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Posts posted by CrimsonStrife

  1. As I think @@Szico VII is learning, I get easily distracted...although in my defense...this little spurt led to me deciding on a chair design for his map that isn't so...blocky... but that is not built yet...


    This is will be a series of WIPs...and I dunno that it will go in-game, which is why I am making this thread here...I am still to used to working in a stronger engine, and as such the head is roughly 1,000 polys and not quite done.

    But, made this today, while recovering from my 24-hour gaming charity stream <.<









    And now, I go to bed...I have slept about 4 hours in the past 2 days, and I have class in 5 hours <.<

    CaptainChar likes this
  2. @@Szico VII : I am texturing the chair...dunno if I'll finish it tonight, some stuff came up and I didn't get to work on it till late, but @@Inyri helped me solve the problem with exporting .md3s....well I say solved...all I did was ask her if she knew why it wasn't working and suddenly it worked. I also dunno how this will be scaled when it comes in, so we should probably test that tomorrow.

    Screenshot: http://puu.sh/1fkle

  3. I'd like to try to get into the industry but couldn't go back to school for a degree relating to it, see too many people come out of school with skills that seem not so great, seems like the former game modders make the better game artists just from having tons of more hands on experience.


    Actually very true...I was self-teaching myself to model and animate for a good 2 years prior to even taking classes so I have about 5 years of experience in all, decided to hit the program for it, for both extra practice, and to learn some programming. The big problem is, while these classes are engineered to teach new people, a lot of the people I see come in, have 0 experience prior, and hell a lot of them seem to have little computer experience in general <.< which for this field, is just sad. But I also am not strictly relying on this degree for getting a job either, after I finish I will be doing Web Design at a 4-year school and be taking a brief animation course there, that will earn me an additional certificate.


    My recent trip to Durham, NC last month gave me a chance to meet with good portion of the development team from Insomniac, specifically the ones making Ratchet and Clank : Full Frontal Assault. Among some of the things I learned from speaking with them (getting to see their animation and even overall design pipelines, as well as some of their character rigs) was that, in all reality, while YES a degree in things like animation will help designers, that they personally would be far happier just seeing someone with another degree, but who has a fantastic portfolio of things they made from self-teaching.


    But the thing is, game design is really like any other field out there (cept for like, medicine), where you do not absolutely need THAT degree to get in the field, if you can show that you know what you are doing. However at the same time, unless they just happen to stumble upon you online, they are not going to even consider someone who doesn't have at least SOME kind of college degree.

  4. I must ask. Original textures used by you. Do you make them? Or do you take some stock ones from different sources and make slight modifications? Do you collect from various games? Just curious as far as development goes. I find I don't have a lot of time for making textures.

    I can answer that actually since I dunno when Szico will be online next (busy with Uni). Most of what your seeing here, at least as of now, is just modified base. As far as what his general method is, I know he makes some stuff, but you'd have to wait for him to get a better answer.

    A developer video showing 10-20 minutes of straight work would be even more insightful of course.

    I doubt he would mind doing that, but I dunno if his computer could handle running radiant and a decent screen recorder simultaneously (he has an old fossil) not to mention I dunno that he has the HDD space to make a video (he only has a 60gig HDD and its soo full I tried to have him dl a couple gig file the other day and there was no room) <.< However it is possible he and I could work something out where I could do the recording for him.

  5. Okay, Thanks. Btw Make this SOLVED

    He appears to still be having some resolution errors with JKA based on his last post, so unless he asks me to mark this solved himself, I will leave it be.

    Edit: I do play jka with a no-cd fix, and the game is CD. (a virtual mounted one).

    I have known numerous games to not work properly due to both no-cd cracks and when using virtual drive emulators. Why not try it without the no-cd crack, and also try it with a physical disc.

  6. Finally got back to working on him...textures are not done, but I went ahead and rigged him, hoping to test if he will even compile...keep getting a 6210 error...


    The way I understand things, the 6210 means you have done something to the model it does not like ie. delete or add vertices to a model after a skin modifier etc. But I didn't do this...and I have combed through the meshes on this file looking for a reason <.<

  7. LOL, aggression? shame on the mess, your the one bein aggressive, breaker.

    your gonna get squished like a mudduck, qsl?


    Seems to pretty much be the opposite here. I am locking this thread as we are getting nowhere, you refuse to work with me to resolve the issue, and instead keep insulting me and using the word that started this to begin with.

    Szico VII, therfiles and Link like this
  8. If I am so wrong, enlighten me to the proper definition (support it with some sort of proof) and perhaps we will see where things go from there.


    Other than that, you should avoid threatening someone who has done nothing but ask you to cease insulting users, and has censored the offending word.

    Threatening to "squish" me is not going to get you anywhere, as I, unlike most of the Internet, do not respond to aggression.

  9. Whatever your terminology for it may be, the fact that if I go to look it up, one of the first results is an offensive definition, means anyone could see it as an insult, and therefore you don't need to be using it in a public place. And that you are using it here in the forums directed at other members, makes it seem even more like an insult.

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