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  1. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: May 2024   
    So to get the obvious stuff out of the way, moving didn't happen. Yeah, it sucks, but that means more work on the mod was done! Yay!

    Some light work was done during this month on Luke's dark side ending, the main portion of the 1st level is completed, with bug fixes and the boss encounter needing to be done. While I can't provide screenshots as it would provide spoilers, I wanted to quickly assure everyone that the level is still being worked on with the utmost care, however I would say that more time this month was spent on other necessary things for the mod.

    As other parts of the mod needed some attention, work was done this month on improving the menus and the NPC Free Choice System. To start things off, we're adding a randomizer option for any customizable character so you'll have the ability to spawn a wide assortment of characters with a simple click.
    This will also work for any customizable character that you add to the mod yourself, our goal is to give you, the player, additional ways to further integrate characters that we may not yet feature, so this same functionality will be added to the npc spawn console command.


    Alright, we have secured some new characters! Let's list them off! All of the following (except one) were ported by DarthValeria! A huge thank you to him for his work!
    Sith War Droid (Updated model) Jaesa Willsaam Nomen Karr 2V-R8 Kreia (updated model) Darth Malgus (Renegade) Darth Acharon Darth Vowrawn Darth Ravage Darth Mortis Darth Hadra Darth Decimus Darth Baras (Updated model) Darth Acharon Darth Traya (Atris) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7eiY0ikRwI&ab_channel=StarWars%3AGalacticLegacy
    Yep, we're doing it. In celebration of the 25th anniversary of The Phantom Menace, or a glitch in the Matrix, or because we're utterly insane, Darth Jar Jar is officially coming to Galactic Legacy!
    Darth Jar Jar was created from the Jedi Gungan model already featured, with additional skin work done by myself and utilizing textures from the Spanki Sith Customization pack.

    It's been a very interesting month but we knew we wanted to report this for you all. We hope that next month will see to more awesome news!
    Until then, thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.
  2. Circa liked a post in a topic by MaceMadunusus in Dev Diary - Twenty Years of Movie Battles 2   
    Twenty Years of Movie Battles 2
    Twenty years ago today, RenegadeOfPhunk released the first build (B14) of Movie Battles 2. Last year on the twentieth anniversary of the original Movie Battles release for Jedi Outcast, we ran through a brief history of Movie Battles as well as a look into our first open mode class upgrade in years. This year we will be focusing on what is coming in the near future as well as things we plan on delivering over the course of the next year. Our focus this year is to deliver some of the largest sets of new abilities & weapons, revamps to existing ones, and overall class updates than we have ever delivered before.
      Back-end Refactoring
    Since 2019 we have been slowly working on refactoring many of the back-end systems in MB2 to make things easier for us to expand and create new content. We started with things like reworking the class back-end structure to allow us to more easily create new classes or modify existing ones. This year is no different, with some of the largest back-end reworks taking place. Below are just a few examples of the refactoring tasks coming in future patches sometime this year.
      The Great Weapon Split

    In 2020-2021 we completely reworked our backend weapon system to go from 19 weapon slots to over 200 and initially separated grenades out into their own weapons instead of being overwrites based on what class you were running. Now, we have completed the migration of every weapon in MB2 into their own slots and even restored original BaseJKA weapons to full functionality for use in modes like FA. No longer will pulled weapons morph when you pick them up. Weapons such as the DLT-20a, A-280, and M5 are no longer heavily tied together and can have multiple values for balance more independently and easily modified than ever before. Faster balance iteration is also a plus.

    In the end we have gone from 19 weapons with class-specific limits, to currently 41 independent weapons with more being added in the coming weeks and months.
      Resource System
    Our resource system (FP, BP, Fuel, Stamina, Battery, etc.) has been reworked and heavily simplified internally. The biggest change end users will see is the handling of Force Points. These now constantly regenerate, even when using active force powers. Force powers like Speed now have higher constant drains to compensate, but no longer pauses regeneration. BP is now separated from Fuel/Stamina/Battery/Energy/Fury.
      Class Special / Keybind Rework
    Our class special system has been entirely reworked to allow classes to have more class special abilities without using the old limited "Alternate Ability" commands. Now instead of alternate ability commands that caused class specials to change binds based on what was equipped the new system allows each class to have up to four class special abilities instead of the previous two. In addition everyone now has a dedicated universal "Melee" keybind. So be sure to check and update your keybinds when this releases!
      Legends & Custom Point Builds
    With an upcoming release we will be reviving an old work in progress feature we never completed: Custom Point Builds. Custom point builds allow authors of levels and custom legends teams to create setups for each class to have their own custom point builds, similar to open mode. Allowing users to no longer be restricted to a specific build per class choice, but allowing them a much wider range of choices similar to open mode. The next update of Legends will feature massive sweeping changes to the existing set of classes as a result of that addition and other things we are adding.
        Humanoid Revamp
    For the past few years DT has been working on building our Humanoid Revamp. This revamp standardizes how animations are made, added, and used within MB2. In addition many animations have been updated or entire new ones created for both existing and future features. One way we have made it easier is that weapons now have "Animsets" which allow us to specify groups of animations for certain weapons or types of weapons. Which means when we add a new weapon or one is used in FA, it can use a specific animation set rather than having to go through adding cases across code manually for each specific animation or use case.

    We will be showcasing some of the new animations in later dev diaries detailing new abilities, weapons, etc.
      Future Class Updates
    This year will be our largest year ever in terms of class updates. Over half of the classes in the game are scheduled to receive at least one item/upgrade/weapon some time this year, with some of those classes receiving major updates or changes. Huge shake-ups are about to happen. Many of the abilities are not quite ready to be shown, however today we will be teasing you with some of them.

    First up to bat is Jedi. As part of the saber update we have been working on the rework for this class's force powers and general ability set. Most if not all of the abilities for the class are receiving a pass of some sort to refine or add to the class. With the goal of giving players more options, as well as the ability to specify what you want out of the class more than before. This includes making "Force Whore" a fully featured part of the class's design.

    Now, as we are only giving you some teasers today, here is a look at the buy menu for the class. Please note though that point values are placeholders and not final values.
        CR-2 Heavy Blaster Pistol
    Jedi is far from the only class receiving an update. Next up is the reveal of a new weapon for Troopers (Rebel Soldier): the CR-2. CR-2 is a weapon seen being used by the Naboo Security forces featuring its unique green blaster bolts, a high fire rate, a modified versions of old EE-3s shot bloom mechanic, and a design focused around close-range "hip firing".
      DC-15A Blaster Carbine

    The DC-15A Blaster Carbine is a staple of the Clone Trooper that we will be finally adding into MB2. Canonically it functions similarly to an E-11, and that is not much different here. However, it will feature many stat variations to differentiate the two as well as a brand new stun mechanic, as well as the ability to use it in tandem with the previously revealed M3 Bulwark Blast Shield, with reduced accuracy of course.

      Model & Map Updates
    Our modelers have been absolute machines over the past few months. We have a whole slew of player models and skins coming in a patch later today, but we want to highlight a few here to show case some of their hard work. However, they haven't stopped there and we have a group of new models to showcase as well.
      Commander Gree & Nemec   Ahsoka Series Nighttrooper   Han Solo Upgrade   Shadows of the Empire Trooper   Droid pistol RG-4D, Imperial Officer RK-3, Scout Blaster EC-17   DE-10   E-11 Upgrade Highpoly   DL-21 Highpoly

    Our newest team mapper Bob Billy has been slaving away on two new maps as well. Our first full open mode Taris map: Sith Base, and a new Manaan map: Hrakert Station. In the future he will be detailing more about these two maps but for now here is a quick teaser!
        Patch Day
    With today being such a special day, we wanted to not only give players a look into what we are working on, but also some new content to play with. Later today we will be launching the latest v1.10.1 patch for everyone.

    This is a small patch that focuses mainly on cosmetic upgrades and a few bugfixes. Modelers have been working overtime!
      General Future Plans
    This year, with most of the backend reworks done, we hope to deliver patches at a faster rate than last year. Many of the changes taking place for the next major patch should help us do just that, while at the same time adding a lot of content for everyone. We also hope to deliver the first new class in the mod in over 15 years. However, you're going to have to wait a bit longer for the reveal on that one.    
  3. Circa liked a post in a topic by chloe in Chloe's WIP Thread - Jedi: Rising Order   
    After many years of downloading Jedi Academy mods, I've finally decided to start making my own! Right now I'm working on a UI overhaul that I'm tentatively calling Jedi: Rising Order. The aim is to modernise the UI and bring it more in line with what it would look like if Jedi Academy was released in the current canon, similar to the Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor games. 
    So far I've released a splash screen replacer as a teaser, before moving on to the much bigger task of remaking all of the menus. 
    Download link for the splash screen: 
  4. Circa liked a post in a topic by GPChannel in STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)   
    The top of the Rakata temple is ready for the fight of Bastilla and Revan!

  5. Circa liked a post in a topic by Tompa9 in Tompa's WIP thread   
    After a long time, I jumped from MD development to my personal creation and tried to create a basis for High Republic models. Not sure what I'll do with those in the future, I might release some High Republic Jaden customization or something. Would definitely like to create more alternative outfits that we are going to see in the Acolyte show.

  6. Circa liked a post in a topic by GPChannel in STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)   
    A little gift to the Movie Duels fans.
    Luis Humanoide finished the main theme for our Tales of the Galaxy Season 2: Legend of Revan project.
  7. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Serverliste Top 10   
    The one I've had work was Ä
  8. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: April 2024   
    Plenty to talk about, so let's get started!

    The 2nd level in Luke's Dark Side ending is coming along very well. The most complicated portion has been completed, so all that's left is to fill in the blanks!
    More than likely this level is about 50% completed, as the part that mattered the most took a very long time to complete. I'm very proud of the work and I can't wait to show you all more. However, I can't show off anything right now, but I hope in the next report I'll have something cool to show you all.


    We were able to gather up more characters to bring to Galactic Legacy in the next update! YAY! Here's a list of who they are and where they'll be going. I'll provide a more complete and organized list once Luke's ending is completed.
    General Mohc (Officer Uniform) (Galactic Empire) by Jeff Vette (Knights of the Fallen Empire) (Eternal Alliance) ported by Jeff Toryn Farr (Rebel Alliance) by Jeff Leesub Sirln (Civilians) by Jeff Lak Sivrak (Civilians) by Jeff Royce Hemlock (Galactic Empire) by SebTheAlchemist Tusken King (Civilians) by Jeff Sabine Wren (Model Update) (Rebel Alliance) ported by SebTheAlchemist from Galaxy of Heroes Garazeb Orrelios (Model Update) (Rebel Alliance) ported by SebTheAlchemist from Galaxy of Heroes NPC FREE CHOICE SYSTEM

    A long requested feature that we've been asked for is the ability to customize an NPC's skin RGB.
    So....yeah....we did that.


    So there's a bit of an announcement to make with my personal life. I'm moving.
    As some of you might know, moving is a hassle, and settling down in a new home can be a fairly lengthy task.
    As things stand right now, myself and my fiancee will be moving to a new home on May 31st. Because of this, I have decided to take some time away from the mod and focusing on creating this new home and starting a new chapter.
    While I'm not saying that I am stopping all development on the mod on my end until this time is over, this will sadly mean that there will be no Progress Reports for the month of May or the month of June.
    During this time, I will continue developing what little I can, but primarily focusing this May on getting everything packed up, and then spending June to unpack and create a new home.
    Our next Progress Report will be in July, hopefully will more exciting news to share!
    We'll of course continue to post new previews for new things as they come along, so please don't consider this page or this mod as dead, we're still very much alive!
    As always, thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.
  9. Droidy365 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Easter family camp gaming   
    Wow, we don't see posts like this hardly ever but I love this. Sometimes its hard to get young kids into older games like this but it probably helps to have someone get them set up and looks like you got some Star Wars characters in there for them to play as which probably was a big bonus for them! Thanks for sharing!
  10. Circa liked a post in a topic by Scorpion828 in Serverliste Top 10   
    Thanks, it worked. It was probably because I took your cfg and edited it with noztepad++ this time. And not with the normal windows editor.
  11. Circa liked a post in a topic by NAB622 in Serverliste Top 10   
    For what it's worth - ParaTracker has a "Trim nonsense characters from server names" option under the visual adjustments. It is on by default, disabling it should make them visible. If it does not, then I have a bug to fix.
    Either way, glad to hear the issue is resolved.
  12. Circa liked a post in a topic by Noodle in Noodle's WIP Zone   
    Its been some time since my last post and even though I've been a bit inactive with my board activity that doesn't mean I haven't been doing things lately. I've been doing a lot of modelling and texturing recently but I haven't posted it around here because I don't want to give people false expectations about my future stuff. Some of the things I've done recently include helping Zander_Nao with a bunch of his cool ideas (like rigging the awesome Shadows of the Empire trooper model) and trying to contribute to JKGalaxies, which is my favorite mod by far. 
    I was a bit bummed that I couldn't finish a Nightsister related mod for last halloween so I hope this year I'll be able to upload at least 2 nightsister related things. Maybe an update to one of my already posted mods, who knows! 
    All that aside, here are some of the coolest things I've done in the recent months that I've neglected to share here:
    JKGalaxies has a bunch of unfinished assets that are quite well done, so one of the things I've done is to try and finish up some of them and get them to work ingame. Here's the texture I did for the "pyro" helmet:

    This was a headpiece for my male twi'lek model that was based on Hera's in the Ahsoka live action show. Since it wasn't finished in time for the last contest it didn't make the final cut, but here's how it was looking so far:

    Another thing I was doing for JKGalaxies were new enemy models for a certain map I'm working on. This is one of the concepts I did for the "Desert Biker Bandit" armor set:

    Part of the idea for this set that I had was that the player could equip different parts of the set to get a more customized look:

    Now that I feel more confident in my skills as a modeller I started working on an idea I had for a very long time, which was to create a "Cultural Mod Pack" for both JKGalaxies and creative modders that want to use it in their projects. The idea is to pick a star wars culture and create a bunch of assets that can be used for map making or role playing. Right now I'm working on a "Tusken Culture" mod, so far I've worked on the female tusken and child tusken outfits we saw in Attack of the Clones. Here's how they look so far: 
    Female Tusken:

    Tusken Children:

    So far this is what I've done, I hope soon I'll be able to update this thread again with cooler stuff! 
  13. Providenci Krajcik liked a post in a topic by Circa in A big news about Ubisoft!   
    Like Lancelot said, it is only for inactive accounts with no purchases, which means accounts that signed up and didn't use it (which is extremely common, we see that here on JKHub too)
    Here's the official page that outlines it:
    So don't worry about it if you actually use your account or have used it in the past.
  14. smsdalle liked a post in a topic by Circa in Can't spawn npc   
    Like I said, could be too many NPCs too, not just vehicles. By JK2 maps, do you mean a pk3 with jk2 maps converted to work properly with JKA or did you just pop in the jk2 assets?
    Your best bet is to troubleshoot by process of elimination. Take out all pk3s except for assets, and add one by one (or a few at a time) to nail down which pk3 is causing the problem.
  15. Xoxx liked a post in a topic by Circa in Is there a mod to practice light saber duels with NPCs?   
    Either the npc spawn cheat or go into multiplayer and play against bots. You could also go into online multiplayer and play against real people. Some servers and clans will be friendly enough to offer you tips.
  16. GamerRedNeck liked a post in a topic by Circa in Easter family camp gaming   
    Wow, we don't see posts like this hardly ever but I love this. Sometimes its hard to get young kids into older games like this but it probably helps to have someone get them set up and looks like you got some Star Wars characters in there for them to play as which probably was a big bonus for them! Thanks for sharing!
  17. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Image uploads now enabled   
    Discord has started blocking externally linked images now too. Please avoid using Discord image links. Just upload directly like explained above.
  18. Circa liked a post in a topic by smsdalle in Easter family camp gaming   
    The left handed player is my nephew 😄 I'm lefthanded too, but on a pc and guitar, I play right handed 😄 the family camp is coming to an end, we all have to get home for the big resurrection celebration parties at our different church's tomorrow. So I'm packing up and just wanted to show the "Portable Jedi Academy" 😉😁🤪

  19. Maui liked a post in a topic by Circa in Easter family camp gaming   
    Wow, we don't see posts like this hardly ever but I love this. Sometimes its hard to get young kids into older games like this but it probably helps to have someone get them set up and looks like you got some Star Wars characters in there for them to play as which probably was a big bonus for them! Thanks for sharing!
  20. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: March 2024   
    Good month for the mod! Let's get started!

    As with the previous months, this month was also heavily involved with developing Luke's Dark Side ending's 1st level. Shortly after the release of the last progress report, I received the needed assets in order to continue with production. We're hoping that this level starts off the ending strongly.

    Plasma recently updated his saber pack! We've added them to the mod and they are good to go! YAY! Huge thanks to Plasma for his awesomely awesome work!
    Baylan Skoll Dagan Gera Ezra Bridger (Peridea) Jedi Temple Guard (Folded) Joruus C'Baoth (Default color may be inaccurate, if you know what color it's supposed to be, please let me know) Sabine Wren Shin Hati Yoda (High Republic)


    Some light work was also done on fixing up Force Stasis and Destruction, which boiled down to a single bug fix and a cosmetic tweak.
    Fixed an issue where Force Stasis's sound would continue playing on the player after the power's effects wore off. Force Destruction will no longer disintegrate non-animal vehicles. APRIL FOOLS DAY

    We don't have any new "content" planned for April Fools day, but as always our April Fools changes will be available all day April 1st! Fight against Wilbur Wonka and his gigantic lolly of death in a silly reimagining of Darth Maul's extended ending!

    This month has been very interesting and hopefully additional progress of Luke's dark side ending can continue without any further interruptions. We have a few other things secretly happening behind the scenes that we hope to report on soon!
    As always, thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you!
  21. Circa liked a post in a topic by smsdalle in Easter family camp gaming   
    Thanks 😁
    Here's the boys from a week and a half ago

  22. Circa liked a post in a topic by smsdalle in Easter family camp gaming   
    Hi guys.. I found my way back to JA two weeks ago after 20years. I played JK2 single player back in boarding school 21+years ago till I could help complete the game with my back turned and we played the JK2 multiplayer so hard on LAN back then. Then I finish school and started as a electrician and JA came out, the campaign was okay, but had nobody to play mp with.. two weeks ago I put JA on 5 laptops I had and took it with me to the club for school kids and the 4 boys loved it. .found some extra laptops and now at my wife's family's annual get together camp/celebration of Christ's resurrection. I brought these and the kids gamed for little over an hour. It was great, there's not a lot of people on these pics, but two minutes before the pictures,  cake was brought out, that's why the low count of gamers 😁😉 this is great, what you guys are doing, is nothing short of amazing.

  23. mrwonko liked a post in a topic by Circa in Blender 4.0 error with importing GLM files   
    You changed the JKHub page to link to that page a couple years ago. 😛
  24. WhiteSaber liked a post in a topic by Circa in Needing Help in Making a Character available in SP mod   
    Sorry I didn't look that closely at it since I assumed Cerez had tested before uploading. I just included the missing strings file that is required for SP menu support. I also went ahead and just included all of the original files too so you only need one pk3 for SP. If you click the download link on the main download page it will show two downloads, original and the new SP one.
    By the way, if you wanted to learn for yourself how to edit these things or make your own mods, a good starting place is this tutorial which links to other tutorials on various topics. The tutorial for SP support can be found here and here.
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