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Posts posted by CrimsonStrife

  1. I've looked at several pictures of Liara from Mass Effect and she doesn't have near as dark skin as that under the eyes o.o

    Also, what Inyri said. There's not a whole lot of definition in the cheek bones and the freckles on her face aren't very clearly defined compared to ME.

    I can worry about her cheekbones later...this is my final for my texturing class and therefore the model is irrelevant, but I only have about a day and 1/2 to finish this for the class, which typically would be plenty if I wasn't also having to finish a website final and study for a math final in the same time frame.

    CaptainChar likes this
  2. I think he's referring to how dark the skin is under her eyes. She looks like she has no cheek bones atm.

    Don't recall if I have posted an image...but she lines up perfectly with the orthographic references I have from ME3.


    I adjusted the position of the eyebrows on so they are not so high and I moddified the eyes to get rid of the "surprised" look...

    not very happy with the jacket at the moment (though it still isn't done), unfortunately I only have till Tuesday afternoon to finish this and at the same time, have two other finals to prepare for, so tweaks will have to wait till the end.


  3. errr...well I did the head completely in like a day...and that was build, uv, sculpt and painting in mudbox....

    but then the whole deal got shelved for a bit..

    The body...has probably been about 6 or 7 hours spread over a couple days as I really couldn't get any solid time to work on it.


    But at the same time..that estimation includes time I was distracted by random shit...soo hard to judge.

  4. Hes 90% of the time for work related tasks. Im not precisely sure what he does.

    Yeah dunno where I got the gaming idea from...my bad...


    Although he says simulations and rendering...and depending on if he is referring to 3D work would be the factor here....if he is working out of photoshop or premiere then Macs are fine...but they don't typically handle 3D very well, and hence the reason they don't work well for gaming.

    But if that is what is wanting to do regardless....laptops are not the way to go.

  5. Tree editor in Unity was a bish :( I had so much trouble adding my own leaf mesh to it, kept going off axis, I always fixed it but it was kind of random refreshing and retries that did it, no solid process.


    Was working on this with Scoop:






    Scoop only ever got around to making the character control script though :P For the actual game that is, he made some advanced stuff on the side which was gonna get put into it at a later time. And yeah we never completed it, currently that game is on hold, or canceled, depends if we wanna pick it up again later or not.


    So with that being said, Got some experience with both Unity and Unreal editor (Unreal Tournament 3 editor actually) And imo, choosing between the two, Unreal is the better one to work with, but unity is quite nice as well :) (definitely beats working with Ogre3D)


    If you can use UE then the UDK would be a wet dream for you.

    Unity is nice for some projects, my main issue with it, is it is just soo expensive to license. If I want to sell a product, why would I pay roughly $1000 when I can pay $100 for an engine that can do more, is more powerful, and is more user-friendly.

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