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Posts posted by CrimsonStrife

  1. whatever, disinformation, i dont impose anything, i only open the eyes of others to the real truth. your eyes are closed, therefore you are squished. i dont provoke others, others provoke me, and i shall drop my maul, thyssel for thought ;)


    more disinfo, i drop the maul of truth on this too

    http://www.gamestop....Republic Online


    http://www.walmart.c...he old republic


    http://www.bestbuy.c...he old republic


    http://www.radioshac...ue=Role playing


    all you are lying and blind, and that shows where the real lack of intelligence be, flame me all you want, but if you all ignore a maul this heavy, then i have no hope for thee ;)


    You shouldn't rely on the retailers pricing, it took them weeks to fix their listings when the game dropped to $15...not only that but if you got to the TOR's site you will see the download and play is free...no need to purchase it anymore, regardless of if it is still on shelves...and likely, it will stay on shelves until the copies they have printed sell, which people will no doubt still buy as the install process done entirely via download, sucks as @@Caelum can attest, also there is just no logical reason to toss them out, since the $15 give you a month sub, and the $30 is a 2 month sub card, so it will stay indefinitely.


    ^29 really?


    I would have guessed 13.


    I don't play TOR btw, not because it has a subscription fee but becasue it lacks the cool saber dueling animations of KotOR and it ruined the story.


    Ory'Hara, stand in a Gamestop for 1 whole day and count how many copies of TOR sells, even at it's peak do you really think that the price of a game copy is enough to pay for the servers forever? You also have to consider a LARGE amount of the games sales dollars went into making back what they put into making the game, you know paying the development team, their insurance policies for the employess, the general cost of running the studio, ect, ect.


    Myabe Ory'Hara wants to play TOR but cannot afford the measly fee?


    the $29 is a 60 day time card, seeing as how one month is $15...60 days would be twice that obviously.

  2. more disinformation, my argument is against the monthly payments, squished. they be makin money from people just buyin the game, subs not needed, welcome to the real real world and the crushing maul of truth, :)

    The game isn't for sale since it went Free to Play...that's the whole point...subscriptions and cartel market transactions are now the only way they make money.


    lol, quit makin more disinfo, i never said offering f2p was bein greedy. trapping people into a false and extremely restricted f2p that forces users to end up subbing anyways is bein greedy, squished.

    They don't force anyone to subscribe...you can easily get the features any average player would use through the Cartel Market in the form of micro-transactions as opposed to a subscription. Also, use some logic...you can't "force" a user to subscribe anyway...if they want to play that bad, they'll pay for it...other wise, they'll deal with what they can get for free...it's called logic, use it.


    Basically, do some fact checking and use common sense, rather than running around telling everyone else they are wrong.

  3. Star Wars The Old Republic is now Free to Play!


    Quoted from swtor.com



    Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Launches Free-to-Play Option Today


    Award-Winning MMO from BioWare and LucasArts also adds New Content

    AUSTIN, Texas – Nov 15, 2012 – BioWare™, a studio of Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), and LucasArts announced today that the new, Free-to-Play option for the critically-acclaimed, massively multiplayer online game, Star Wars: The Old Republic is now live. Now players can experience the complete storylines of all eight iconic Star Wars classes, all the way to level 50 for free. This new option complements the existing subscription offering, providing players with maximum flexibility in how they choose to experience Star Wars: The Old Republic.

    “We want to give our players the freedom to enjoy Star Wars: The Old Republic when and how they want,” said Matthew Bromberg, General Manager of BioWare Austin. “There has never been a better time to start playing with us.”

    Also today, BioWare released Game Update 1.5: HK-51 Activated, which adds new areas to explore, a new Companion character and more, including:

    • Get ready for an action-packed adventure to earn control of one of the galaxy’s most deadly Assassins, HK-51. Submerged beneath the icy surface of Belsavis lies a derelict ship and if you are brave enough to venture through the wreckage, you will embark on a mission that ultimately rewards you with a powerful new, yet familiar, ally the ruthless Assassin Droid, HK-51.
    • Explore Section X, a previously untouched area of the prison world of Belsavis. The Dread Masters’ servants are searching for a powerful and ancient weapon. Fly to Section X and secure the target of their search to be richly rewarded.
    • Travel to Denova to take on Operation: Explosive Conflict – now with a Nightmare Mode! Teams who complete in this new mode can earn the final pieces of the Dread Guard gear set and a brand new mount that will be sure to cause tank envy!

    Star Wars: The Old Republic is a story-driven, massively multiplayer online (MMO) game with a Free-to-Play option from BioWare and LucasArts. Set thousands of years before the classic Star Wars movies, players team up with friends online to fight in heroic battles, explore a galaxy of vibrant planets, and experience visceral Star Wars combat, all set to a sweeping musical score. Players are asked to join forces with either the Galactic Republic or Sith Empire and choose one of eight iconic Star Wars characters, including the Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Smuggler, Trooper, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent.

    For more information on the different ways players can now experience Star Wars: The Old Republic, including the Free-to-Play option, please visit www.StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com/FREE or Origin.com. As always, be sure to check StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com for latest updates and follow us on Twitter®, Facebook®, and YouTube®.

    bednarro likes this
  4. He says he will still be consulting on the franchise though...just means he no longer has the final say.


    Again though, considering the success Disney has had soo far with the Marvel franchise...I could see this turning out better than expected.

  5. As for the new Star Wars installments, the companies said Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy would be executive producer on Episode 7 and any more Star Warsmovies, and Lucas would serve as creative consultant. There was no indication about where the story would pick up, though technically in the franchise’s chronology it would follow Star Wars: Episode 6 — Return Of The Jedi, the third film in the initial trilogy that came out in 1983.


    I have soo many mixed thoughts...I mean afterall, The Avengers was well done, and Disney has their fingers in that pie....maybe they can do it justice.

  6. AutoDesk's Project Skyline



    Don't misunderstand...that is a real thing...but as the guy says it is an in-house project, and not a product one can get their hands on....


    But damn I want it soo bad >.<





    On a related note, I did get to view a live demo of this software pipeline at a conference last April in Raleigh, NC....with any luck they will have an update to show off and announcement of a product line this coming April when I go back.

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