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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Hey guys I was wondering if anyone had the time to make Darth Revan's lightsaber (http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/115/1/2/darth_revans_original_lightsaber_by_b_312-d4xiq67.jpg)? I already know about the one on filefront, but I wanted this one because it has a more SWTOR feel...
  2. I'll be sure to help, but I'll be able to contribute the most during the summer, message me via pm for details on the story.
  3. Whoops I thought this was after the events of kotor (As you can see I haven't read to many kotor comics lol)
  4. How are they even using the force their connection was cut off, the only one that had force sensitivity was The One
  5. Well there is this one http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Green_Nikto_Jedi;115257
  6. Could you reskin this Boba Fett model http://jkhub.org/files/file/1720-boba-fett-rotj/ and make it into this:http://furiousfanboys.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Boba-Fett-Cartoon1.jpg , unless your just working with the skins above then nevermind
  7. Me neither, kinda wish I did though
  8. We could use the weequay model and make it look "prettier" and then swap some custom made Jedi robes, most likely Spanki's
  9. I know right, they look awesome in my opinion, I think I had computer case similar to it when I was trying to build my computer (attempts were futile)
  10. Well the reason you can't find him is because he's dead lol
  11. Sorry that was the impatient 16 year old side of me I just really like KOTOR mods
  12. Well actually the entire pack has Npc and he is one of them Could you do a tutorial for that ?, I really want to get deeper into modding
  13. This feels familiar...http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/449929-jedi-revan-w-i-p.html
  14. Your right the only way I was able to really learn modding is by coming here, even Ashura has helped me out before how about this one http://ultimateshowdown.forumotion.com/t30-weapons
  15. Thanks for the new wallpaper! B)
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