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Posts posted by CrimsonStrife

  1. I wouldn't be against making a Shepard model myself...but I have a lot of other stuff on my plate, not to mention classes...so I dunno when I'd even begin.



    I have a friend on DeviantArt who has some references I could use for both MaleShep and FemShep...I've never been very good with women though O.o

  2. One of them is among us apparently from reading that thread O.o

    It's true tho, the only people who can legally claim anything (albeit a name or otherwise) from the Star Wars series as a whole, are LucasArts and whatever companies they used to make said content, in this case Raven.



    Meh, I say let them steam about it. Ignore the issue and they'll get bored of raging and go away.

  3. FYI big images below, I may just be blind but we don't appear to have a "spoiler box" function on here that could hide them till you want to view.


    First off congrats on getting the site up and running. I am CrimsonStrife, although I was known as DarkLordXana or DLX on Filefront for a long time. Iv'e been modding for the Jedi Knight games, and games in particular since about 2007, although I ceased modding activity in 2009. I am a Simulation and Game Design student, and will be getting my degree in the spring, and I have over 5 years of modeling experience and roughly 2 years of animation experience. I have several formally unreleased projects that will see the light of day exclusively here.



    Such as this one...assuming I can get it optimized, it's too highpoly as I originally made it for my portfolio and not to go in the actual engine.






    and maybe this, I originally made this for a game I am designing, and it's not done, but since the game is on hold I could rework and release it.





    Anyways, nice to meet everyone.

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