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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Your right, I've actually been searching for that skin for about a year now, but had no success until yesterday. I have done everything from searching all of File Front to using Google images, but by chance I so to happen find it in Mod request. I should look for stuff in there more often.
  2. Thanks! but actually after doing a little searching in Mod request I found it
  3. I was wondering if you could send me a PM too I have been looking for this for nearly a year now.
  4. this will be in my base forever. I actually tried looking for this today, but I gave up and I unintentionally stumble upon this, thank you so much!!
  5. Well yes and no I remember seeing that one and a unmasked one as well.
  6. That's funny I'm sure that I saw a darth mlgus model on JKA i think i may be able to upload it just give me a few days Edit: I actually just checked the other places I recently saw it, but it disappeared
  7. what I meant to do is set the Url to time where he shows the Lord Starkiller Skin at 12:41 I thought I did that for the link up top though.
  8. I have seen this mod youtube, but not really anywhere else can anyone help me by sending this to me via email ( Imput24@gmail.com) Oh and here's the mod.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiWR0foc6pk#t=760 at 12:41
  9. Do you know where I could download this. I think it's awesome!!
  10. Bek


    Awesome work Psyk0Sith! very accurate!
  11. Thanks once again Circa you saved my story mod
  12. Hey guys I was wondering if you could help me with my story mod? My main problems with the story mods are... - NPC's : I have no idea how to turn a skin into a NPC - Reskinning: I think this might be a little easier than skinning itself, but I am not sure if this is true or not. Here's what I am trying to reskin and turn into a NPC http://www.inafarawaygalaxy.com/2013/11/boba-fetts-1313-concept-art-oh-what.html along with this http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/18339-high-resolution-kashyyyk-stormtrooper-images-35-images/ -Skinning: Once again I have no idea whatsoever how to do this but help would be very much appreciated - And lightsaber modeling: The only lightsaber I am trying to make is really Revan's: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Revan's_lightsaber - What I know how do so far: right now the only thing I do know how to do is edit lines of codes on Pakscape and assign new NPC's to replace old ones. -What tools I have so far: Pakscape and Modview ( I will try to upload pics of the Story Mod so far,but it's in it's stages right now)
  13. Bek

    Old Ben

    I would just work on the face and belt a little more and also the bottom portion of the robes need to be at the ankles, but besides that I really like the model I remember there used to be a Ben Kenobi model on File Front, but it disappeared.
  14. Bek

    Saber Hilts

    Will the saber builder be like an attachment to the saber chooser menu at the beginning of the game or are you just generated a random saber in the "~' "shift" menu while ingame.
  15. Bek

    Saber Hilts

    I was wondering if Darth Revan's hilt could be made? I already know about this one:http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Revans_Lightsaber_Hilt;114099 , but I would love to see this one:http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Revan's_lightsaber?file=Revan%2527s_lightsaber.JPG .
  16. Wait you mean this one is ported? : http://forums.filefr...evan-w-i-p.html
  17. Bek


    Is there anyplace to download
  18. The Jedi2 NPC has a mixing textures problem, in order to fix you must use pakscape to delete the lines of code that involve the Custom NPC.
  19. This looks awesome is there any way to download?
  20. Bek

    Saber Hilts

    Wow! Thank you very much I was like a lost bantha trying to find a tutorial video.
  21. Bek

    Saber Hilts

    Although I'm new at modding I think I can help or at least come up with concepts on certain hilts. Is there like a walk-through on making hilts, I am very curious.
  22. Bek

    Swamptrooper Reskin

    Where did you get that blaster pistol the default one has?
  23. Seriously? Because I have him in my species screen, try taking out all the other skins and then try it.
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