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Posts posted by CrimsonStrife

  1. So I was doing a serious research session for a class I am in, on Information Technologies in medicine.


    And I found this...




    implants.jpgYou must be thinking to yourself, how can breast implants and Bluetooth technology go together? Well believe it or not, breast implants with a built-in MP3 player are under development.

    BT Laboratories analyst Ian Pearson believes breast implants may as well serve a purpose rather than.....well, lets just say "eye candy". Pearson states, "if a woman has something implanted permanently, it might as well do something useful."

    One can only imagine how this technology will actually work.

    Pearson's idea involves inserting an MP3 player in one breast and a storage chip in the other. The implants would transmit sound and be controlled with Bluetooth technology.

    There are still many questions that will surely need to be addressed before this crazy idea actually becomes a reality. Such as:

    How will one change tracks, increase volume, etc?

    Just imagine the possibility of women walking around with breasts that crank out your favorite tunes. The mind is quickly filled with endless amounts of insane notions.

    This technology could be available within the next 15 years.


    Care to weigh in?

  2. badass.. how many times did u subdivide it in zbrush to work on it? or did u? i usually import it into zbrush, then subdivide her a time er two but i find that sometimes my details are pointless when i bring it back down to the lowest subdivision, so just curious, did u subdivide and how much?


    also, i notice a few triangles in there i think. how acceptable are triangles? like, if i get a triangle i usually start over lol. am i a dummass? i was told wayy back in the day to model only in quads, then split into tris. but is it really as necessary as i was told in the past? like, i know for jka its all gunna end up tris anyways, so it doesnt matter, but say if u were modelling for unreal or something, are tris still acceptable or should it always be quads im not sure how that goes and sometimes i get into a pickle where i really wanna use a tri, but dont because of how i learned in the past. i think i was told the tris dont shade the same way as quads or something?


    I can answer that, as I have done a lot in Unreal. Technically it does not matter, and this is true for pretty much any engine really...you should do your best to avoid tris certainly if for no other reason than they can make inserting edgeloops a royal pain, but the only time they are a huge concern are if they are in the edgeflow for say, the elbows or knees, or other bending or heavily animated areas. Technically all Quads are made of two triangles anyway, and since most engines read them as tris, there is really no reason to worry about it...but a cleaner mesh is much easier to uvmap and animate. However I would never go out of my way to split anything into tris...let the engine do that.


    The shading most likely has to do with texture distribution...but I can safely say I have used meshes with tris in them, in Unreal, and have had no issues.

  3. I've seen the original Malak model, and could even pull it again given a few minutes for a comparison, however that thread is basically shite, none of the images work, at least not for me...so I can't see anything. As far as will the community care? Errr, ask @@Caelum but I have seen plenty of threads asking about links to old ports, so that may be considered a moraly grey area. Now I would say that depending on how much of an "edit" it was, then there may not be an issue...i.e. I don't know that anyone will care if he snagged the actual head for accuracy or laziness sake, but built the rest of the model. KOTOR is still young enough that it's copyrights should still be in effect and I don't think the source was released so theres that too....If the textures are rips then that is kinda a no-no, assuming that anyone cares...if they were just snagged off screenshots or something, then you could say they were "photo-sourced" but again...kinda grey.


    Legalities are a pain, long story short, I would consult Caelum to see what he thinks about hosting it here, the original model author if you can, and maybe throw an email to Bioware and see what stirs up...I doubt LucasArts will care since they own all titles involved.


    as for the sound files...you're probably fine there, but again, when in doubt ask...if you can't get a response, I say use your best judgement.

  4. I deleted eeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyytttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnng. Got 1.2GB, though!

    Are you sure you don't just have a shit-ton of programs installed? I would think this is the first thing you thought of, but I know in the past I have been looking for space on a drive and realized I had majority of my software installed on say, C: for instance, so I would just move them to E:, or uninstall them if I didn't use them.
  5. Conventions, where a simple burger can cost up to £12.

    No lie, I went to this bar down the road from the convention for dinner saturday night..(we had left and gone to a mc donalds the previous but there was some music festival in town making it impossible to park in the evenings)...and paid $10 for a burger and fries...it was good...but it was smaller than a kids meal at a mc donalds.

  6. It really wasn't that bad cost-wise...a 3-day pass was only $30 and if you wanted VIP it was $45...Hotel costs were pretty good too, I found a Hilton Garden Inn about 15 mins from the con that was $80 a night, I only needed two nights, and was traveling with a friend so I only paid $80 of that. The expensive part was food, almost everything around the con is bar food, so its pricier than a fast food joint. And I only live about 2 1/2 hours from the con, so travel wasn't bad.

  7. Whilst I applaud the effort that apparently went into the development of this game, I can't say that it really strikes me as all that interesting to play. I tip my hat to the small group of guys who put it together, but this one's definitely not for me.


    This was basically my point...I can't see myself playing this, but if a team that small can build a game (even creating the engine) then it gives me a little more confidence in my own abilities.

  8. This was taken at the Escapist Expo I was at last weekend...I ended up in this video but sans my Creeper head @1:33 :/ several videos are floating around of me gangnaming as a creeper, just haven't found any yet....there was a lot of gangnam going on actually..


    BTW, "Drunk Garrus" @3:08 was damn hysterical.

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