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Posts posted by CrimsonStrife

  1. Just wondering if there is any one who does any cool VFX stuff. I recently bought Final Cut Studio 2 (outdated, but much cheaper) and it's so awesome. What are you guys using, especially for more intense compositing work? I know after effects is the program of choice, but Motion is doing a great job, too.


    I'm familiar with chroma keying and greenscreen from the 2 years I spent interning in a TV studio, more recently I have started trying my hand at special effects for indie movies, though I work in After Effects.

    Circa and therfiles like this
  2. I'm not saying it is an issue in itself, just saying it's still beating Microsoft in that regard and they know it, which is why they said they're giving 2 free games a month with XBL - to compete with Sony. You do get more games though with Sony and it is cheaper so... Yeah. *shrugs*

    They're actually only doing that till the release of XboxOne, it is not intended to be a "thing" I don't think.  The only thing I'd say is good about it, is you don't have to maintain the subscription to play them.  


    Honestly I don't tend to do much online play anymore aside from occasionally with people I know. As such technically it would make more sense for me to drop the XBL and get PS+, except for the fact that I get my XBL for a yearly $25 (roughly $2 a month if I wasn't paying a lump sum), whereas I would still pay the same price for PS+ that everyone else does.


    Trust me, I have certainly considered getting PS+, as I agree it is a good deal, even for just the games alone.  But at least in my case it isn't the better financial choice, so I can't really bring myself to wave it's banner around.  Not to mention even though Netflix and the like are free on PS, they run faster on my Xbox for some reason or another, so I'd prefer to keep my XBL one way or another.

  3. It's cheaper than what Microsoft charges you for online play, and you get a lot more games to choose from. 

    Not saying that isn't true, but personally it has never been an issue for me.  I maintain an active Xbox Live subscription, but it is because I can get it at $25 a year as opposed to the $60.  I'd have PS Plus too if I had the extra cash blowing around.

  4. "better graphics" is really questionable, considering that they run on two completely different engines, and thus have two completely different pipelines for assets and so forth, and come with their own set of problems as well (KOTOR won't run on Win7 and higher, period, while JKA has some render FPS issues). And anyway you have to consider that the effects system in JKA alone is enough to bring a modern computer to its knees on a debug build (one effect is enough to bring the game to around ~20 FPS even on my PC, when debugging OpenJK)

    Also...yeah, the controls is kinda the main reason why you wouldn't do this. Why would you ever port something if you can't properly control it? That doesn't make any sense at all..


    FYI - I have KOTOR 1 & 2 (disc versions) running on Windows 7 properly (with the widescreen fix).




    Although I don't believe I have the widescreen fix.

  5. KOTOR is mostly just point and click from what I understand, JA wouldn't really work well at all on tablets.

    From what I have heard, while the interface works well with touch, and the turn-based combat is fairly intuitive (it is either set to pause between turns by default, or that is its only mode in this version), that even the movement on this can be just a bit cumbersome.

  6. Sweet, just wanted to make sure this isn't just a polished code release, but something that's also going to be implemented by itself too. Looking forward to this.



    Offtopic: Mother of god, the Canadian has returned <.<



    I don't play anymore, so I can't say I'd use this, but best of luck to you.

  7. Sam Witwer IS Galen Merek, he played the voice and the game model was made in his image.

    Although he talked about it in an interview, and apparently the original concepts looked identical to him despite the fact he wasn't involved in any way.  In fact, that led to him to getting the job, he had a friend at LA who was basically like "Hey so we have this character for a new game, and he looks just like you...you should try out to play him."

  8.  Also, since the source is released, couldn't it  be made into its own game fairly easily due to the amount of custom assets already being used?

    You would still be forced to make it a mod, because you are still dealing with the copyrights on the intellectual property of Star Wars.  Even if it were a non-commercial game, the copyrights would still apply.

  9. Aha. Nevermind then.

    I guess saying that I "stumbled" upon it was alluding that I had made it :P


    But nope, that is exactly what happened, when I first heard it was taken down I was looking around for an article to find out why, and then poof, found that.

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