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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Just wondering...How does he see?
  2. Sheesh! I feel your only but a fraction of your pain ( :unsure: :wacko: I only have my Ap Bio exam and final along with all the English 2 honors,Geometry, Chemistry honors, and Principles of Engineering finals ). Did I mention that I don't want to go to Slovenia.
  3. You should make the stand1 animation the stand5 animation it looks so much more natural.
  4. I get where they're coming from, but they can't annoy the person who is trying to make the mod, they are probably busy or just don't have the time for it...
  5. I kinda doubt the Home V has much driving capabilities
  6. This looks amazing, honestly, great job
  7. @@Rooxon you seem to be a very hard worker who has no problems going back to fix a bug in one of your models, and also you seem to have a huge skill set in Photoshop and Gmax, which is awesome. And don't forget that your'e lightdsbers hilts are the best thing ever since sliced bread
  8. @@Rooxon this looks awesome to me I love the blurry-ish chrome color on the new saber as you stated before it is truly stunning and dynamic, I also like the added grey-ish chrome-ish marks on the saber, I would just refine the bottom part of the saber a bit more to add a bit more ware. Edit: *Facepalm* Just realized I used the same adjective twice.
  9. I think you should try a different effect for the polish, also as soon as I saw the current polish for the saber I immediately thought of this http://images.gizmag.com/hero/oilsheen.jpg I think you try that color(s) for the polish.
  10. Great job Rooxon! this saber is one of my favorite in the EU, I'm glad to see it made.
  11. They look great! the quality of the textures didn't decrease by that much.
  12. ^ *Triple Like * This hilt looks awesome I think you should leave the texturing as it is, dark hilts always looked a bit weird anyways, keep up the great work!
  13. I think it's a great representation of what the sword looks like, though the sword could be a bit more shiny
  14. Minecraft on a Jka modding website @@AshuraDX, shame
  15. Something similar like that happened to me once, though it wasn't as bad as that, glad to hear your'e better
  16. Just downloaded the entire kotor comic series on my computer and I gotta say I'm inspired.

    1. katanamaru


      It was probably the best Star Wars comic. Zayne is my favorite character.

    2. Bek


      oh yeah totally the entire series is funny and dramatic at the same time

  17. You did fantastic work right here!! the only thing I would suggest is that you make the top of Luke's saber more cylindrical, but besides that I can't think of anything.. I would have to test it out in -game to find any bugs or whatever. Great job!!
  18. That and the one from the Dfmod skinpack
  19. Hey, guys I found a pk3. that has a bunch of different species that are in Spanki's Jedi robes (well some of them). Some are ported, but most are not, anyways here you go http://comport.jediholo.net/viewtopic.php?f=113&t=9430
  20. Here you go music from the prequels http://circa.jkhub.org/prequel-music-replacement.html
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