MBbit connection.

  10. I hear it is pretty fast though. And I'm a sucker for solid colors. I just hope start8/ClassicShell remove all traces of metro.

    Indeed it is, makes my Inspiron 1545 run like a dream, can't say I like the gestures you have to make to use the metro, but it is more tolerable with the track pad than a physical mouse.


    All of the start-button apps I have seen don't actually remove or even block metro, they just  prevent you from needing to go into it.

  11. ^By Adobe or perhaps someone doing something outside that they shouldn't?


    Don't see what they could lose by letting a peice of software so out dated be free, companies should consider it but only once the software has reached a certain age assuring not much could be gained from professional use.

    Nothing really, hence why they don't seem to be in much of a hurry to stop it.

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